"Meimei, where are you?" Wang Lu asked as he searched every corner of the house. He was beginning to get worried. She was always there waiting for him when he comes back home from work, but today she wasn't there.

With a panic-stricken face, he loosened his tie and shouted her name again.

"Meimei!!" The servants said she hasn't stepped foot outside of their room today so where was she? Wang Lu stopped for a second and realized he didn't check the left-wing of the house.

She liked to hide there when they were playing sometimes. With a relief smile, Wang Lu ran towards the left-wing of the house. He took a deep breath and wiped the sweats on his face when he saw her standing there.

Bright yellow lights gleamed through the windows and fell on her. Her desolate back was facing him.

Inexplicably, Wang Lu had a bad premonition in his heart. A feeling of impending doom overwhelmed him.

"Meimei?" He called out her name softly. Wang Lu walked towards her slowly like he was afraid everything was an illusion and she will disappear at any moment.

Just as he reached a foot away from her, Feng Mei turned around. Wang Lu widened his eyes in fear and panic when he saw the scene in front of him.

Feng Mei was wearing a black A-line V neck floor-length satin dress with beading sequins. Her eyes were frosted over, with a statuesque look of pain etched in her face. Blood was oozing from her eyes and her heart was torn open. She was holding her beating heart in her hand with blood oozing from it and staining her dress. The sound of blood dripping on the floor sounded in the quiet hall.

Wang Lu felt his whole body frozen at that moment, no words could explain his mood at that moment. Terror, panic, hurt, sadness, self-blame, and horror. He looked up at her, he wanted to ask why? but it seems a big hand was holding his throat.

He couldn't make a sound or move. It was like an external force was keeping him from doing anything, it wanted him to watch how he has hurt the woman he swore he loved and will protect.

Time seems to freeze as they gaze at each other, for what seems like an eternity he finally saw her soft lips stretched into a smile but it didn't reach her eyes. They were filled with sadness. He would have laughed when he saw the forced expression of her trying to smile which made her face look distorted if it didn't make his heart feel heavy.

"Goodbye." Wang Lu heard her whispered in the quiet hall. He wanted to scream, he wanted to call out her name and tell her how much he loves her but he couldn't.

He didn't want to turn into a random image that floated in the pool of her memory. He could only watch as she disappeared from his sight. Tears welled up in his eyes and spilled down his cheeks. Soon he was weeping helplessly. He fell on the ground the moment she disappeared.

"NO!!" Wang Lu screamed as his eyes shot open. he launched himself off the bed in an upright position panting heavily. He was sweating profusely and his eyes were bloodshot. He took a deep breath and turned to look at his alarm clock which was beeping.

Groaning he shut the annoying clock which was making noise down.

Wang Lu didn't know why but after this nightmare he felt more empty like he has lost something important, his mood was quite complicated.

This is the third nightmare he has had this week. Different scenes but one thing was common among his nightmares. Feng Mei was always saying goodbye to him.

The look of sadness and face on her face mounted a roar of memories, reminding him too much of what he did. He knew he shouldn't have thrown her on the streets she had no one.

He could have filed for a decent divorce but he was blinded by his anger at that time. His ego got the best of him. He cringed and tried to extract himself from his sorrow, weakness, and regrets.

He sighed as he fell into deep thought. 'Were these nightmares trying to say something to him?'


Lei Zhao woke up in the morning and looked at the woman sleeping beside him with her hand around his waist, head buried under his underarm, and their legs that were intertwined. He smiled softly, he wanted to wake up like this every morning.

If someone had told him he will fall in love about a month ago he would have laughed at the person and call the person crazy. But here he was smiling like a fool over a woman whom he knows doesn't love him. He didn't mind though, he knew sooner or later he will have her whole heart. He shifted gently, trying not to wake her up.

He wanted to get a better look at her face. She looked so beautiful even when she is sleeping. Lei Zhao doesn't know when he fell in love with her but he knew he loves her.

Heck, he will never let anyone hurt again. He brushed the strands of hair that covers her cheeks gently to the side. Yan Mei stirred in her sleep when she felt his hands on her cheeks. Slowly she opened her eyes and stared at him.

"Good morning." Lei Zhao greeted as he placed tiny kisses on her neck.

"Morning." Yan Mei murmured.

"Did you sleep well?" Lei Zhao asked as he grinned. Yan Mei nodded. Lei Zhao rolled on top of her and she squealed.

He rubbed his hard erection on her thighs with a smirk on his face and she m.o.a.ned.

"You....what are you doing?" Lei Zhao trusted in her leisurely. Yan Mei didn't even know when he removed her panties

."We can't---Oh God!"Yan Mei clenched the sheet of the bed when he removed his c.o.c.k and thrust deeper increasing his speed.

"Don't stop." Lei Zhao grinned when he heard her and placed her legs on his shoulder as he thrust deeper into her.

He groaned once they both climax and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Go take a shower, I will go and prepare breakfast."

Yan Mei got down from the bed and tried to steady her shaky legs. Lei Zhao smirked in satisfaction.

Just as Yan Mei was halfway to the bathroom she heard a growl from Lei Zhao.

"Wifey, if you don't hurry up we might not leave this room today."

Yan Mei glared at him and hurriedly rushed into the bathroom slamming the door shut. She could hear Lei Zhao's laughter even from behind the door.

She wanted to wake up every morning like this, Yan Mei thought as she stood under the shower with a smile on her face.

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