Flash Marriage

Chapter 122: Prior Distribution

The crowd is silent.

The 10,000 prince steals chicken and doesn't eat rice. He folds himself in, but he really deserves it.

This common voice in the heart, no one can show it, keep a painful look on the face, waiting for the final ruling of the emperor, no one can break this matter except the emperor.

Unfortunately, the Emperor also had a headache, with a faceless face on his face, and the Emperor felt a tremendous liver pain, which was all about.

“Your Majesty, the son of your son will most likely be killed by this drunken peach blossom. He is still suffering, Your Majesty.” Lin Guo was heartbroken.

Only two days later, his son's already tired eyes were red, his eyes were pale and horrible, and his body was much thinner.

Thirty women in two days, nobody can take it, but his son is still fighting.

The more I think about Lord Lin, the more I hold back and the more angry I get.

Playing with women is a cause of excitement, moderation and under normal circumstances, pleasant elegance.

Now it is simply a form of torture, no longer pleasant, no longer elegant, seemingly exhausting and hateful.

Even the person watching him has the feeling of never touching a woman again, not to mention his son. In the last two days, he can predict how much his son hates women and hates this kind of thing if he survives this level.

Your doctor said that it would be difficult to take an interest in women, which is too understated.

Without seeing the situation of his son in the past few days, how could he care less? Once he saw it, now he thinks that his son's immortality is also going to be abolished.

“Lord Lin, your son is a young man. My daughter is only 10 years old and cannot go through this kind of thing. But the Prince's drunken peach blossoms first. If my daughter hadn't been poisoned, my daughter would have died by now. I haven't talked to you about it yet, but you guys are beating each other up. ”

Meng Yanqing is now dedicated to the care of his daughter, and with Gu Jiaxi as his backing, he now feels that he is very cheerful, and has no previous cowardice in the face of Lord Lin, which is directly generous and exciting.

He could see that his daughter may be young and has no thoughts about Gu Juxi at this time. But that Gu Juxi has all his thoughts on his daughter, which is obviously a kind of attitude towards his elder.

With such a strong backstage, capable and gracious associate son-in-law, his waistboard is now straight.

The two argued here, and this time the group was unanimously silent, without even a redundant expression.

The joke, one is that the Emperor Sulu respects the Ka Ka scenery and the princess, the other is that the Emperor has no reason to grace the unlimited Lord Gu Mengxian, etc.

This is all about the fairy fighting. If you accidentally hit the pond fish, it's stupid to talk to anyone.

“But your daughter is still alive and well. Something is going on with Wan Zi. It should now be Meng Shang Shu to give a statement to Lord Lin and Jing and Princess. ”

Left phase stood up, but spoke for Wan.

Monkey Monster smiles coldly. Is this the enemy of the enemy's route to a friend?

Ming Wan broke the covenant, did not marry Chen Hongfei, left each other angry, and had quite a few words for Jing and the princess, but now he stood in a position to crusade her.

“The Left Chancellor was right, and in the end, what happened was Masterson, not Mon County Master. After all, the victim was Masterson, and the Emperor was asked to rule. ”

The Patron also stood up and was on the same front as Zuo Xiang and Lin Guo Guo Station.

His Majesty's eyes swung deeper, his jaw teeth swayed and his muscles moved tightly.

The three of them would have been very difficult to do if they had stood together again.

Gu Juximei's heart slightly wrinkled. He also thought it was not good. If it was because of this, it would not be good to reconnect the left phase and the Patron with each other.

He raised his eyebrows and swept away the emperor. He saw that the emperor was also a stern look.

Mengdi Xian, who also knows the situation, naturally knows what Gu Juxi and the Emperor are worried about.

It didn't itch to say, "Left phase, if it wasn't me who was poisoned today, but your daughter, Chen Danlian, didn't know that Left phase would still talk like this?

Your Highness, the Queen raised the subject of the private engagement between Jing and the princess, Chen Hongfei, too dedicated to Master Yuchong, chastity has been criticized. You don't think that's why the protection government owes the left-hand government a lot of money to the left-hand government. The joint desire is to keep pace with the left-hand side in order to reach an apology? ”


The word is good, it's humble, it's bad, it's low.

This is particularly profound in the official arena.

If the name of the apology is implemented, then it is invisible in the Chapel that the Protectorate Government is first class in the lower left ministry.

Although the Left Minister is a ranking minister and one of the highest ranks of officials, he is almost as close as the Patron General.

The Left Chancellor is a generation of people who have risen in the dynasty, while the Protector's Government has been in the throne since the founding of the country. It can be said that the residence has been growing and flourishing since the founding of the country. After generations of efforts accumulated, the Left Chancellery is incomparable.

So this apology looks like a nice word, but for the Patron, it is the most unacceptable word, and it will never say anything.

He cannot afford to lose the reputation that the Protector's Government has accumulated over the years.

“The county chief, the queen, the emperor has made a decision, needless to say, as for Miss Chen Hongfei's virginity, it has nothing to do with my protection government, Mon County chief don't talk nonsense. What happened today is that my Patron can't see the scene and the only princess to suffer this sin, it's nothing but rhetoric. ”

It doesn't matter. It's a war speech.

Meng Dixian laughed. That's what you want.

As soon as Left Phase listens to this, his face sinks and his eyes look cold.

The protectorate called bitterness in the dark. He really wanted to use it to repair the relationship with the left side, but he wanted to think about it, do it, and if someone said it, he couldn't let it kill him.

He must not destroy the reputation of the Guardian Government for a hundred years and allow it to be trampled underfoot.

On the one hand, he was angry with the Patron, and on the other hand, he hated the itching of Meng Di Xian's teeth. It was not enough to make one of his daughters almost disgraced. He also remembered his best eldest daughter, Chen Danlian.

That is what he carefully cultivated for dozens of years. He must not make a mistake if he wants to be sent to the palace to serve the Emperor.

“Mon County lord, you're cursing my eldest daughter, you're so harsh. ”

The left side directly buckles the big hat, poisoning it as soon as it exits. Right face-to-face, joke.

“Did you? Left phase is a little too much imagination, Mon County owner is just an example, I suggest you change your mind, you think too much. Anyway, I think that if anyone moves such thoughts and means on my daughter Li Xinru, I will spare my life and let him taste the same. “

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