Flash Marriage

Chapter 1141: Familiarity

Now the three major leaders of the Zhongzhong dynasty, the Government of Lin Guo, the Protector Guo and the Right Minister.

Any reunion of the two forces will destabilize his wilderness and reshuffle his cards.

At this time, Wan abducted the right-hand man and Li Fei, and threatened the queen's actions as if he had sent someone to capture the right-hand man and his son in secret.

At this moment, the Emperor has suddenly become confused. He no longer cares about the condition of Lady Rosemary. After Gu Juxi's affairs have been explained, he asked the eunuch to escort Gu Juxi out and return to the royal study himself.

After the emperor left, Meng Dish Immortal breathed out a sigh of relief and finally took a cup of tea with him.

Lady Rosemary, who was sick in bed, sat up from bed laughing, and at this moment she looked half sick.

“I was still ashamed to look at the Emperor, but when I thought of his disappearance caused by my sister, Gu Juxi had no mother and father since he was a child, and now he is ready to take care of me, but worried about Li Fei's appearance, I have no guilt at all, so much love to bite my teeth. ”

Meng Dixian smiled slightly, “Since the ancient emperor, the Seventy-second Princess of the Sixth House of the Third Palace is a very difficult thing to do with a woman, and this is still what he can get, if he can't get it, then like your sister, he also needs to get whatever he can, which is what men who have no power over do. ”

So, having the throne, sitting on top of this supreme position, you can get whatever you want, which is the greatest temptation as an emperor, and the most divine place, and that's how the king of a country is, let alone the dominion of a whole continent, and how much power and temptation it is.

The Emperor has been sitting in this position for many years and has become very obsessed with this position. Naturally, he also thinks of it as a gesture, indicating that he is extremely eager for this dragon chair.

Lady Rosemary also had a sip of tea. "Shouldn't Gu Juxi, according to your plan, just rescue Li Fei, then catch the thief, withhold a charge of murdering the Emperor's children, so that she can't eat and walk? Why was he kidnapped by the thief again? ”

Meng Dixian replied faintly, “There are a lot of accidents, can't be controlled. It may be that Gu Jiaxi wasn't prepared enough. The thieves are too strong to save people's success for a while. ”

In fact, she has specifically negotiated with Gu Juxi, and told him that if the direction of the group to go is the direction of the march, then don't do it to rescue the people, just push to help them, let them also abduct the right phase, and add to the Emperor's heart of the scenery and the princess and Wan Qi.

Now, I fear that the seeds of the Emperor's suspicion have been planted deeply, and no longer tolerate sight and princess excuses.

Lady Rosemary photographed the hand of Meng Dish Fairy, a little low consolation, “Dish Fairy, Gu Juxi must have tried her best, although Li Fei is your best friend, you are worried about her, but after all, you are still young, don't worry about breaking your body, she herself is willing to cooperate with you in this scene, so that the queen's wolf ambitions can be exposed, so that her own child can live in peace and security in this palace. She wouldn't blame you. As for Manchu, your speech before the Emperor today is enough to cut off all possibilities of asking you to marry him. The Emperor will never let you marry Manchu, the conspirator. ”

Lady Rosemary still believes that she helped Gu Juxi and Mengdi Xian, against the Queen, Gu Quan Mengdi Xian and Li Xinru's good sister friendship, against the Queen, let the Queen's murder of the royal children come to light, and capture her as a manifestation.

Madame Rosemary has been in this palace for a long time, and any conspiracy is in the eyes, knowing that one or two.

And her sister also disappeared in the Queen's hands, saying what, she has also fought with the Queen, can help Meng Dish Fairy, can also punish the Queen, take offense for her sister, Mrs. Rosemary is happy.

Meng Dixian listened to Mrs. Rosemary's reassurance, just smiled, did not answer, and did not explain further, just misled Mrs. Rosemary, she simply to catch the queen's current.

But it's not as simple as that. It won't take that long. It's just the beginning of the show, and the wonderful part is still behind it. Lady Rosemary looked at the Mondial Immortal and thought about it. On her slim face, she flashed a deep thought. “Looks like Princess Li and the right phase were brought into Wan Qiang's place by the Queen to falsify the rhythm of Wan Qiang. Wan Qiang is going to suffer a little bit this time. Not only can she not marry you, I'm afraid there is still heavy punishment there, but she is also peeled off without dying. ”

Meng Dixian's smile grew deeper and deeper, without words, and he picked up a teapot and continued drinking tea.

At this time, Wan Zheng had left the suburbs of the capital with his army entering the capital, headed to the front line and walked on the official road.

The march was supposed to be fairly steady. Anyone who suddenly heard a woman crying and saving her life halfway through the road, the soldiers came and told him to check on the situation.

Why would Princess Li be in his ranks and say that he kidnapped her?

How could he have kidnapped her?

It's not that he doesn't want to live too long.

Who knows that the matter of Li Fei has not yet been thought out, solved well, the soldiers came back to the newspaper, said that they found a stranger in the team, the person was brought in to look, all eyes were staring out, incredible looking at the wolf but very familiar right phase.

How come both their fathers and daughters, like this, are tied up in his ranks?

And it looks like he took away their father and daughter.

One head and two big, instantly feeling like I was going crazy.

At this time, Zhang Zhaoshan's men arrived, and a pair were to search his army, looking for Princess Li and the right-hand man.

If you look at Zhang Zhaoshan, Zhang Zhaoshan has determined that he has a bad heart, you need to find him and seize his appearance.

Never. If Zhang Zhaoshan finds the man now and then brings him to justice, even if he goes back and explains clearly to the Emperor, the Emperor believes him, but it is absolutely impossible for him to continue to lead troops to the frontier.

He's going to say goodbye to this hard-to-get military power.

Because the opportunity had been missed, it was urgent for the troops of the Kyrgyz Army to leave for the frontier, unless the Emperor was willing to watch the Patron sit large and then threaten his throne.

The Emperor would never have been able to sit around and watch this happen, otherwise he would not have been able to take the military power of this army so easily.

Now that the army has been pulled out, if he is captured by Zhang Zhaoshan because of Princess Li and the right minister, this army will definitely be led by someone else. All his efforts will fail, and he will no longer have any military power.

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