Flash Marriage

Chapter 1053 Provisions

Lady Er handed the note in her hand to Meng Dixian, a nose and a tear said, "It's not that I'm not going to go to the master. It's just that there's nothing that anyone can do except the young lady. It's useless for anyone to show up. ”

Monkey's eyes fluctuated slightly. He glanced at the note and didn't reach out to pick it up. He just casually said, "I don't understand what Auntie Er said. Monkey Mansion is the father's choice, and it's not my turn to start. ”

“Miss...” Lady Er became more anxious, the tear balls on her face were even more powerful. “This is the note left by the man. When they took your cousin, they left this note, saying it was for you. After you read it, according to the note, they would let your cousin go. That's why Aunt Er came to you, Dish Fairy, you can't see that you can't save him. He is also your cousin, he is a close relative of the same family. ”

Relatives of the same family? Now that I know how to set up a relationship, it sounds good. Why didn't you say that before when it was ugly for the young lady? The Yulin Yu bowl beside him spat. “Madam, now that we have a problem, do you recall that the lady is related to the same family? Your memory is really good and bad. ”

Yulin Yu Bowl is not polite. With ridicule in her speech, the Second Lady couldn't help staring at two people. She scolded two people constantly in her heart, but she squeezed out a smile that looked worse than crying. “Disk Fairy, what upset you before, when your second aunt got your cousin back, you can let me do whatever you want. Just go save your cousin now, okay? ”

The Second Lady said sincerely, the tears on her face were still hanging, her eyes were full of begging, the pair only to save her son, the monkey dish fairy could take her life.

Meng Dish Immortal swept the woman in front of her and said to the jade bowl, "Take the note and open it and read it to me. ”

At first glance, the monkey dish immortal loosened her mouth. The Second Lady hurried to hand over the note to the jade bowl. Fearing that the jade bowl would catch up a few breaths late, she almost gave it to the jade bowl with a plug. The jade bowl unfolded the note and read it out crisply.

“If you want to save people, let Miss Meng come to the yellow smoke slope on the western outskirts of the city. If you don't see people in two hours, collect them directly. ”

After reading the jade bowl, it was a jump. No wonder Lady Er was in such a hurry to find the young lady. Turns out she not only pointed out the need for the young lady to go, but also stipulated the time. The two hours were not too short to look at, but it took more than an hour to get to the yellow smoke slope on the western outskirts of Mengfu. This is still a quick situation for a smooth carriage on the way. If you delay one slightly, the time is really choking enough.

If the Second Lady does not come to the lady first, but first to the master, then the master orders someone to call the lady to discuss the matter, this time will take almost half an hour, so that the time to go is really not rushed, if the person is really necessary, the Second Lady's youngest son can't really keep it. This is a really unexpected thing.

Meng Dixian reached out and took the note. After reading it, he couldn't help but smile at the bottom of his eyes. He said faintly, "It's important to save people, then let's go.” Standing up and telling people to prepare carriages and get around quickly, that simply contrasts with the ink just now.

The Second Lady wiped her tears with joy and rushed forward. Now her son is saved.

Yellow Smoke Slope is a relatively famous place in the Nanda kingdom. It is not famous for its scenic beauty, it is not because it is a landmark, let alone a must-have place, but because there is such a person as Yellow Smoke, it is named Yellow Smoke Slope.

Huang Yan is said to be a relatively famous figure in the history of the Nanda kingdom. She is a woman with a clean appearance, but is a boy's sexuality. As a woman, she leads the sons of various mansions to seek marriage. When dressed as men, she often leads the ladies to frequent chase.

At one point, the name of the yellow cigarette was very loud in Kyoto City, especially between the young boys and the ladies, and her charm was unique in its handsome beauty.

Therefore, many people want to get her. One of them is the famous Princess Liyang, who has loved the same sex since childhood and doesn't like men. Although not many people know this preference, they know it in the royal circle. In order to correct her, the emperor at the time deliberately gave her a family affair. Unfortunately, Princess Liyang did not sleep with the groom on the wedding night. Instead, she flirted with one of her favorite maids in the wedding bed and was seen clearly by the groom.

At this moment, the groom quit, and the Emperor made such absurd requests for the dissolution of the marriage.

In order to accommodate the royal face, the Emperor * * * * groom could freely take a concubine, set up another mansion and promoted him to his official position. However, it is imperative that the marriage be dissolved, and the privacy of Princess Liyang should not be mentioned to others.

The Kingdom of Nanda stipulates that no one who has done the horse can take a concubine without the consent of the princess. Of course, it does not matter what the maid of the house is, in short, there cannot be any name. The equivalent of a man enjoying royal honor is to abandon something that ordinary men can have.

In this way, on the one hand, the horse was soothed, and the princess of Liyang was completely honored. She had a husband's family and a landing. At the same time, she didn't want the matter to boil down, damaging the royal face.

The horse is a wise man. He knew how rare the crime was. Besides, the royal marriage could be dissolved if he wanted to dissolve it. The emperor did not take his life. Preserving the princess's reputation is already kind. He only rushed to stab the emperor. Now that the anger has almost dissipated, it is of course best to reap more benefits.

Even if the matter is settled in such a calm and quiet way, the two of us will live together safely. It's just a festival celebration, or a big royal banquet. The two of us still have to take out the couple's appearance and attend together. A few years down, it also cooperated so-so, nothing happened.

With the fame of yellow cigarettes, this attracted the attention of the same-sex Princess Liyang, who, in her capacity as Princess, organized a banquet for the women of Kyoto City, deliberately inviting yellow cigarettes to attend.

The princess sent out an invitation, and in her royal capacity, Yellow Cigarettes could not fail, although she was not interested. But she didn't expect all the tragedies to begin with this banquet.

At the banquet, all the ladies and ladies arrived as promised, and the yellow cigarette was no exception. With her mother's arrival at Liyang's residence, Liyang was curious. She carelessly wanted to see what kind of people the yellow cigarette was. Who knew, dumped it immediately for her, and wanted to get the yellow cigarette.

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