Flash Marriage

Chapter 1011 Disappearance

The emperor's face was slightly stiff. What was the intent of the Witch Creek Nation to draw such an unusual painting at first glance?

Although it is about expressing sincerity, this kind of gift has the feeling of showing off this extraordinary painting smoke that the Nanda can't come up with. Is this sincerity or is it slapping his face?

Everyone felt the emperor's strangeness almost immediately.

At this time, the Prince of Witch Creek, who has not spoken, said calmly, "Queen, this painting is from the ancestral period, it is a treasure of our country. It has never been shown. This time it is given to His Majesty the Emperor of your country, which, as Wan said, shows the sincerity of the alliance between Prince Ben and His Majesty the Emperor. ”

Ancestry? That's a long time ago, and it's sort of the bottom of the box, so it's nothing, after all, there's one or two things in every country that are under the box.

His Majesty's face tended to be peaceful and said with a slight smile. “In that case, I shall laugh. I also fully believe in the sincerity of the Prince in the matter of alliance. Come and drink this cup together and wish us good cooperation. ”

The Emperor and the Prince of Witchbrook are drinking each other. Where do all the chaplains dare to relax and drink with each other? But a divine colour is getting weirder and weirder. What covenant is the prince of Witchbrook worth such a big battle?

The first thing he couldn't help was the Patron. He looked at the Queen's equally puzzling divine colour, put down the glass, swept away the Emperor's history Zhang Ting, Zhang Ting was one of his people, and he was also a Yan Zhuang. He had the right to make a statement and rectify some unknown or inappropriate behavior of the Emperor, even if it was not adopted by the Emperor or finally reprimanded by the Emperor, it was irrelevant, and he would not be convicted.

Zhang glanced, then stood up, laughing, “Your Majesty, congratulations on the covenant you made with the Witch Creek Nation. I just don't know what kind of covenant it is, can you tell me so that Weisheng can also observe and defend it. ”

Zhang Ting said this, asked the people's hearts and minds. The hall instantly appeared silent. Almost all of them put down the cup in their hands and looked quietly at the Emperor.

The Emperor paused and looked at him unhappily and opened his eyes. This is the guy's mouth.

Looking around, the Emperor had not spoken, and the Guardian Government immediately answered, “Your Majesty, the Shen feels that Lord Zhang's words make sense. Since the covenant has been signed, it is for the two subjects to abide by it together, but we do not yet know what kind of covenant it is. Please also make it clear to the Emperor that the Shen and others can also abide by and defend it. ”

Everyone immediately agreed, but those who understood the situation in China could see that the majority of the attachments were made by the Duchy of the Protector Nation, but the power was already great, enough for half of the people.

Mao Xinxin quietly approached Mengdi Xian, whispering, “Look, the strength of the Patron can not be diminished, no wonder the Emperor is so cynical, but now it is a banquet, it is not the early dynasty, will the Patron be too light and irregular? ”

Meng Dixian glanced at Mao Xinxin and was slightly surprised. Since when did Mao Xinxin begin to care about the situation in the middle of China, and the analysis was so clear, because of his father Meng Yanqing? Or is it the British government?

She swept away the direction of her father and the British Duke. She saw that neither of them was in the peace crowd. Her heart was a little clear. It seemed that her father and the British Duke must have been closer to each other because of Mao Xinxin. She also accidentally pointed to Mao Xinxin.

"The Patriot has such enormous powers in China that his natural behavior will deviate proudly, depending on what His Majesty thinks, he can say that he cares about the patriotic people of the country, or that he floats slightly irregularly. ”

Mao Xin looked at Mengdi Xian with surprise and sighed afterwards. It is true that the Patron's power is enormous, he cannot move easily, he is likely to cause unrest as soon as he moves, the Prince of Witch Creek is still there, His Majesty will not let such unrest show up in front of the Prince of Witch Creek, so even if the Emperor does not like it, he will not denounce it, nor will he say that the Patron Party floats irregularly.

Before the emperor's face changed much, the right-hand man stood up and said, "Lord Guardian, Lord Zhang, it's a banquet, it's not appropriate to discuss the state affairs in detail. Everyone, didn't you make the Prince of Witchbrook laugh at us, we won't even have a banquet? ”

The right minister is now the emperor's heart, stands in the emperor's position, absolutely defends the emperor's power. Naturally, at first glance, it can be seen that the Patron's actions are inappropriate. Without waiting for the emperor to reprimand him, he will directly solve the problems for the emperor.

This avoided the conflict between the Emperor and the Patron, caused an unpleasant scene, made the Prince of Witch Creek laugh and embarrassed the Emperor. He simply gave the Patron a soft reply.

Meng Dixian raised his eyebrows. The right-hand party was really smart. The Protector would never confront the right-hand party in the absence of the Emperor. After all, his purpose was not to tear the right-hand party apart at the banquet, and the right-hand party said this just gave the Emperor a reason. The banquet was not suitable to talk about the affairs of the state. It did not affect the majesty of the Emperor at all, nor could it force the Emperor to speak out the contents of the Covenant.

Indeed, the protectorate waved in secret and said, "Oh, I am used to being strict, thinking about the affairs of the state everywhere, forgetting that it is now a feast, please hold Your Majesty accountable. ”

The crowd attached to Lord Zhang, also waved at the hands of the Patron, went on to say, "Please hold Your Majesty accountable. ”

This is blame or no punishment!

Mondi Xian sneered and saw a cold light in the bottom of the Emperor's eyes, but it was gentle on his face. “Everyone, get up, it's a patriotic and patriotic heart. How can I bear to punish you, or go back to your seat and greet the Prince of Witch Creek for me?" ”

The crowd hastily said that the scene had become more lively and the silence had disappeared.

As a result, Mondi Xian smiled coldly and the queen spoke again.

“So, can this present be seen? The more I think about it, the more I want to see what kind of painting it is. ”

Everyone laughed. Yeah, painting is the point. Isn't that what you wanted to see? Such an interlude, to the point of forgetting to look at the painting.

Mengdi Xian was also curious at this moment. What kind of painting is this? She didn't think that the Prince of Witchbrook would do anything on this painting and harm the people. This is the palace of Nanda, unless the Prince of Witchbrook wanted to be buried here.

However, if you don't do anything, Mengdi Xian thinks it's impossible. The Prince of Witchbrook will never be so kind. He will send it to his ancestors' treasure. I don't know what strange picture the Prince of Witchbrook is.

Once again, everyone's eyes were aligned and the painting was drawn. Only a few of the people who lifted the painting did not move with their head tattoos hanging low. It did not mean to open the painting.

Is this... forbidden to see?

People are looking at the Emperor and the Prince of Witch Creek. What do you mean? Let's see it or not?

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