Flash Marriage: The Domineering Wife

Chapter 376 - First meeting

"All right everyone, thank you for coming to the meeting," Edward thanked his staff and guests, with a stiff smile on his face that looked like it was painted there by a sweeping brush stroke of a stoic artist.

He was tall. Tall and imposing, with broad shoulders that threatened to rip apart his beautifully tailored suit.

His face was handsome in a laid-back way, with hardly any facial hair in sight, but for bushy brows on his smooth forehead. He had a semi buzz cut on. His lush, dark hair jutted off his head in shiny one-inch strands.

Amy stood at the foot of the large conference table, notepad and pen in hand, but her mind had drifted far from thoughts of work.

She stared at her new boss, wondering what it would be like to run her hands over his short hair, or c.a.r.e.s.s his smooth skin.

She could feel herself getting moist at the mere thought. She squeezed her legs together in protest but found that it only made the sensations even worse.

She watched his lips move as he addressed the small crowd seated at the table but heard nothing.

She could only wonder what it would be like to have those lips all over hers. She smiled at the thought. It would be just like in those novels, she was dead certain. Her heart threatened to jump out of her c.h.e.s.t, but she managed to still herself.

"Edward, I commend your efforts, but I don't think that your new and fresh ideas will be good for the company."

An older staff member stopped Edward in his tracks, offering helpfully. "If your father were here, he would–"

"Xie Cheng, my father, bless his soul, is no more. He handed this company over to me to run, so it's mine.

I respect you Mr. Cheng, that's the only reason why you're here, Try not to blow it," Edward replied impatiently, letting the man know that his input was not needed. 

Amy's eyes went wide with surprise as she listened to the conversation between the two men. 

"Edward is a firecracker, that one," Mei Mei Chung commented, startling Amy a little. She had almost forgotten that Mei Mei Chung was at this meeting too.

The woman moved like air; silent yet permeating every space. Her eyes held a soft gaze and her lips a gentle smile, probably reminiscing some sweet moment.

Amy looked back and forth between the old woman and the back of the rude man. 'I hope he isn't rude to me like that,' she thought.

"These kids, act like they know everything," Xie Cheng muttered under his breath as he barged out of the office, hitting Mei Mei Chung and not bothering to apologize.

"Are you okay?" Amy rushed to the old woman's side.

"It takes more than that to hurt me, Amy," Mei Mei Chung said with a wistful smile. Plus, old Xie Cheng is always ready to burst.

He and young boss here hardly ever see eye to eye. But they make a good team regardless." She chuckled, brushing the incident off graciously. "Now come with me, it's time to meet the man you work for."


"Mei Mei Chung, you look lovely today," Edward greeted fondly, bowing respectfully to the older woman. Taking her by the arm, he led her into his office, totally disregarding Amy.

Amy stood gobsmacked, wondering about the sudden switch up.

Besides being blindingly appealing, she could already tell that her new boss would be quite a handful for her. But instead of apprehension, she could feel excitement building on her insides.

"Oh Edward, you don't have to be so doting, you know that I'm stronger than you without even trying," Mei Mei Chung protested weakly. It was obvious that she enjoyed Edward's affections for her.

Amy followed quietly behind them, watching the little drama unfolding in front of her. A smile creeped up her face unnoticed.

"I know, Mei Mei Chung, but you are the most valuable human in this entire office, and I could die if anything happened to you," he replied the old woman, making her sit and then sitting beside her on the arm rest of the couch.

She was the oldest working staff of the family, having taken care of his father and now him. He trusted her with his life, and she was the one person with whom he had no problems being openly affectionate.

"Who are you, and what do you want?"  he called out, his voice deep and even more intimidating than his heavy build.

The words in Amy's head jumbled up as she looked tried to reply, but the only words that left her lips were "Uhhh."

'How does he manage to make anger look so hot?' Amy thought, trying to control her facial expression and stare less but failing miserably. 

This man, Edward, resembled a perfectly carved marble statue, every line and crease on his face looking like they were made to be exactly where they were, with a jawline sharp enough that it could cut through glass. 

This man, was a Greek god and no one could convince the awestruck Amy any differently.

"Edward, my dear boy, she is the new employee I told you about, remember? The one who is supposed to take my place as your assistant," the older woman explained patiently in a manner that said she was all too used to Edward's tics.

She knew how easily Edward got irritated, and she would rather not have him scare the poor girl further. 

"Oh? So why is she standing there like a statue then? Come on in and introduce yourself," He responded brusquely, waving Amy in.

Mei Mei Cheng stood up and tapping Amy lightly on the back, she took her leave of them.

"I-I'm sorry," Amy sputtered, as she stepped in on unsteady legs that had turned to jelly. Her face was rapidly turning a deep shade of red as her embarrassment reached an all-time high. 

"I'm Amy Lee," she finally managed, and then stretched out her hand out to shake his, but he just stared condescendingly at her outstretched hand, looking at her lithe frame from head to toe.

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