She ran a hand down the front of his tux, stopping at the end and looking up at him through her lashes.

Edward could not derby the beauty that was Alexa Yang, but his heart has been taken by one far more beautiful.

"We both know that's a lie Alexa, you wouldn't miss your own child if they were too go missing."

"That was very unnecessary my love. You look dashing."

Edward brushed her hand away.

"You don't need me to swell your already inflated ego."

Men couldn't pay their eyes off Alexa, even more as she stood taking to Edward; some of them are her up with their gazes.

Before it would have bothered Edward, now, he didn't care much. This meeting reminded him of the fact that he needed to call things off with her father.

"It wouldn't hurt if you still said it." Alexa said, her voice low and seductive.

"What do you want Alexa?"

"I thought you would be more excited to see me, I mean we are to be married soon."

Edward inhaled sharply.

"The wedding is off Alexa, this is not what I planned to break the news."

Anger began to stop into her veins but Alexa controlled herself.

She was not going to allow this man make her lose her cool; so, she simply smiled and took a sip of her wine.

"You seem to have forgotten who my father is Edward. Once you make deals with a Yang, you cannot break them." Her voice was cool.

"You seem to have forgotten who I am Alexa, I am Edward Wu and my word is law. I am not bound by any contact with your father.

Why don't you go after something else Alexa, instead of standing here and making unnecessary threats."

Alexa's smile twicthed but she reached for Edward anyways and ran her finger foods down his lapels.

She looked him in the eyes, starting as bad as she could but ended up looking away.

Edward was a powerful man but he had stepped on the toes of a vengeful bitch.

"I'll see you when I see you, enjoy your evening Edward."

She gave him a fleeting smile and walked away. Edward watched her go, his mood having gone sour already.

He wanted nothing more than to lay wrapped in Amy's hands; he needed to take care of this mess before things got out of hand.

The last thing he wanted was to drag Amy into his mess. He went to look for the host of the party so he could take his leave, he would be damned if he let Alexa spoil his mood any further.

Alexa was beyond angry, Edward Wu had crossed a line he was going to regret. No one there Alexa Yang to the side like she was nothing. That night, when she got home And began to plan.

She used all the information she had gotten in Amy to plan; if Edward was going to be stubborn then she had no choice but to take matters into her own hands.

She was going to have Edward one way or another and she was going to remove every obstacle that was in her way.

"Stay close to one another please and no wandering off." The teacher yelled at the scrambling kids.

Gu Zhou followed his friend Rocky up a hill and over a bridge that led them to a waterfall, it was very beautiful.

The water was clear and the sound of the rushing water was oddly calming.

"I wish teacher would allow us go for a swim." Said Gu.

"Maybe we should ask her." Rocky said excitedly and the a rock into the water.

Gu Zhou nodded in agreement, equally excited as well and bent down to pick up a pebble to throw into the water too.

A crashing sound and a final the made him spring back up and look around, Rocky had disappeared.

He looked to the side of the hill what they had been standing and talked when he saw a blessing Rocky at the bottom.

"Rocky, hold on. Let me get help."


"Hurry up, I'm really nervous " Amy yelled at Edward, chewing her nails as they drove as fast as they could to the school.

Edward was just as worried as she was, Gu Zhou was a very good boy and hardly got into trouble at school. He hardly even got into trouble at home.

He didn't like the anxiety that was written all over Amy, she had been helping him with project when the call came and distracted them both.

When they got to the school, she jumped out of the car without waiting for him to stop and started for the front doors.

Edward met up with her in the principal's office where Gu Zhou was seated outside, a scared look on his face. Edward let Amy handle the principal while he went to sit down beside Gu Zhou.

"Are you okay buddy?" asked Edward.

Gu Zhou turned his big brown eyes on Edward and shook his head, tears forming in his eyes. Edward wasn't one to deal with emotions but he felt this boy's pain, he really wanted to know what had happened.

Amy soon came out of the office and without a glance in their direction, she told them to meet her by the car; it was quite obvious that she was angry.

At the car, Edward helped Gu Zhou in before he entered the driver's side and they just sat there. He looked over at Amy, grabbing her hand to try and calm her down before he went anywhere.

"My brother is a good boy." She said firmly, "They insist he pushed the other boy and made him fall down a hill, is that true Gu Zhou?"

The little boy who had been holding back tears began to sob, his boy shaking from the intensity of his crying. A stray tear fell down Amy's left cheek but she didn't give in to the urge to pet him.

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