Flash Marriage

Chapter 102 So?

Now all deployments have not been activated. At this moment, the sins of Monkey Monkey Monster cannot be cured. Then, after a delay, it is likely that Monkey Monkey Monster will even report to Beijing at night. Not only will everything be arranged in vain, she will also be bloody.

She can't kill her now, and she can't do it. Sister Li has always been too cheerful to think that she could easily kill Mengdi Xian, and then they can charge her with a crime and solve Mengdi Xian.

Now, not only was Sister Li killed, but she was so passive.

How upset is the queen, but after all, Sister Li is the closest person to her, more very kind and painful, and angry with Monkey Disk Immortal.

“Sister Li is a member of this palace. Whatever mistakes she has made, she will be disposed of by this palace. Your little county chief dares to kill her on the spot. Where did you put the queen of this palace? That's ridiculous. ”

The queen said that she had deliberately suppressed her with momentum and brought the subject to her attention, but she was really angry when she said it. One of them couldn't hold it, and her angry mouth curled up, a little twisted.

Turn him around, change the subject for her, right?

It's not that easy.

“Queen, Disk Immortal has always respected you. Your grandmother made a mistake. Naturally, Disk Immortal is the Queen, ask the Queen to take charge and discipline Sister Li. But the situation was very serious. Sister Li wanted to strangle me. In this case, if I didn't resist, it would be Sister Li who killed me.

A county chief dies in the queen's yard for no reason. Does the queen think she's clear enough to tell the emperor and my father?

Sister Li is only a slave who will cause trouble to the master, but she is still dead. The queen should thank me for punishing her for you. ”

Meng Di Xian looked up to his little face. There was no such thing as the usual kindness. His face was cold. Even in the face of the Queen of the moment, he did not have the soft and careful wings of the past.

Since the queen was going to kill her, she was soft and careful with her balls.

For the enemy, and for those who were going to kill her, she had only three words to kill back.

“Kill the family of this palace and thank you? Mengdi Xian, you don't even see this palace in your eyes. ”

The queen drank furiously and slapped her on the table, shocking the teacup to the ground.

“I just didn't see you, so what? ”

Meng Dixian threw down the sentence, regardless of the queen, and found a seat and sat down gracefully.

But the bloody stain on his face makes it impossible to say the words elegance.

“You!” the queen was extremely angry, the blues on her face jumped straight, “you ate the ambition leopard dare to talk to me like this, someone, Meng Dish Immortal below offend, insult the palace, take it. ”

The guard flashed in and surrounded Monkey Monk Immortal. He was going to capture it.

“Come on, the Queen's family openly killed the county master in the courtyard. The county master suspected that the Queen had personally ordered the county master to be killed. The county mainly went to the capital to meet the Emperor. ”

Meng Di Xian deliciously drank, the voice was no lower than that of the queen, but the cold killing momentum prevailed over the queen.

Hurrah, a group of guards rushed in and surrounded the Queen's convoy.

“Monkey Monk Immortal, how dare you use your arms against this palace? ”

The queen was shocked, never tall, couldn't see who it was, then rubbed it round and flattened, and even if anyone resisted, they wouldn't dare.

This is contempt for her identity, treading on her with complete disrespect, and not taking the crime of insulting the Queen as a serious crime.

Well, that would save her a lot of trouble finding someone to convict her.

Now this scene is enough for her to go to jail and die.

“The county lord used force against you, so what? ”

Another sentence, so what? The queen of Qi almost backed off the air, and let the whole field take a breath of air. This monkey dish fairy is so arrogant.

The queen desperately said in her heart, "Uncomfortable, this is not the time to seize, and the seizure is not pleasant. More people than she is at this moment. ”

That black face already represents too much of the queen's mood at this moment.

She bit her teeth tight and stared hard at the Mondi Immortal. She bit her teeth and said, "The palace will follow you back to Kyushu. ”

Coming out of the Queen's courtyard, the night grew darker and darker and seemed to be without heaven and earth.

Half an hour later, the white light of the fish came from the sky and lit the jade stream.

The matter of Mengdi Xian making a scene in the Queen's yard has been spread in Yuxian for just half an hour. In the cabin, Chen Hongfei and Chen Haoxiang sat together and wrinkled their heads.

“Auntie, what do you think of this? Meng Dixian must be dead if he is so arrogant? ”

“Not necessarily. Every time we think she's going to die, she's going to be vicious and evil. ”

“So you can live? So, what's the queen going to be so prestigious? ”

“In other words, Your Majesty, don't you find it hard to see the Queen? ”

“Ah, well, I really didn't notice. ”

Chen Hongfei was surprised by the news received and looked at Chen Haoxiang with surprise, waiting for her to explain.

“It's hard to say. I also heard a little sporadically from the Patron Lady. It seemed that the queen had done something very bad to Lady Rosemary in private, causing the Emperor's dragon face to rage. If the queen had not been abolished, it would have affected the foundations of the dynasty and the throne, and the queen was now either executed or already in the cold house. ”

“How did this happen?” Chen Hongfei looked at the big secrets and chased them, “What bad things are so serious? And what exactly is Madame Rosemary? ”

Chen Haoxiang shook his head, “Nobody knows about this, not even the wife of the patron husband. Suddenly, more than a decade ago, one day, a wonderful woman appeared in the queen, and then, as if she had survived independence, she would not see anyone, would not speak all day, and would lock herself up.

Over time, many of the elders and palace dignitaries have forgotten about this Lady Rosemary and have never been mentioned again.

The last time a river lamp was released on the Middle Age, Lady Rosemary spoke to the Emperor for the first time in front of the public for so many years. Many elders have heard their names, and ministers who have only been in court for almost a decade are unknown. ”

So mysterious?

Chen Hongfeimer is gone.

According to the last Zhongyuan Festival, the Emperor had to respond to Lady Rosemary's request. He was reluctant to give the whole world to her, just to make her smile deeply. The Queen moved Lady Rosemary, and the Emperor would dislike the Queen. That would be perfectly normal and reasonable.

Just like that, can Monkey Monk Fairy really get away with blatantly insulting the Queen?

Chen Hongfei began to feel a little confused.

She really hopes that this Monkey Fairy will end directly, but if not, she knows that she will have more difficulty moving Monkey Fairy in the future.

Meng Dish Immortal's name will create a cyclone in Beijing City, and she, Chen Hongfei, originally the premier Kyoto lady in Beijing City, is here with green light ancient Buddha.


“Auntie, you must contact the Patron Lady and stand by the queen, or we will have trouble dealing with Mengdi Xian in the future. ”

“Don't worry, I will.” Chen Huixiang stood up and looked to the side of his eyes before slowly rising to the sun.

A new day begins.

The showdown between the county mayor and the palace has also officially taken place.

A carriage leaves Jade Creek Anvil quickly and in an orderly manner.

In the carriage, Monkey Disk Fairy is keeping a close eye. She looks a little tired. Sister Exhibitor dares not disturb her. Try to slow down her breathing so that Monkey Disk Fairy can sleep better.

But someone, like an ant on a hot pot, pressed down in a hurry and asked, "Sister Exhibition, what should we do? That's how the lady openly banged the queen. What now? Will the lady be convicted? ”

Xie Shi had never seen the royal palace roll, so she was deeply disrespectful to Mondai Xian, some difficult to accept, that was a national mother, Miss actually did that.

Sister Xuan didn't see Xie's thoughts, and said faintly, "Miss did not do that and moved the battlefield against the Emperor to the front of the Emperor. Should we wait until this moment, when the Queen arranged and bought the two trail girls to confess to all kinds of charges against Miss Planting and then be killed by the Queen? ”


Xie suddenly woke up, so that's it.

Yeah, why didn't she just think that last night, when Yulin came to the paper, Sister Li took the two Taoist aunts, wanted to identify the young lady and convict her to death.

Her arrogant ordeal directly led the queen back to the capital and broke the queen's plan.

Zhang opened his mouth and Xie Shi lowered his head shamefully.

How could she be so stupid that she had to think about it?

Sister Xuan still faintly said, “You can't think because there are other voices in your heart, just remember that the lady is your heaven and earth, the higher the position, the more powerful people have nothing to do with you, you will think through and see a lot of problems. ”

Miss is your heaven and earth.

This sentence, such as a heavy hammer, strikes the heart of the Scheffer.

Panic, nervousness, anxiety, finally seeing Monkey Monster open her eyes, and slowly closed her eyes, had no intention of reproaching her.

All of a sudden, those fears, anxieties and tensions disappeared and were replaced by deep shame.

It was her fault. She recognized the mistress as the master, but did not regard the mistress as heaven and earth. Once she collided with someone in a higher position, she would be anxious and scared. She began to be a little dissatisfied with the unintelligible progress and retreat of Mondi Immortal.

In fact, Monkey Fairy is her master. Is she a fool? Obviously, opinions are definitely not, no, but not, and they're brilliant.

Would it be so reckless for a brilliant man who dares to strike a man of higher standing than himself, if he did not have a chill in his heart and everything was well thought out?

I don't know how to get in and out of these four words. I'll never use them on Monkey Spirit.

Xie Shi's heart was set, smiling and saying, "Thank you, Sister. I've been taught. There was still a distance along the way, and the nurse took a break, and I came to look at the situation. ”

I was very comforted when I closed my eyes to the fake Monkey Monkey Fairy. This exhibition nanny was really helpful. She was the one Grandma and Grandma had found for her. Without the exhibition nanny, Xie Shi couldn't cope with such a dangerous situation, let alone help her. It would be nice not to delay her legs.

For a moment, the heart was warm. Meng Dish Immortal wanted to miss Grandma and Grandpa very much. He thought it was time to end the Queen's affairs. It was time to go to Mu Fu to see how Zhang's mother's body was recovering.

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