Flash Marriage

Chapter 112: Where to Go

When you come out of the palace, it's already sunset.

The glow of the dusk sunset brings out the glorious and mysterious colors of the entire capital, just as in the beautiful forest, when it is not known, a beast will emerge that will hurt people.

Xie's frustrated news of Daisy Qing's escape was told to Meng Dixian.

Unfortunately, the most important people did not catch it, and the arson case did not seem to be good enough for a while.

Meng Dixian pondered, “You should still send someone to keep an eye on Chen Haoxiang and Chen Hongfei. If anything happens, report it immediately. Chrysanthemum was rescued, and the two men who suddenly appeared, it is very likely that Chen Haoxiang sent people there to support Chrysanthemum. You did not find it. ”

Xie Shikan, she really didn't go to step on it. She thought she had five inner guards with her. Again, everyone had left Yuxi, and went quietly. Surely, it was safe to lose, I didn't expect...

Again, she was not sure, and Xie Shi found that her thoughts were still not thorough enough. “Please punish the young lady, it was all a slave mistake. ”

Meng Disk Immortal blinked his eyes and didn't have the first time to wake Xie Shi. Xie Shi did do this recklessly. She deserves some blame, but she's been trying to get used to it lately. After all, her life in Mon Fu is completely different from the struggle at the estate.

It's not easy for Sheikh to invest so quickly and be loyal to her.

“Xie Ma, the road I'm going to take in the future may be more dangerous and bloody than it is now, are you afraid? ”

Mengdi Xian leaned against the walls of the carriage and looked deeply at Xie Shi. His eyes were full of seriousness.

Now she not only wants to fight Chen Haoxian and Chen Hongfei, but also the left-handed ministry behind the two men and the protective public service, plus a 10,000 yen and a view and a princess, accidentally, it will be all over again.

One mistake of the Xie family may be to keep her wronged today, but another day it may be to let her be murdered by the enemy without turning her over.

Xie Shi can't understand the words of Meng Dish Fairy, he hastily kowtowed his head, he hasn't come yet and talked. He just listened to Meng Dish Fairy and said, "You don't have to force yourself, even if you are afraid of these, I know you are loyal to me. I can let you stay in Bi Fan Garden to take care of everything about Bi Fan Garden. Your husband's illness, I will also let him be cured. By then, if your family wants to stay in Bi Fan Garden, stay in Bi Fan Garden, want to go back to the old estate, and have a safe life, I will give you back your deed of sale. ”

Sheriff's shock, miss. What's the matter? Are you going to kick her out?

“You don't have to answer me in a hurry, you go back and talk to your husband and your children, and then you tell me what you're going to do. ”

From the Temple of the City she killed the Princess and now she has killed Sister Li. Although Xie and Xie Hao did not say anything, she also knows that they are horrified.

These things require them to digest, accept, and swear to follow, so that they can really help her, and if they can't, or barely accept, and they still have fear in their hearts, then not only can they not help, they will also drag her back.

Now is the time for her to tell them to think about it.

The carriage returned smoothly to the Mon Mansion, and Xie Shi's spiritual defection to the Mon Disk Immortal, went to find Xie Fang.

Xie Fang is constantly cooking these days, and the medication needed, no matter how precious, Miss is not stingy, is well prepared, even the petals of Lotus orchid, let Xie Hao take off a petal as a medication to treat Xie Fang's illness.

Xie Fang's illness is rapidly healing, almost no longer coughing, and she is not getting thinner.

The shrink doctor, whom Sir Gu asked for, said that as long as the cough was healed, people ate more nutrients and exercised more, the body would naturally grow stronger.

Their whole family was happy that the illness that haunted Xie Fang for many years was finally going to heal.

They also agreed. When Xie Fang is healed and celebrated properly, they will also invite the young lady. Then they will find Xie Hao a good daughter-in-law and find a good mother-in-law for Xie Lan Xiemei, and the family will be satisfied.

Now, the lady is blaming her for ruining things. Want to get rid of them?

Xie has always been quite clever, but these days of nervous tension, breaking tight, and immersed in the annoyance of things being broken, I just couldn't understand the intentions of Monkey Disk Fairy.

Xie Fang is in a well-remodeled house in Zhongmen. He is drumming up something. His face is full of relaxed looks. For many years, he has not seen such a normal and relaxed divine color.

Xie Shi couldn't help but cry and frightened Xie Fang.

“What's the matter? What is this?”

Xie Fang quickly abandoned the work in his hand, stood up and held Xie Shi to his chair.

“The lady's going to kick us out. I did something wrong. ”

Xie Shi swallowed and whimpered. The more she cried, the more sad she was, the more she couldn't help crying. There was noise in his eyes, not knowing whether he was crying because of something wrong or because of the successive fears and fears of the past few days.

Xie Fang's constant consolation and inability to stop Xie Shi's tears burst.

“What good is crying? ”

Xie Hao's cold voice came from the door, his body was brisk, and his constant exercise these days, coupled with the constant fights of those looking for Li Jianzheng, made him stronger and stronger.

Sheikh Galang stopped and looked at his son. He didn't dare to continue crying.

This son, who has been changing every day since he came to Mon Mansion, has become more and more powerful, making people afraid to disobey.

By the way, this kind of power, it's like it's emanating from a lady.

But much weaker than the lady, but strong in front of the whole family.

“What the hell is going on? Mother, talk carefully. ”

Xie Hao twisted his eyebrows. On this trip to Yuxian, the young lady did not let him accompany him, but only let him pay attention to the movement of the Mu Mansion, and secretly bring the shen doctor to treat Zhang Mama.

So far he doesn't know exactly what's going on.

Xie Fang listened and quickly attached to his son. “Yes, Mother, it doesn't help you to cry. What exactly did the lady say? What happened when you went to Yuxian Anvil? What did you do to upset the lady so much? ”

Xie Shi didn't hide it any more. She swallowed to tell the story before and after. Especially when it came to Nanny Li taking people to kill them, who were almost stabbed to death by Nanny Li's people, her pupils contracted several times.

She thought she would never forget that moment, when so many maids and women were knocked over the floor, waving the knife in her hand and stabbing her and Sister Exhibition.

Not to mention, when the lady stabbed Nanny Li in the neck, the blood splattered on the lady's face, and the lady had yet to kill the innocent cold.

Xie Shi said terrified, listened to Xie Fang and Xie Hao's father and son, but was very cold.

Speaking of Daisy Qing finally ran away from her, Xie Hao punched her and broke a chopstick on the table. "Mother, you can handle such an important task, you didn't even do it. Such a dangerous scene, the lady takes you with her, how much trust you have, but you are like this...

Look at you now. Do you think the lady is a murderer? Have you ever thought about it? The lady didn't proactively provoke them from beginning to end. It was they who designed it to harm the lady. The lady was just defending herself from harm.

If the person in the barrel is a lady, the disgraced lady must have been disgusted by Master Meng, even forcing the lady to die in order to protect the reputation of Meng Mansion. At that time, without the blessing of the lady, we didn't know how many people would step on us.

From the moment Tianzhuang followed the lady, Mother, you should understand that the prosperity and riches of the capital city will not fall from the sky. Our whole family has been chained with the lady since the moment she followed the lady into the Mon Mansion. ”

Xie Hao sighed and pressed his hands on Xie's shoulders, saying word for word, "Mother, the lady is not driving us away, but giving us another chance to make a choice, whether to follow her adventure, be her heart, or just be a normal servant, live here in the Garden without a trace. ”

Choose Opportunity?

Xie Shi stunned, Xie nodded for a moment, “Ho is right, the lady does not seem to be driving us away, nor is she really blaming you. Look, she also said that if we want to go back to the old estate and return the deed of sale to us, we are not really blaming you. Otherwise, the master gets angry and doesn't sell his teeth directly, how can he return the deed of sale? ”

Yeah, it is.

Disadvantaged, pissed off the master's men, were beaten severely or sold to people's teeth.

When the Liu family traveled so far, she was beaten to death by the Third Lady. She also sent it out and sold it to people's teeth.

Now, Miss One didn't scold her, and Two didn't sell her.

Sheriff's determined, “So what do you say we do now? ”

Xie Fang silenced for a moment and looked at her son Xie Hao.

Xie Hao's eyes did not blink, “I will not leave, let alone be afraid of the harshness of the young lady. The moment I came out of the estate, I had sworn to follow the young lady. As for Dad and Mom, it's up to you. The two sisters are young and ignorant, or don't get mixed up. ”

Xie Fang nodded, “Ho is right, no miss, our family is still sad and foggy. Ho and I will stay and follow Miss, why don't you take our two daughters back to the estate, so that we can come with Ho on a dauntless day. ”

“No." Shes was grabbed white by her son and husband, and the kind of panic and fear in her heart was shattered.

“I'll stay and let Shermay and Sheilan out of here.” As soon as the Shes settled, the brain regained its flexibility.

The two daughters are still naive and rotten, so they don't have to get mixed up in here.

Once agreed, the three of them went to Mengdi Xian.

At the time of the visit, Mengdi Xian was eating dinner, Sister Xuan was waiting for her, the jade bowl was in the linen, and no sign of Shem Mei and Shelan was seen.

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