Flash Marriage: The Domineering Wife

Chapter 389 - The visit(2)

He had an online game to play with some of his friends before school. He announced the importance of a CEO conducting the proceedings of a huge merger or acquisition.

Edward could already feel himself warming up to the youth. He smiled at the retreating young man before making his way inside.

He felt like a thief in the shadows but since he had signed up to do something this silly, he would as well have to see it to the very conclusion.

He located Amy's room after an awkward stumble into the kitchen and when he laid his eyes on her sleeping form, he felt his heart leap. He pulled up the chair closer to her bed and stroked her silky red hair.

"Red," he muttered, inhaling deeply. Against his better judgement, he could feel his manhood stiffen with arousal.

He was glad she was not awake to see him be so affected by her mere existence. He could see she had slept nearly n.a.k.e.d, as the blanket had pulled away from her body in her sleep.

He admired her smooth t.h.i.g.hs, tracing the air not more than a centimeter above them. He wanted so badly to get into bed beside her and press his tumid d.i.c.k against her firm, round a.s.s.

The fact that he could not both annoyed and aroused him even more. He watched her toss and turn, then turn again.

But try as hard as he could to conjure up ugly images of gross things in his head, all he could see was beautiful, sleepy Amy.

The one who was stealing his heart truckful after truckful. When she pulled the blanket over her head, he figured she had finally been released from the throes of sleep.

In all honesty, he had not meant to startle her, so when she jumped at his words, he could not help but feel amused.

And now, she was staring at him with a quizzical look on her face.

"What are you doing here so early in the morning?" She was less scared and more intrigued now. What was wrong with her boss?

She could not have imagined this even in her wildest dreams. It was all she could do not to ask him to pinch her so she could be sure that this was not just a figment of her imagination.

"Oh, my dear Red, it really is not all that early. The sun is out but you were too busy sleeping to know that," Edward retorted, trying to get some of his bitingness into the conversation.

He had no idea how to explain away this odd visit to Amy. He would have to stall her by being his usual brash self, he figured. "I can see you took today off, then," he continued in the spirit of annoying her.

"No, sir," Amy said, as if only suddenly remembering the precarious position she was in. somehow in her head, she must have thought this was a weekend, especially after the kind of night she had had.

"I have a really bad headache and I… I…" she was at a loss as to what else she could say. "I'm sorry," she said, lowering her head and wringing her hands.

"If it's okay, I'll just take some painkillers and hurry off to the bathroom. I should be ready in no time if you don't mind, sir." 

Edward merely stared at her, relishing her discomfort. He felt like a bad person for enjoying seeing her so rattled, but something about how vulnerable she looked in this moment excited him more than he was willing to let on. He just sat there, smiling at her without saying anything.

"Sir?" she prompted; her voice shaky with apprehension. 'Oh my god, Amy! You are so stupid and now you are going to get fired without a doubt,' she thought in panic.

But then, she could not help but wonder why he was smiling. His actions were constantly leaving her puzzled and at a loss for any reasonable explanation.

He still had not told her why he had snuck into her house uninvited. He could not possibly have come here just to stare at her and smile.

The more she wondered about his motives, the more her curiosity piqued and her headache along with it.

"It's okay, Red. You don't have to do any of that," he said finally. "In fact, you can have tomorrow off as well," he added sighing deeply, the wide, unsettling smile leaving his face only to be replaced by worry lines as he ran a hand through his hair. 

There was a startled expression on Amy's face. She could not have masked it even if she tried. Edward saw it and decided to just come clean.

"You can stop looking like a rabbit caught in headlights," he teased. "I just feel terrible after everything that happened yesterday.

I had meant to lighten your burdens but instead, it turns out I might have ended up annoying you even more. The things I said to you yesterday…" he paused.

"I actually mean well, you know. I just don't know how to be like the rest of you all." he ended and chuckled sadly.

He felt stupid for displaying so much weakness and explaining himself, but he just could not bear to see her so bothered without offering any explanations.

Anyway, like I said, take the day off and then some. But remember, when it's back to work, it's back to work. No excuses," he ended regaining some of his composure.

"Yes, sir," she nodded. "And thank you. I really do appreciate you being this kind to me," she added, relief coursing through her like a waterfall.

"But you do realize that showing up to my house so early in the morning is just downright creepy, just so you know," Amy told him, a smug smirk on her face feeling pleased that she could get on over him too.

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