Flash Marriage

Chapter 1182 Flower Protection

After all, Manjuan is dead, he has no son, and he cannot go on without children, see if the Emperor will allow him to bring back his former wife and children.

Once in the palace, everything was just like before, the scenery and the princess made a scene with the Emperor.

“Why didn't you order the rescue of Manchu and save my only son? You ungrateful little brother, have you forgotten how I helped you? ”

Lord Lin only stepped into the Emperor's sleeping palace and heard the very overheated words of Jing and Princess, which had never been said before.

The future and the princess, even if they are noisy, will only say that the Emperor does not care about her as a sister, does not protect her as a sister's only son, has never said such a gross offense.

He scared Lord Lin almost to the ground. He stunned himself and quickly crawled to the ground. "Your Majesty, the princess has missed a lot lately. The spirit is a little tranced. Please forgive the Emperor. ”

His Majesty's face is already blue at this moment.

He did not forget that Jing and the princess tried to get Meng Dish Fairy to hand over the Kowloon Dragon Dragon Dragon Bead Chart. He did not forget to take away Princess Li, causing him to be born a dragon fetus in the dead belly. According to the news, it was a well-established male fetus, how could the Emperor not hate it?

But just because he remembered that Jing and the princess had helped him, he couldn't bear to do it to Jing and the princess. He had endured to let her break into the palace again and again to make a fuss. I didn't expect him to say such a treacherous thing today.

The emperor can no longer tolerate sights and princesses.

He knelt on his knees with cold eyes, and said to the King and the Princess, "Do you want a son? Then you trade the white jade token. ”

Jing and the princess were tortured in pain, almost insane. After she said it, she regretted trying to bite off her tongue, but the water was hard to take away. If she said it, she said it out. Plus, this was her own words, so instead, there was a kind of painful and smooth dripping, which made her comfortable and didn't want to beg for immediate forgiveness.

Anyway, she died, her only child died, and she didn't want to live any longer. The Emperor was furious to kill her, so kill her.

Who knows, the Emperor actually replied to her.

The view and the princess glanced at each other and looked at the emperor incredibly, "What are you talking about? Did you save Manchu, but imprison him? You want the white jade token in my hand? ”

His Majesty's cold face did not change slightly. He looked at the scenery and the princess so indifferently, silently, and let her guess, his eyes were uncertain and deep.

Jing and the princess grasped and searched, finally took out a white jade token at the chest and handed it to the Emperor, "You want the token, you take it, you tell me sooner, why put Wan in prison for so many years, how much pain he has to take. ”

The look on the face of the landscape and the princess is delightful and crying. It is also worrying and sad and shocked. Several emotions are constantly changing on her face.

Makes the whole person seem even crazier, almost on the verge of collapse.

His Majesty reached out his hand, took the white jade token, and then looked deeply at Lord Lin, who was completely shocked at this moment and didn't know what to say.

Are you really not dead, in the hands of the Emperor, because you want a white jade token, because you are a prisoner, so you have been imprisoned by the Emperor?

No, if it's really for the White Jade Token, the Emperor doesn't have to wait until now.

But the view and the princess grabbed the last straw to save her life, and Hippo looked at the emperor and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, will you give my son back now? I'm taking him home. ”

The Emperor put the White Jade token away and said coldly, "Lord Lin, by order, I order you to bring your previous son back to live in the government of Lin. The princess is your real wife, so the other girls are your children, the princess's children. I not only gave her one son back, but also gave her both sons and daughters. ”

What, let him bring the baby back?

So, can we get the wife and the parents back?

Lord Lin petrified all of a sudden, but at the same time, the smile on his face was an irresistible beginning to disperse.

The view and the princess were completely foolish.

What do you mean, before your daughter?

Lord Lin only has 10,000 children, with the only child she had, nothing else, even a concubine, how can there be any other children.

She stared at Lord Lin and didn't believe him at all. She thought the Emperor was talking nonsense.

But when she saw Lord Lin's smile could not fit together at all, and could not hide the color of joy, the later perceived reaction came. The Emperor said to give her back a child, not ten thousand, but a child born of Lord Lin and other women, and there was still one, not one, or two children.

The point is that such a pair of children, she didn't even know they existed, but the Emperor did.


Jing and the princess suddenly felt like they were going crazy, their hands covered their heads and shouted out loud.

“You guys, why? You...”

Jing and the princess had a mouthful but painful words, a little incessant, the whole person began to go crazy, she fell on Lord Lin, “What children, when did you have children, who? Who were you born with? There, I'm going to kill them, dare to rob my husband with me, rob my father with my son, I'm going to kill them..."

Jing and the princess screamed wildly this, even opened their mouths and tore them on Lord Lin's body. The Princess Lin was afraid to move in front of the Emperor. As soon as he was careless and unable to avoid them, he was bitten by Jing and the princess. The blood flowed down his neck and looked startled.

The emperor obviously did not expect the scene and the princess to be so cruel and insane. Almost when he heard the Princess Lin had women and children, he went straight to madness.

He immediately ordered people to open the scenery and the princess, which allowed Lord Lin to breathe and cover his neck. The blood bled out along Lord Lin's fingers. His Majesty's disgust at the scenery and the princess was even more abhorrent. He immediately ordered people to send a doctor to Lord Lin to treat him. At this moment, the smoke dissatisfaction with Lord Lin was dissipated due to the expiration of the Royal Family, but also the affairs of his wife and children.

Honest wives like Jing and Princess can't really say, otherwise the results are really unbearable...

He had asked Lord Lin to bring back a pair of sons and daughters because he was angry. After all, he was not going to let Lord Lin's wife come back. After all, there were scenes and princesses.

But looking at Lord Lin's neck, it was still bleeding. The Emperor immediately canceled this plan.

After so many years of impatience, Lord Lin should also reunite with his wife. Jing and the princess are too unacceptable and too unlike each other. He no longer protects them. She should go and torment herself.

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