Flash Marriage: The Domineering Wife

Chapter 391 - The d.e.s.i.r.e

"Come to make sure I don't cook you some delicious poison?" he asked playfully.

"Well, no. I… I just thought you would maybe get lost again or maybe you would not be able to find where I keep stuff but it appears you're doing just fine without me," she responded, trying not to be continuously tongue tied around him.

"You underestimate my capabilities, Red," he said, never losing a beat with the kneading.

He had been smiling still, but something about the way he said that last sentence made Amy shiver with d.e.s.i.r.e.

She could feel her n.i.p.p.l.es harden in response. And even though she willed her body to stop reacting to the man as much, she knew she was absolutely helpless against him and his charming aura.

He worked fast. Or maybe time had become warped somehow and thus no longer counted in the way she knew it, but soon the dough was separated into small sections and he stuffed them with the already cooked Chicken mince and then folded the edges together, so they looked like small satchels.

All that was left to complete the look would have been tiny fancy gold threads tied around their puckered tops.

When the food was ready, Amy helped his lay the table. Her first bite into the bun tasted like all the heavens in one place. Her palate exploded with flavors.

"Where on earth did a spoilt brat like you learn to cook so good?" she asked, not even realizing what she had called him.

All she could think about was the fluffy goodness filling her mouth with delight.

He flinched inwardly at the comment, but showed no outward annoyance.

"Mei Mei Chung taught me," he said matter of factly. "I know a whole lot more, but I could barely find anything in your kitchen to cook with, which is why I settled for making you some of these babies," he added, gesturing towards the plates of food before them, with a self-assured smile.

Amy's face flamed hot red with embarrassment. He probably thought of her as irresponsible now, because her house was an untidy mess and there wasn't any food.

She made a mental note to go shopping for groceries as soon as he was gone.

Presently, she had just one focus and that was to cram herself full of as many of these delicious buns as she could manage without getting sick. She ate them quickly, in big, greedy bites.

Pleased and proud that he could have done something so satisfying and enjoyable for her.

He nibbled slowly on his buns, engrossed as he was in his enjoyment of her enjoying his cooking.

It was true that Mei Mei Chung had taught him some great skills in the kitchen but he could not recall ever having had to use them for anyone but himself and even that was rare seeing as he had a whole kitchen staff at his beck and call forever ready to cook up a storm if he so much as lifted his finger in request.

He did not have to anyway, as there was always a hearty meal whenever he had need of eating at home.

From staring at her, his eyes fixated on the movement of her lips, how they curled around the food, her jaws working as she chewed on the cooked dough, separated the spicy flesh of the chicken from the less tasty flour balls.

He wanted that mouth on his. He wanted it so bad, he could hardly keep himself from pulling her to himself from the other end of the table.

After what felt like an eternity with her head buried in the food, she looked up to pick up her glass of water.

Their eyes met and for a second Edward could swear the room temperature increased by several degrees.

On her end, it felt like she was sitting right in the middle of a hurricane. She felt faint from the intensity of his gaze.

She jumped up startled. She was not expecting any guests. No one ever really visited her and Gu Zhou except Chynna and the latter was on a modelling trip outside of the country.

So, she paused for a moment, hesitant to get the door. The urgent chime of the bell came again and this time, her feet propelled her towards the door. She reached it and pulled it open to see something surprising.

"Delivery from the Super Brand Mall for Ms. Lee," said the lanky young man standing in front of Amy's front porch.

She blinked a couple of times, confused as to what the fellow was doing in front of her house. She could not remember having placed any orders for any anything.

"Are you she?" the store person asked when Amy made no effort to respond.

"Yes, but…" she nodded, but tried to tell him he probably had the wrong address.

"We received a call a little over an hour ago asking that we deliver some household stuff and groceries to this address," the fellow said, pushing past her as he began to bring the bags of shopping inside.

"So then, who is going to pay for all of this?" she exclaimed, following him inside.

"It has all been paid for, ma'am," the store agent responded, hardly even looking at her as he shuffled between her living room and front porch.

She turned to see Edward smiling at her bewilderment and that was when the truth dawned on her.

"Did you do this?" she asked, walking swiftly towards him. She already knew what the answer was, but she wanted to hear him say it. She could not place the reason why, but she was getting visibly angry.

"I had to," he shrugged. "I figured you had run out of stuff and I still had one more recipe to dazzle you with. And judging by how ravenously you ate up the last one, I cannot help but think I made the right call."

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