Flash Marriage

Chapter 120: Crazy House

“Well, it's done. Don't forget to send your palace's gossip dispensary to me.” Wu Hua clapped his hands and threw Wan Hua to the ground in a handsome manner.

Nice robbery.

Eight gossip refineries and eight gossip dispensing furnaces are compatible. Together, they can do half the work.

When the former invited Wu Hua out of the mountain, he had already sent it. I didn't expect him to still remember this.

Gu Juxi smoked in the corner of his mouth and shouted coldly. He shouted out, “Tiger Hill, throw Wan Qiu back to the Linguo government quietly. ”

The temperature in the ice cellar was too low, and the poison had passed. Gu Juxi hurried out of here with the Mondi Immortal and returned to his bedroom.

Wu Hua also put some flavor medicine on Mengdi Xian and watched her take it herself.

The little white face slowly improved, so I quit.

At this moment, Mengdi Xian closed her eyes, in her sleep, she dreamed of the scene of Wan and Chen Hongfei slaughtering her and her son again. Her child opened a pair of unfamiliar eyes, and when he inserted a knife into his heart, he ate a painful cry. The bright and naive voice, like a sharp blade, plunged into her heart.

Meng Di Xian woke up in a cold sweat. That heartbroken pain swept up like a tide and caught her dead.

No, even if Manchu succeeds today, she must marry Manchu in order to survive, and she will never have that child again.

Never again.

And as long as she had a one-in-10,000 chance, she would never marry one, not even one.

In this life, she and Million Dollars will never die, you die and I live.

Wan, Chen Hongfei, Chen Haoxiang, these people who hurt her, she won't let go of any of them.

Thinking of all the loss of her previous life, she would make these people pay more painfully than she did in her previous life.

“Disk Fairy, are you all right?” She is immersed in her pain and hatred. Suddenly there was a voice of concern in her ear, a low magnetic voice, a nice voice that didn't sound right, and then she put a cold pair of eyes on her. At this moment, the eyes were cold, thin and concerned.

The bright eyes are like the brightest stars in the sky.

Gu Jiaxi looked deeply at her, this little fairy, besides calm and intelligent, calm and atmospheric, turned out to have this soft and painful side.

Ain't nobody ever seen anything but him?

To think of it, his heart smelled sweet, as if he knew what unknown secrets Monkey Fairy was, closer to the heart of Monkey Fairy than anyone else.

The Monkey Monk Immortal immediately adjusted his emotions, and those bone-eating hatred retreated like a tide into the corner of repression.

She didn't want to show these to anyone, she hated her own * * *, she hurt herself to comfort herself.

“I'm fine. Thank you, sir. ”

The scene in the tea house, the scene in the ice cellar, the memories of the Mondi Immortals were fresh, and she seemed to owe him a little more.

“Be polite with me about what.” Gu Jiaxi lifted her up and stuffed a soft pillow behind her. She looked at her and her face was restored to red moisture, which relieved her.

“Well, thank you very much. I will return the favor with action in the future. ”

Monsieur Monsieur winked, deliberately speaking in a light-hearted tone.

“What action? Promise?” Gu Juxi's eyes measured her from the bottom to the top. The tone was half serious and half a joke.

Uh, why are we getting into this again?

Meng Dixian did not answer the question, and changed the subject directly.

“What are you going to do now, Leung Zi? After all, there are also the sights and princesses and Lord Lin standing there. ”

“You don't have to think about that. You just need to raise yourself. I'm here. ”

“No, I would never end up with him like that. And my father doesn't have your thickness on his bottom. I can't guarantee they won't be able to move you. Turn your head to our mongolia. I want to be careful. ”

Gu Juxi knocked her head off without a word, really wouldn't slack her life.

“Well, let's talk about what to do. ”

When Meng Yanqing arrived, he saw two people discussing the problem.

“Disc Fairy, how are you? Father came to pick you up. ”

After the poison, Gu Juxi sent a butler to notify Meng Yanqing.

He didn't tell Meng Yanqing clearly. He only said that there was a bit of discomfort in the tea house with Wanqing. He was injured and was seen in his house for medical treatment and injury.

Meng Dixian saw his father Meng Yanqing. He smiled thankfully at Gu Juxi. Although he had not been worried about breaking into her maiden room in the middle of the night, he nevertheless paid attention to her reputation. He was afraid that her reputation would be damaged if she stayed overnight in Yongning Hou, so let her know.

Gu Juxi stood up and gave Meng Yanqing his bedside position.

“I'm fine. Thanks to Sir Gu for what happened today. Father needs to prepare some gifts for his daughter tomorrow. Thank you, sir. ”

“No problem, just prepare for Father's return. ”

Meng Yanqing could not ask for this. He still remembered that Meng Dixian had just returned to Beijing City. He had prepared a gift to thank him and ate a closed door spoon.

Thinking of this, Meng Yanqing said badly, “Never mind, I came to eat the door spoon anyway, I won't run this trip. I will put the gift in Meng Mansion. When will Sir Gu come to Meng Mansion again, just take it away. ”

Uh, Gu Juxi choked on his own spit.

This Meng Yanqing is tired of living and distorted, dare to sue him in front of Meng Dish Fairy.

“Well, next time Sir Gu comes to Meng Mansion, Father will give him a closed door spoon too? ”

Meng Di Xianxian smiled, her eyes rose, dare to close the door spoon for my father, sample, also let you taste it.

Stun, at that time she didn't want to see Meng Yanqing's father, okay?

He was just following her in a good way.

Damn Meng Yanqing, when did you dare to follow him?

In his heart, he slandered Meng Yan Qingqing's belly. Gu Duxi blushed his eyes. "Do you want to close the door spoon for me? ”

Uh, this look is full of intimidation and extermination.

Meng Yanqing's teeth trembled and grabbed his tongue, “No, nothing. ”

“Well, tomorrow I'll wait at the house for Lord Sangshu to visit. ”

Whoever makes Meng Yanqing will be his father-in-law in the future cannot fail to pay attention to the relationship.

Although there is no sign of a loose mouth, it doesn't matter.

Meng Disk Immortal can only be his.

Then Meng Yanqing's father-in-law, he should give him some face.

Meng Yanqing looked directly flattered, as if he had been struck by lightning.

Meng Di Xian covered her face, his father really embarrassed her.

The government of Lin Guo is misty.

Jing and the princess couldn't believe the look on her handsome son, the face of the beating was not shocked, shocked that she had always been a self-righteous son, when she woke up, she grabbed the girl and started walking.

One's over, push it out, pull the next one, hit it.

One after the other, the maids in the courtyard were pushed down again and again, and there was no sign of rest.

Wan Xiao is still roaring to let the forest bring all the girls he hasn't touched in the house.

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