Flash Marriage: The Domineering Wife

Chapter 364 - The strongest vrs The evilest

"So be it." She challenged and flung the body away from her but none of them took their eyes off each other, eyes riveted on every limb, anticipating every move.

She knew he had woken up too early and was not at his true strength while she was powered by a hatred so strong she could taste it. She fired the first volley, she summoned her powers, the energy taking on a red cast before she blasted him.

He tore it apart with a belligerent wave of his hand but it cost him, she knew what it cost him, he was suddenly paler than before and she knew the sheen on his skin wasn't just because of his ethereal beauty.

Then he fired back, the color of his power was white, biting and hungry, flickering in the air for a moment as if tasting its target before it was released. 

She darted behind Yan Mei's body, using her as a shield. Just as she expected, the unconscious body deflected the shot, scattering that power in a show of harsh light but the dimension did not escape its wrath, it ate at it, a darkness that was all consuming.

You would kill me for her, and I have loved you all my life." Her words were a statement of fact, the evidence in the collapsing dimension between them

She is the world to me, nothing in heaven, earth or hell surpasses her" he admitted, stoic, not even making an attempt to spare her feelings anymore.

The surge of rage had her seeing red, she could see it now, long as she was alive, the Lord of hell would never see her, would never pay her attention, would never truly accept her.

She had claimed to love him earlier, she still did but she had also said she was proud. That pride warred with love and her heart broke. 

Her hands wrapped around that delicate body though  already littered with bruises. She was determined to see this through, to enjoy it if this was the last thing she did.


He'd sensed her intentions and for the first time in his entire existence, he knew fear. He watched those hands wrap around his daughters throat while her assailant looked him dead in the eyes with a suicidal determination. It was only suicidal for her to believe that anything less than a thousand years of torture awaited her but only after he stripped her of all her powers first.

It had destroyed her completely and somehow without even singeing Yan Mei , he flashed to her side and caught the body before it hit the floor. Although her assailant was destroyed, she remained untouched by the force of the power he had wielded but such was the strength of the protection on her.

The protection he had cast at birth on her. He cradled her, murmuring soft words of reassurance as he walked from that crumbling dimension into the real world.


Her eyes fluttered, but Yan Mei kept them closed. The truth was that she was afraid, in death she could finally allow herself to acknowledge that truth. If she was in heaven or hell, she didn't want to know yet.

"Wake up my precious child, you're still alive."

That voice! Yan Mei's eyes snapped wide open and she saw her father crouched in front of her, while she was tucked into the arms of her husband who was sitting on the kitchen floor, his hands were like thick bands anchoring her but she still had to ask. "Dad? Am I dead?"

"No dear, not yet. I'm sorry that I took so long to come to save my baby" her father replied, apologizing in his swirling eyes. 

It was something to know she was the daughter of Lucifer, the Lord of hell but she had made her peace with that a long time ago. "My baby?!" She gasped, hit with sudden thought as her hands traveling to cup her flat stomach

"They are both fine" her father informed her.

"They?" Her confusion apparent, she believeshe had said 'both'

"You are pregnant with twins but that is not the only surprise here. Your husband comes from a family of white witches even though he, himself doesn't have that power and they have powerful white magic, something that the demons hate and now your babies have both" her father informed her softly

"Both? But how?" this came from Lei Zhao who was taking the events of the night in an unruffled stride, his helplessness still rankled but Yan Mei was okay and so were their children and that was all that really mattered

'The boy has both your dark powers and his father's and the girl has her father's." The devil answered his daughter, his eyes refusing to leave her even for a minute.

"Won't they hurt her and each other?" His worry was apparent.

"No, I've taken care of it, I've sealed their powers until they are 18 when they can learn a bit more control" he informed them

"Thank you Dad" a small smile curved her lips 

"It's the smallest thing I can do, I almost lost my baby today." His voice was smothered in regret and Yan Mei hated that, before she could stay a word, Lei Zhao beat her to it.

"You came in time to save her, I was here and I couldn't do anything."

"No, you tried. I heard you calling me, it gave me the hope to keep holding on." Yan Mei confessed, unwilling to allow the two of them to continue the blame game they insisted on playing.

Lei Zhao tightened his hands around her without a word as he rocked her softly, she knew he was going to hover and be overprotective for the longest time but she was okay with that. He could hold her forever if he wanted.

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