Flash Marriage: The Domineering Wife

Chapter 399 - Bringing flowers (2)

"Why, forgive my misassumption, kind sir. I see you doing your job and protecting the house. May I please make your acquaintance?" Jun Mo said good-naturedly.

"I'm Gu Zhou Lee. Have you come to ask out my sister?" Gu Zhou replied.

Jun Mo blushed and then stuttered. "It's a little complicated, you know. It's..." he wanted to say how only grownups would get the nuances but he did not want to offend his new friend, so he just let it slide.

"Well, you've brought flowers," Gu Zhou shrugged, pointing at the carefully tied bouquet of assorted flowers Jun Mo had in his left hand.

"Right," he said, looking down as if he had forgotten. He probably had.

Amy stepped in and shooed her little brother away.

"Nice to meet you," Gu Zhou called over his back as he skipped away.

Jun Mo and Amy laughed awkwardly. Then he extended the flowers to her. She gracefully accepted them.

She pushed her hair back and tucked it behind her ear with her free hand. She figured she looked like a mess and regretted why she had not taken Chynna's advice from the night before.

"Come on in," she said, stepping aside to let him through.

She offered tea and biscuit and while they munched on the food, they talked quietly.

"I'm certain your friend already told you but I had to also come and ask you in person," Jun Mo said softly.

"My parents, especially my ma, are hosting a charity event in the week to follow and I would like you to accompany me as my date."

it was a small task but it left him feeling more exerted than was normal. Perhaps, it was because he was aware of the deceit he and Chynna were weaving and he hoped that Amy would not see through it.

In fact, it did not really matter if she did as long as she went along with it. He could not bear to be the one to destroy Chynna's hard work because he would not be able to lie so brazenly to someone's face if she so much as asked.

"That is really sweet of you, Jun Mo," Amy said. "And I know Chynna put you up to this, so you need not worry about me getting angry or anything," she laughed softly. Jun Mo laughed along with her. He felt relieved.

"Is that a yes, then?" he asked.

"Why, of course. I have my dress laid out and everything. I appreciate the gesture.

You both are far too kind and this is a very welcome distraction," she added, smiling up at Jun Mo.

His mission underway, he thanked her for the hospitality and asked to take his leave. She walked him to the door.

"See you next weekend," he said, pausing at the door to face her. "I'll come pick you up two hours before dinner starts, if that's all right with you," he said in a questioning manner.

"I'd be glad," Amy assented. Jun Mo bowed lightly to her and made for his car.

She still had a smile on her face when she went back inside the house. She picked up the flowers and held them to her nose for short while.

Then she went to her room to find a vase for them. This kind gesture by her friend and Jun Mo was enough to carry her through yet another rough week at the office with Edward and she was determined to savor all of it.

But even more so, she was determined to have a good time with Jun Mo at the event. She would let her hair down a little, dance and drink and try to forget that her heart was rebelling against her by beating for someone who cared little or nothing for her.

She sniffed the flowers again as she filled her makeshift vase with water and thanked the universe for small mercies.


The week was a blur for Amy. She worked with one end goal in mind. Getting through to the weekend and going to the charity ball with Jun Mo.

When she woke up on Saturday morning, she was almost bursting with excitement. She picked up the phone and dialed Chynna.

It was an excruciating seven hours before her doorbell rang. She opened it up to see Jun Mo, dressed in a standard black tux and a deep purple bowtie. She smiled.

Chynna had helped her get ready and she was jittery but quite certain that she looked dazzling. When she took Jun Mo's arm and let him lead her towards the limo parked outside, she felt like a princess.

The drive down to the event center was characterized by a sprinkling of small talk between her and her date for the night. They arrived to a milling crowd of people dressed gaily for the event.

But Amy felt another wave of gratitude to Chynna because she blended in quite well in her expensive dress. She let Jun Mo help her up the stairs and into the building.

The lights were dim but the hanging decorations of hanging red lantern string lights and cherry flowers. It was beautiful and breathtaking.

Jun Mo greeted acquaintances and introduced her to most. She smiled politely, a sweet look that betrayed nothing of the excitement she was feeling at the moment.

Her heart stopped in his tracks when they came face to face with the one thing she had thought she was trying to avoid even if only for a few hours. He looked just as shocked to see her but he did not let the feeling linger.

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