What was the leech doing in his house by this time of the night, anger flooded Edward but he managed to control himself. He didn't have time for nonsense and certainly wasn't in the mood for it.

He kissed the housekeeper on the cheeks and let her take his coat before continuing on to the library where Alexa was waiting for him.

He got there and found her seated in his work chair, spinning round while holding open the book on chess Amy had given him.

"This is a very lovely boring read Edward, I didn't know you were into chess." She said, not looking up from the book.

"What do you want Alexa?" he asked, still standing by the door.

"That's the second time you're asking me that question, of course you know what I want."

She finally dropped the book and looked up at him, an icy smile on her perfect face.

"Oh, please do come in. I love the respect."

Edward's frown grew deeper, he stayed where he was and folded his hands against his c.h.e.s.t.

"I know about your little s.l.u.t Edward; I have no idea what is up with men and taking up s.l.u.ts these days. Anyways, you can end that now darling, I'm back and here to stay."

"I very much agree that you are back Alexa and being a pest."

Alexa gasped.


She stood up from the chair and walked round the table, dragging her fingers along the edge as she went. She walked up to where he was and pouted.

"You would rather that weak fragile human who is of no consequence than me? Someone of a strong and influential background?"

"I would rather peace than chaos."

Alexa laughed, but it turned to a glare immediately she stopped.

"You took away your peace the moment you took her into your bed Edward. I would reckon you warned her of me."

Edward grabbed Alexa's arm and jerked her, his eyes stone cold and threatening.

"Don't you dare make threats Alexa, know your place."

She removed herself from his grip and brush past him out of the office. Looking back, she gave him a sweet but cold smile.

"She should know her place."

Edward watched her leave, his body buzzing with the urge to hit something. He really wished he could deal with Alexa but he didn't want to start a war with her father.

Edward really needed to set up a meeting with Mr Yang so he could clear the air and the man could put his daughter in check.


The next day, he was very exhausted from his over night meeting and lack of sleep but he had promised Amy that he would drive Gu Zhou to school today since she had to go to work very early.

It was funny how they were dating yet, she kept insisting that he treated her like every other staff.

To Edward, Amy was more than a staff and he would never treat her as one, he allowed some things because he didn't always want to be fighting with her.

As he pulls up close to Amy's house, he notices Gu Zhou standing at the curb with his backpack and playing with a yoyo; but that isn't what has Edward rushing out of his car.

It was the speeding vehicle that was headed towards Gu Zhou. Edward ran as fast as he could and barely made it in seconds to push Gu Zhou out of the way, the car hitting over the trash cans instead and then speeding off.

Edward was too frazzled to get the plate numbers, his hands still clutched around a shaking little boy.

"Are you okay?" Edward asked Gu Zhou.

"Yes, yes." Gu Zhou said, his voice filled with fear.

Edward looked in the direction that the car had gone, he was going to find out who that person was and make them pay.

There was only one suspect on his list though, it couldn't be coincidence that the night before Alexa had come to his house to threaten Amy and then the next day Gu Zhou had almost been run over.

He needed to have a talk with her, but first he was going to meet her father because if Mr Yang didn't get his daughter to back off Edward was going to take drastic actions.

He also couldn't tell Amy about this or she would be out of her mind with worry. So, he called the school to get Gu Zhou off for the day and took him to the amus.e.m.e.nt park instead.

This kid had been through a lot the past week, Edward really wanted him and his sister to be okay.

The Yang's had established a name for themselves in both China and America and were one of the deadliest mafia's that existed. No one crossed their path and lived to see the next day.

Edward respected Mr Yang a lot because the man had helped him when no one else would; but he didn't cower either.

Times had changed and Edward's organisation was no longer the struggling mass that it had once been.

Like the Yang's, the Wu's were also known for their no-nonsense attitude. Edward hadn't worked hard to build himself up only for it to be all taken away by an angry and jealous child.

He had set up a meeting with Mr Yang and had been glad the man obliged his request. As he walked through the halls of the house, he kept his head held high, showing that he did not fear these people.

The last thing a man should ever do in the mafia world was show any fear.

"Edward Wu, to what do I owe the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e of this visit?" Mr Yang asked as Edward stood by the door to his office.

"There is nothing pleasurable about this visit sir, I have come to sever a deal we made years ago."

Mr Yang looked up from the tea he was pouring at the young man that stood by his door. He almost laughed, but the man was not known for having a sense of humor.

"And what deal would that be Edward Wu?"

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