Flash Marriage

Chapter 108: What's going on?

The eyes of the Monkey Monk Fairy were almost frightened.

With a faint smile, Mengdi Xian slowly walked the first two steps, still gentle and polite, but there was an invisible and forcible momentum. “As the mother of a nation, the queen's heart killed a county master in her yard, but the queen said that she did not know, Yuxian Manor a small courtyard, the queen could block the news to such a point, what if she were to change to the palace? How can a royal magic like the Queen reassure the Emperor? ”

“Not only does Disk Fairy want to ask, but I'm glad Sister Li didn't get it. If she does, what will the Queen tell the Emperor? Sister Li dared to take the initiative against the county. Did she kill the women in the palace? A slave, bold enough, either the queen is incapable of condoning fornication or the queen intentionally tolerates it. Either way, Disk Fairy does not feel that giving it to the queen is the best option. Because if you kill me once, Sister Li will kill you a second time. Disk Fairy is not that confident and can be lucky next time the uniform of the villain slave. ”

Brush it and the eyes of all the dynasties are open.

This conversation is too sharp.

Meng Yanqing looked at her calm and proud daughter with bright eyes and almost wanted to jump up and clap her hands.

The pale cloud palace crowd looked at the queen, including the high emperor, only to see his lips tight and his face slightly cold, the disgust seemed to flash on his face, cold sweeping the queen.

The King and the princess knew at first sight that it would be bad, and were intent on defending the queen, but were caught by the rush.

The two men looked at each other and shook their heads gently. The matter of the Royal Palace was not easy to get involved.

Jing and the princess had a meal, yeah, and the monkey disc fairy quoted Nanny Li as killing herself in the palace of the rear palace.

This assertion is not poisonous, but it leaves no way to justify it, and more explanations are meant to make up for it, because the quotation is too appropriate and too logical.

It is perfectly normal for the Queen to use her power to suppress or mend the Palace concubine, as if there were only one prince in the Palace who grew up healthy, while the other four princes, three dead, one ill lying in bed, the Chaplains had long been talking in secret, whether it was the Queen's doing.

Even she and her husband Lord Lin felt the same way.

The rear palace, which has been around since ancient times, has never been interrupted.

But it's just a thought, and it can't be said.

Meng Disk Xian caught on to this, quoting what people could not say, using the matter of Sister Li, all of a sudden, everyone didn't feel that killing Sister Li was a big deal anymore.

I think the Queen and the Prince must have been poured over. The Sister Li also did a lot of work for the Queen, and now she deserves to die.

Surely there is no place for such a mess.

The scenery and the princess sighed herself, without a squeak or silence.

The whole palace is attracted to Monkey Monk Immortal, that light smile, forced the momentum, people can't even look away.

Once again, the heart pounded a few times, attracted by autonomy, and the more intense the heart wanted to marry.

The queen's face has turned iron and blue, so no one dares to say it, and today Mengdi Xian dares to openly say that if she can't be good enough, don't say that she can't cure her sins, even her queen's throne and the queen's reputation will be severely affected.

Just eliminated a small group of rebel forces on the border, the master returning to the Dynasty's Patron, has been silent and watching everything, at this time, looking at the Queen, his own daughter, so questioned, the Patron couldn't help but stand up.

“Your Majesty, the Queen is the mother of a nation. How can anyone be so insulting? Everyone sitting here has a heart. Who can guarantee that they will not be bitten back by their heart for life? What did Nanny Lee do? It was Nanny Lee's business. How can you speculate and slander the Queen without proof? His Majesty asked the Emperor to take charge of the Queen and punish those who defamed her. ”

The Patron is the general marshal of the dynasty, and his daughter is the queen of the day.

The mother's family is strong and the back of the palace is naturally safe.

In all these years, even if the Emperor no longer sees the Queen, no one can shake her throne.

Likewise, the position of the Queen's Nakamiya is secure, as is the strength of the Patron dynasty.

Fathers and daughters complement each other.

It is normal for the Patron Principal to speak for his daughter on the spot, but it is also a mutual support of rights.

The Emperor waved his hand and let the Patron sit down. “The Mon County Master is just a metaphor to explain why she had to kill Nanny Li in order to protect herself. He is also saying that Nanny Li had nothing to do with the Queen, but Nanny Li did evil, and the Queen was somewhat guilty of dereliction of duty. This user was guilty of impropriety and negligence, and the Queen could not escape the relationship. ”

First, the queen was removed, the patron was happy, then an emperor of the emperor wronged the patron's face, but there was no word to refute.

But anyway, the Emperor directly denied that the palace had slaughtered her, which is fine. Let's take another look.

The Patron sits still and continues to observe the situation.

After Dad's statement, the queen's face looked much better. Today in this situation, she clearly realizes that either Meng Dish Immortal dies or she destroys it. She must defeat Meng Dish Immortal.

Thinking about it, she glanced at Sister Rui from around her, and Sister Rui nodded and quietly withdrew from the shallow cloud palace while she was not paying attention.

Everyone's gaze at this time is hot on Monkey Monk Immortal, and they don't pay attention to Sister Rui's movements.

However, the exhibitor saw, she quietly pulled off the clothes and sleeves of the monkey dish fairy, the monkey dish fairy would like to, the corner of her eyes swept off the position where Sister Rui left off, and made a gesture to the exhibitor.

The nanny nodded and quietly gave a signal to Li Zanzhen, whose eyes flashed and closed three times.

One of the guards around followed Sister Ray.

It's all done in the eyes of all, but it's unknown.

The queen looked at Sister Rui's successful departure, and Mondai Xian didn't even notice, and put her heart in her stomach. Plus, the queen quickly regained the elegance of Yongrong with Daddy's suppression array.

“Are you done with the Mon County Master? The palace may also ask you a few questions. Why did you take Mrs Yuchong? Did you know that kidnapping a royal princess is a crime? Why won't you invite Mrs. Tamakoshi out? What the hell are you doing? ”

The Queen spoke quickly and repeatedly. Instead of mentioning herself, she withheld Yuchong's captivity.

Meng Dixian smiled and did not answer at all. Instead, he said, "Should the Queen first explain to you what happened before Yu Zheng was captive? Queen, what have you done? ”

This, it seems, has any explosion information?

All the dynasties smelled an unusual smell, and something seemed unspeakable.

People have gossip and curiosity, and instantly they smell like cats smelling fishy and seem interested.

Queen Eyebrow Peak pulled together, “With regard to Mrs. Yuchong, the palace would like to ask you, what is going on? ”

Huh? Push each other?

Or don't you know the truth?

If this is so vague, it makes people wonder what really happened before Master Yuchong was taken prisoner.

Curiosity also included the Emperor, who swept away the Monkey Fairy and the Queen with a faint eye and turned to the Monkey Fairy to celebrate, “What are you talking about? What happened in Yuxian, say it from beginning to end. ”

In any case, Li Zhensheng was originally his person, and he believed that Li Zhensheng would not talk nonsense or deliberately favour Meng Dish Immortal and lose the correct description of the facts.

Li Zanzheng also did not hide it. He respectfully offered a courtesy to the Emperor and made it clear.

“The Meng Mansion fires and all evidence points to the Meng County Master in front of his subordinates and county owners. This is a deliberate framing, the key witness of which is Chrysanthemum.

On the night of the fire, the Chrysanthemum family disappeared, and their subordinates found that the Chrysanthemum family were all near Yuxian, and they received Yuchong Master's calculation that there was a disaster on the way to Lady Meng. The Mon County Master needed to go to Yuxian herself, so the two things simply came together and rushed to Yuxian.

Who knows, the first night, Yuchong Master too let the Mon County Master bathe in the night of the Bodhisattva Temple, gave the Mon County Master a drug that would be disoriented at midnight, and the Mon County Lord detected it. So the mongolia master put Yuchong in the bathtub and went back to the main hall to see what Yuchong was really up to?

After a half hour of bathing, the queen suddenly appeared in the Bodhisattva Palace with her escort, saying that there were assassins to search.

The guards were ordered to rush in and frame the men in the bathtub.

It turned out to be the unshielded Jade Puncher, not the assassin.

Mon County owner was confused, Ming Yuchong arranged for her son's night to be bathed in the Bodhisattva Temple, the queen was present, and it was also clear that normally, she was in that barrel.

But the queen, in the name of the assassin, did not even remind the Mon County master to dress, let alone remind the barrels, and had no intention of hiding the guards.

The person in the barrel is Mrs. Yuchong. If the Mon County Master didn't do anything about it, was it the person who was pulled out of the barrel in public or her?

The Mon County Lord's innocent body and reputation were destroyed, and there were so many guards on the scene. If this were true, I'm afraid the Mon County Master had only one way to hang himself to protect himself and Mon Fu's reputation.

So the more Mon County owner wanted to be scared, the more he thought about what some of these people were counting, the more he wanted to ask the queen face to face to understand, this only went to the queen's yard in the middle of the night, who knew that Sister Li had taken people to kill them, his men were entwined by the three queen's guards, and he could not escape. Otherwise, Mon County owner was in a hurry to become intelligent, or else Mon County owner would surely cross the body on the spot.

When she saw the queen, she ordered the county owner to take her down on the grounds that the mongolia did not respect her. The county owner ordered his subordinates to lead the resistance and demand to enter the palace hall. ”

Li Zanzheng's discouraging remarks led people to think about the situation at the time, and felt the sword drawn at the time.

Digested, the taste of the dynasty came back to me. According to Li Zanzhen, it was Mrs Yuchong and the queen who joined forces to destroy Meng Dish Immortal.

Immediately, everyone looked at the queen differently.

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