Flash Marriage

Chapter 135: How Is It You

The bandit leader had fun with the flowers, rubbing his hands and saying hello, sending people to pull cars and move boxes.

A lot of people stood on the street. They were supposed to come to see the noise. They thought Miss Meng must have used it as bait. When she got Lady Meng back, she immediately turned her face around and didn't recognize anyone.

Unexpectedly, this Miss Meng not only kept her promise, but she was also a little hard not to have, so quickly gave two cars of food and two boxes of gold to people.

Soon the crowd shouted “ah” and looked at the group of displaced people, one by one, envious and amazed at the amount of wealth they had received.

The bandit leader was ready again long ago, two cars of grain were pushed away, two boxes of gold were moved to the corner, and an advance convoy of his men immediately arrived.

Originally, the bandit leader had arranged for these people to be picked up here in order to cope with the Monkey Monk Fairy Word, but even he did not expect it to go so smoothly, then these people became the direct shipments of gold.

The bandit leader was afraid of something, got in the wagon and told people to get out of here right away.

The carriage ran all the way outside the city gate.

The journey was smooth.

The leader of the bandit's nervous and hung heart relaxed. He was afraid that someone might get greedy and have the heart to block the robbery on the road.

The ground in the capital is unfamiliar. Something is really wrong. He really doesn't have the ability to guarantee the preservation of people and wealth.

Now, so much gold and food, it's out of Kyoto, and then down, it's his familiar territory.

Looking at the two boxes of gold beneath his feet, the bandit leader looked up to the sky and smiled again. This is really developed.

At this point, the horse suddenly howled, the front hoof jumped, no longer going straight forward, instead, the same madness jumped again, the head of the upside-down bandit could barely sit steadily and hit the wall of the carriage.

The bandit leader rushed to stabilize himself and opened the door, “What's going on? ”

The driver's men, his face was white, "I don't know, brother, the horse suddenly fought just how not to leave, still jumping around here. ”

Without finishing a sentence, the horse went mad again and jumped in the air, the carriage could not bear it, tilted to one side, and rolled over.

The bandit leader was quick to see, jumping out of the wagon and rolling in the grass beside him at a moment when the wagon rolled over.

Standing up, a cold sword suddenly rests in front of his neck.

The bandit leader was shocked and his hands made a surrender, hurrying to say, "Leave a man under the sword. ”

The sword slit into his neck a little bit, spilled a little blood, which stopped, and the scared bandit leader looked pale.

The little brother who was rushing the car got out of the car by the mad horseback, and before he could look back, he was already elsewhere, and the head grunted to the feet of the bandit leader.

The leader of the bandit dared not move, and he dared not even turn his head to see who was holding him.

But it was hard to be angry, and it had been determined in my heart that these people were from Meng Dish Immortal.

This Miss Meng is so damn cunning, first set up a good image of keeping promises in front of everyone, then secretly kill people and take things back.

But what about his people?

In order to prevent this, he specially shot three roads of people and horses. He took them with him to pick up the money. He picked them up in the city all the way and protected them in secret.

How come there's no one left?

The bandit's head was spinning wildly, his eyes were looking around, a faint smell of blood haunting his nose, which was getting worse and worse, and not on his neck, nor the driver's brother who had just been beheaded.

It's the other way around.

The man with the sword behind him, on the head of the bandit's neck, opened his mouth at this moment and said, "Are you looking for your man? Well, look west. ”

When the leader of the bandit turned his sword behind him, he turned around and looked west, only to see a heap of people neatly stacked together like cargo.

And that individual, with a pale face, big eyes, stiff limbs, is obviously dead.

His people, those piles are all his people.

The bandit leader was terrified, and this time it was a total cold.

He shook his fingers out, pointing at those people, "You guys, you killed all my people? Miss Meng, just take the gold back, even if you want to kill me, why did you kill so many of my brothers so hard, that's dozens of lives. ”

The bandit leader robbed the road on the outskirts of Beijing for many years, but rarely killed, so he saw these men killed at once, couldn't accept it at once, knocked on his knees.

“Miss Meng? What an idiot. I still don't know who killed you. ”

What's that supposed to mean?

Not Miss Meng?

Who would that be?

The bandit leader could no longer take the sword on his neck and turned his head as hard as he could to look behind him. When he saw the impressive face behind him, he reached out his hand in surprise, "You, how could it be you? ”

“Why do you think money is so easy to earn when you take left-hand money and don't kill people and speculate on both sides? ”

“No, no, I was wrong. Please let me go, let my brothers go. ”

The bandit leader's heart was like a wave of shock rolling over and begging for forgiveness, but the man didn't even look at it. Once the sword was strong, the bandit's head's neck was raging and bleeding, and a few breathing rooms, there was no sound.

“Humph! Don't you dare disrespect the Left Hand, that's what happens. ”

The man kicked two feet on the bandit's head and wiped his sword on the bandit's head's clothes before retracting it.

“Head.” A row of people in black appeared from all around.

The man looked at the fallen carriage and laughed greedily, "Take those two boxes of gold away, we split them up, and give them to the left. ”

“Yes." The men in black were teething, and the head said, half at their disposal and half at their disposal.

Now this box of gold is all theirs, although it can't be monopolized, but it's already plenty.

“Go.” Two boxes of gold were moved to the carriage they brought, and the man flashed his hand, and a group of people took off their black clothes and revealed their normal clothes and went back to the city.

All of a sudden, a group of officers and soldiers appeared and surrounded the road group they had advanced, “Catch them, this group of people killed the goods and couldn't let them escape. ”

At first glance, the leader of the team was Zhang Zhaoshan, the leader of the capital of Beijing Zhaofu.

It's broken.

This Zhang Yishan iron noodle is selfless, it is an iron plate, the ability to pay off is super large, the deep people and the trust of Yin of Jing Zhaofu.

If you cannot retreat from him, you must be removed from the skin.

“Retreat immediately and disperse.” The man immediately gave the order and took the lead by himself, abandoning the gold, riding a horse instead and flying on the trail.

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