Flash Marriage

Chapter 104 Queen's Notice

But that voice, she does know a lot, Chen Haoxiang, Aunt Chen's voice.

“It's me, run. As long as you don't get caught, I'll take care of your family. ”

Chen Huixiang ran away with her daisy green. Her carriage was not far down the hill. Just get in the carriage.

Chrysanthemum was hesitant heart, listened to it, immediately decided, and began to rush.

Xie Jianqing's sister-in-law was defeated and went after her. She couldn't see any trace.

It's over. The most important thing is not done for the lady.

As soon as Li Xansheng discovered the whereabouts of the chrysanthemum, she informed the young lady. The young lady immediately went to the queen's trouble and brought the queen back to Beijing. On this occasion, Chen Hongfei and Chen Haoxiang both relaxed, and came here to take the whole family away.

Who knows what kind of man is better than God? He plugged a man into the vertical and ran away with Daisy Green.

Xie's frustration, sighed, go back to Beijing to decide.

Kyoto Royal Palace.

Weiwei's palace walls, like flowers.

Meng Dixian walked back to the capital, and the queen did not give him a chance to breathe, and came directly to the Emperor's shallow cloud palace.

The Palace of Shallow Clouds is the palace where the Emperor meets the Minister and deliberates.

At this time, the south is in the midst of the floods, and all the dynasties concentrated on the shallow cloud palace to discuss how to resist the floods.

When the queen came in, she stood still and rose.

The emperor frowned and glanced slightly, indicating that the dynasties would sit down first and then look at the queen, “What is it? Nothing. We'll talk about it later. ”

Nothing. We'll talk about it later.

Forever, with that woman here, the Emperor will only look cold on her face.

The queen bit her teeth and resented them, and then pressed them to the bottom of her heart, pulling a smile out of her mouth. "The concubine knew that the Emperor had important matters, so she shouldn't have bothered you, but...”

His eyes were slightly red and he stopped talking.

In that way, the Emperors were stunned, and the Left Phase swept away the faceless Mondial Immortal standing behind his eyes. His eyes flashed, and he stood up, humbly said, "The Queen is the mother of a nation. If someone has inflicted grief on the Queen, it is not right. ”

Indeed, the queen thankfully threw a glance at the left side of the face, and the left side of the face lit up. Then she said, "Sister Rui, you don't have to tell the Emperor what's going on and let the Emperor decide. ”

The closest maids that the queen had entered the palace at that time were Sister Li and Sister Rui. Sister Li was dead, and the only one left was Sister Rui.

Sister Rui and Sister Li came along very well. Now that she has witnessed Sister Li's tragic death, she wants to unload the Monkey Disc Immortal Heart. Therefore, as soon as the opportunity arrived, she immediately went forward and told her story.

However, the process of saying this deliberately ignored that Sister Li wanted to kill Meng Dish Immortal, but instead highlighted that Meng Dish Immortal had no queen, killed Sister Li on the spot, and said that she was extremely insulting to the queen.

Heard the dynasties pour a breath of air.

The Mon County lord was too arrogant to go to jail immediately.

After Sister Rui finished her speech, Meng Dixian glanced around, without exception, and everyone looked at her with the eyes of a condemned prisoner.

In other words, in the eyes of these people, facing such arrogance as the Queen for a lifetime is simply looking for death, and she is already about to die.

His Majesty looked cold and almost frozen. He swept his gaze towards the queen and said disgustingly, "You're the queen, can't you solve this? Let me see what your queen has done for nothing. ”

That's not weird.

What does Jean Hyun mean?

Isn't that the afterlife?

The queen has been wronged. Why are you still scrapping?

The dynasties were surprised, but soon understood the meaning of the Emperor. You are the mother of the Emperor, in charge of the Zhonggong Palace. Some people are not satisfied, but cannot solve it.

Then Nakamiya is in charge of something really bad.

It's not going to work, it's them, they're going to disown the queen.

At this moment, the queen's eyes are more red, her eyes are like water, and her grievances are angry. “The concubine naturally needs to take down the Mon County master to defend her dignity. However, the Mon County master has asked her royal guard to surround the concubine regiment, to take down the concubine, the emperor, the consecrated royal guard, how can the concubine's people take it? ”

What's that, Cousin?

No wonder.

No wonder the queen eats.

His Majesty's face was only slightly better. So slightly, he still looked cold. He asked not lightly, "What happened to Monkey Sprite? ”

- What? - What?

The queen said the words for this reason, but the emperor did not punish Thunder with anger. Instead, she asked Monkey Monk Xian herself, giving her a chance to argue?

Didn't you put the Monkey Monster in the same position as the Queen?

Isn't that too inappropriate?

In the past, there have never been such cases.

The Left Minister remembered that there had been a miscarriage in the palace, sued the Emperor and said it was the queen's poisoner. The Emperor did not even have a chance to explain it to the queen. He dragged her out directly to defame the queen and enter the Cold House directly.

And today, the Queen herself has come to state that the Emperor has reacted like this!

The Left Phase is increasingly unable to understand the Emperor's mind.

For Monkey Fairy, he was even less careless, and almost immediately after seeing Monkey Fairy, he began to concentrate, especially at this time.

The reactions of the dynasties to the left were similar. Again, the reaction of the emperor at this moment was strange. It seems that whenever this Mon County master is encountered, the emperor will have a different style of affairs than during the week.

But on the other hand, think about it, and listen to what Meng Dish Immortal has to say, and you can barely say it, and you can show the emperor's tolerance.

Meng Dixian heard the Emperor ask, and this brought a smile to the front, respectfully greeting him, “Dixian has met the Emperor and has met all the lords. ”

“Get up.” The emperor waved, a little impatient, “he said. ”

Meng Dixian was not in a hurry, but asked the Emperor a question, “I wonder why the Queen went to Yuxian? ”

The queen goes to Jade Creek? What's wrong with that?

But what does the queen do in Jade Creek?

Never heard of the Queen going to Yuxian before.

If it is to go to the Buddha or to pray for blessings, the best and most suitable place to go should be the temple of the state, which matches the identity of the queen, not the jade creek house practiced by the sinner's daughter.

For a moment, this question made the dynasty feel inappropriate, and the emperor, invisible, picked his eyebrows and said with no expression, “Queen, why did you go to Yuxian? Why didn't you report it to me? ”

What, the queen went to Jade Creek Inn and the emperor didn't know?

The faces of the dynasties were a bit brilliant, and the Mondi Immortals' hearts were dark, and the queens' hearts were chirped.

“Your Majesty, the concubine was supposed to go to the national temple. These few days of each month, the Emperor promised to go to the national temple. Only halfway there, he met Mrs. Yu Chong, Mrs. Yu Chong said that she counted as one thing related to a nobleman, but as a result of the gossip, the concubine needed to go to Yuxian to help a little."

The queen was anxious to become intelligent, and went on to say, "The concubine thought that Master Yu Chong was my royal family. There was no reason for the concubine not to help, so as Master Yu Chong went too far, she decided to go back to the temple after helping. This was an interlude, and I thought it would be over soon, so the concubine did not send someone to explain it to the Emperor. ”

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