Flash Marriage

Chapter 131: Insect Rape

It suddenly occurred to me that Chen Haoxiang used to ask him from time to time the names of the officers in charge of the military barracks near the capital and some deployments.

Is it...

Meng Yanqing's back was cool and sweaty.

He is a junior soldier of the army, and the army deployment and appointment of officers on the outskirts of the capital are beyond his control, and this information is not a big deal, as national officials know, but if it is an enemy country, it is a big deal.

Meng Yanqing can no longer sit down, "Disk Immortal, are you serious? Does the Emperor know? ”

This kind of thing, they can't know, it's useless.

“Yes, but there is no evidence. Do not move lightly.” Meng Dixian faintly said that she did not tell Meng Yanqing that this matter was being investigated by Sir Gu. The dark pile was placed in Meng Mansion. Your most powerful and trusted cadre Zhao is Sir Gu, or the eyes of the Emperor.

She was scared of her father.

“Father, it cannot be clearly stated at this time that even if you come to the Emperor, it cannot be clearly stated that before everything is proven and the dust settles, a random sentence may be bitten back, so you must never speak to anyone, let alone discuss it with the Emperor.

Therefore, the Emperor will never admit it and will even punish you for your nonsense in order to maintain the present balance. ”

Meng Yanqing's head sweats also shed.

The emperor's equalization technique he understands.

“Xian, don't worry, I will never talk to anyone again, but there are some things I need to change. I may have said something I shouldn't have said about military secrets to Chen Haoxiang. ”

Meng Yanqing did not hide it from his daughter, nor did he hide it. He directly said some questions that he had not intended to answer Chen Haoxiang.

Meng Dixian was shocked, “Father, to do bad things, you must redeploy quickly, but everything must be done in secret. ”

“Okay, I'll do it.” Meng Yanqing panicked, too.

Say it, Meng Yanqing hurriedly left, a fire butt fight.

Meng Dish Fairy was very fortunate, she told her father the news, otherwise the consequences would be unthinkable.

Slowly lying on the bed, the Monkey Disc Immortal stared at the top of the bed.

The scene was like a movie. It went through her head. She suddenly thought of a question. Why did Chen Huixiang hit her grandmother so hard today?

In fact, they were perfectly capable of hitting the boat she was on.

Thinking about it, Mengdi Xian slowly fell asleep, in her sleep, she dreamed violently, she walked into a mist, couldn't reach for five fingers, white.

Just as she lifted her legs, she fell into a whirlpool. In the whirlpool, she saw Gu Juxi surrounded by a group of strangers, constantly slaughtered. Finally, Gu Juxi was captured, thrown into a secret room, constantly subjected to all kinds of torture and dying of torture.

“No.” Mondi Xianhu sat up, touching the cold sweat on her forehead, looking at the dusk lights in the house, and she awoke that she was having a nightmare.

No, she had nightmares in her past life. How could she have nightmares about Gu Juxi?

Is that what happened to Jasmine Gu in the past life? Or is it the end?

Meng Disk Immortal suddenly caught his heart.

Remember that dream carefully.

She suddenly found a familiar figure standing at the end of the circle inside the stranger who had besieged Jasmine, left phase.

Left face against Gu Juxi!

Meng Dixian suddenly arrived at this conclusion. Perhaps the Left Minister had also known that Gu Juxi was investigating him.

Bad, if the father is now rushing to move the deployment and personnel of his original barracks, he will surely be spotted by the left side. Guess if the father knows something, then the father is in danger, and I'm afraid things will change.

“Congratulations.” Mondial Immortal screamed out loud, Li Zanzheng immediately walked in, “Miss. ”

“Quick, go get my father back. Don't let anyone find out, let alone let him do it. ”


With a whisper, Li Zanzhen disappeared and her figure had gone away, but her heart did not know why, she still could not settle down.

Instead, there is growing anxiety, which seems to be bad, and unforeseeable things are going to happen.

Meng Dixian waited all night, did not bring Li Zanzheng and Meng Yanqing back, this anxiety deepened.

It was not until the dawn of light that Li Zhansheng brought Meng Yanqing back. However, Meng Yanqing, who had only brought him back, was in a coma and severely bruised his forehead.

“What's going on?” Mengdi Xian forced herself to calm down, asked.

Li Zanzheng's eyebrows were almost wrinkled into a hill. He felt like he was about to turn into a waste. Once on a job, once on an accident in front of him, mother.

“Lord Meng rode his horse night after night. The horse was shocked and fell into the woods on the outskirts of Beijing. His head hit a stone on the ground. I searched all night before my subordinates found it. According to his subordinates, Mon's head was deliberately bruised, and then the horse fell to the ground in shock and hit a stone, and the attacker should be someone Mon knew, because Mon had no sign of struggle or resistance. ”

Someone you know?

Meng Dixian calmly asked Xie Hao to call Wu Hua again. He was thinking about what had happened, and it seemed that someone had walked ahead of them every step of the way.

But Daddy went out tonight, temporarily, if not suddenly she had that nightmare, sensationally told Daddy about the left-handed treason, that Daddy would never go out to the suburbs.

So it's impossible to have someone on the outskirts, but someone who knows where his father is beforehand.

She told her father to bring a guard when he went out. What about the guard?

“Where did the father go, could someone follow him? ”

“No, not a soul. My subordinates had just checked it out. When Lord Meng left the house, he brought two nurses in the house. Those two nurses often came and went with Lord Meng, but now they are gone. ”

Now it is clear that there are other people's eyes in the house, someone has informed the person, that person only took the opportunity to do it.

Those two nursery eight achievements are the dark stakes of others.

I'm afraid they're traveling to the temple today, and they've been reported out by eyewitnesses.

“Li Zanzhen, I now ask you a very serious question, can your people trust you? ”

Meng Disk Immortal looked up and asked in earnest.

Li Xansheng shocked and immediately understood the meaning of Meng Dish Fairy. “Don't worry, the people under your command are hearts and minds, there is no intention of betrayal. ”

“That's good.” Take a deep breath, "I'm afraid we have all kinds of eyes in the Mon Dynasty. I need you to cooperate with me and pull them all out at once. ”

The mole.

What the lady said was that there was a mole in Meng Mansion.

Li Zanzheng's eyebrows were pitifully condensed again, and he whispered solemnly, "Don't worry, my subordinates will cooperate to find these people. ”

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