Flash Marriage

Chapter 141 Time of Crisis

Night is the best time for all evil to arise.

Gu Juxi sent Mengdi Xian back to the house and went to Yongning Hou House.

He walked this road countless times, he could no longer be familiar with everything around him, and as soon as he turned to this road, he felt an unusual smell.

There's an ambush.

Gu Juxi glanced sharply, and the whole person sheathed like a sword, through the glow of the phagocyton.

“Kill.” A brief order, dark lurkers, went around, surrounded.

Gu Juxi traveled with only 10 people, and no more than 100 people were ambushed at this time. He turned his eyes and knew that he seemed to be having a hard day.

On weekdays, Tiger Hill followed him and joined forces with him. These people did not speak at all, but now Tiger Hill is not here. The 10 people beside him are not the most elite people. The elite people have taken Tiger Hill to chase the unnamed underwater people.

I'm afraid it's a bad war today.

An analysis of the situation, though unfavourable, did not allow him to retreat.

They're surrounded by people, they're surrounded by circles, there's no other way but to kill.

A slaughter immediately opened the curtain, Gu Juxi was like Shu Luo's body at this moment, the knife was fierce.

It's dangerous over here.

The mongolia is not peaceful there either.

Meng Dixian only said goodbye to Grandma and Father, went back to Bi Fan Garden, before he could lie down, heard a sword shadow outside.

What the hell is going on?

Who would dare to go to her house so blatantly?

Meng Disk Xian opened the window and heard Li Zanzheng shouting, "Close the window and don't come out. ”

She went to close the window unconsciously and saw a stream of light strike, and she was almost conditionally reflexed to hide beside her and leaned against the wall by the window.

There's no light, it's a swinging sword.

The sword almost penetrated her.

Meng Dixian was afraid after a while, she immediately lowered her head and squatted under the window, reaching out only two hands to close the window.

Someone knew that another sword flew in, kept her scalp, landed behind her and hung a strand of hair with it.

She immediately rolled over and hid behind the wall next to the window, unable to close it.

The slaughter outside is almost pyrexic.

Meng Dixian thought only, Li Zanzhen must be in the downwind, otherwise he would have arranged someone to protect him first, not just to make a reminder.

It is obvious that the popularity is fierce. They can't tell the difference between people. Only by blocking all of them can they stop the enemy from approaching her room.

What should we do?

If none of the cousins can stop it, the nursing home in this house is even more unlikely.

Besides, the nursing home would have been here a long time ago, if it had worked, it wouldn't be like this now.

Be sure to use external force.

Gu Juxi.

This Gu Jianxi, running to her so hard tomorrow night, something happened today, why didn't he come?

Meng Dixian didn't think about it. Why did she first think of Gu Juxi? At this time, she just kept thinking in her heart.

But if you don't show up again, you don't show up. It's useless.

Meng Dixian watched as another sword flew in through the window, almost to the opposite wall.

No, the enemy has taken another step forward.

Li Zanzheng is dying.

There has to be rescue.

Meng Di Xian desperately calmed herself down, looked around for a moment, suddenly the light on the table stopped and her eyes lit.

She leaned forward, removed the lampshade, and poured kerosene from the lamp all over her bed, lit the torch and threw it into the bed.

In an instant, the bed was lit and the flame rose high for one person.

From afar, you can see the fire in the Garden of Bliss.

The more the fire burned, the more frightened all the people nearby, even the servants of the Beijing Zhaofu Yamen of the patrol city saw it, and immediately returned to Zhang Zhaoshan to bring people.

Many were surrounded by the Mon Mansion, and the banging knocked on the door of the Mon Mansion.

The Meng Mansion, which has always been heavily controlled, opens tonight as soon as it knocks on its doors, and the pages are terribly pale.

“It's on fire, you know?” Taoist service refers to the heavenly fire in the direction of the paradise.

The small page looked at the fire with a white face, creeping his lips, what is a fire? Someone openly dared to kill their young lady, okay?

But the pages are completely frightened and can't say anything.

Watching him like that, he simply pushed him away and ran all the way along the fire.

Zhang Zhaoshan also arrived quickly, with a large group of people to kill.

In the Garden, the fire broke out, and the men in black and Li Zanzheng were still fighting, but because of the fire, the men in black immediately called gold to retreat.

Come if you want. Go if you want. It's not that easy.

Li Zanzheng is the man who guards the chief.

He understood the trick in a moment.

The lady lit a fire, which was tantamount to alerting the people of the capital to an invisible request for help.

He just needs to insist on leaving the people in black for a while. Someone will definitely be here. Whether they are the people in charge of the Beijing Zhaofu Gate or Lord Gu, they will be here immediately.

The black man got tangled up this time.

Not so riso.

As soon as Zhang Zhaoshan arrived, he saw the black man walking back and forth.

The black man was so familiar with his clothes, like the clothes he wore when the Hu leader went to exterminate the bandits, like the clothes he wore when he went to kill the Hu leader's family and the black men who were killed instead.

Left phase.

This is the man on the left.

At the foot of Tang Tian Zi, Left Phase blatantly sent a man in black to Mungfu to kill. Damn it.

Zhang Zhaoshan, who was in charge of public security in Beijing, was angry.

“Go on, catch the black man alive. ”

Zhang Zhaoshan yelled, caught one alive, identified the left phase, see how the left phase still arrogant with him.

Zhang Zhaoshan also brought good personal skills. As soon as he joined in the killing, Li Zanzheng's people immediately relaxed a lot.

At first glance, knowing that it was impossible to complete the mission tonight, the black man simply pulled back at full strength.

Li Zanzheng broke into the flaming house and searched for Mon Dish Fairy's figure while it was in turmoil.

The house has been burned to pieces and almost collapsed.

“I'm here. ”

Just as Li Zanzhen was preparing to look elsewhere, he heard a faint voice and rang in the pond outside the window.

“Ma'am.” Li Zanzhen flew out immediately and saw half the Monkey Monster immersed in the water, her arms climbing hard on the weed by the window and not letting herself fall.

When the Monkey Monk Fairy was pulled up, her arms were almost sour.

When the fire broke out, she jumped out of the window, who knew that her feet were slippery, slipped into the pond, couldn't call for help, and was spotted by the enemy. Fortunately, she caught a handful of water grass on the shore, or her life would be here.

Honestly, Li Zanzheng thought they were all going to die tonight.

Because the other side simply came, all the nursing homes were fainted without knowing to come to the rescue, their own people were only one-third of the other side's number, and the other side's strength was good enough to fight them.

If it weren't for this seemingly weak lady, they would all die.

Li Zanzheng took the new master in his heart this time.

Meng Dixian couldn't care less, but she was thinking about something else at the moment.

Such a big fire, even Zhang Zhaoshan came, it doesn't make sense that Gu Juxi didn't move.

She had no idea that Gu Juxi would not know about her crisis, nor did she think that Gu Juxi knew that she was not coming.

There is only one such result.

That is, Gu Juxi encountered something as dangerous as her. She couldn't walk away and couldn't get away at all.

She glanced at her heart and stood tall. “Let's not chase our people, go with Zhang Zhaoshan and support Gu Juxi immediately. ”

Supporting Sir Gu?

Li Zanzheng took a moment and came to understand.

Gu Juxi's mind was in his eyes. It was unusual that something so big had happened and Sir Gu had not appeared.

“Yes.” Li Zanzhen immediately went to Zhang Zhaoshan and asked him to return immediately.

On that side, Gu Juxi was exhausted from the battle. Especially when he saw the flame of the flying sky in the direction of Bi Fan Yuan, his eyes became red and he desperately wanted to break through the line of defense and go to Meng Fu.

There are too many of them, and he's just too thin. Ten people around, six killed, only four left, struggling to sustain.

The raid was so sudden that they had no chance of sending out a distress call.

There will be no reinforcements.

The rest of us are so tired, it's a total slaughter.

Two more fell.

Dozens of people, siege three, including Gu Juxi.

Gu Juxi's tired arm was about to be lifted. One could not pay attention, and a sword stabbed him and stabbed him directly through his thigh.

“Sir, be careful.” Looking at a sword, he rushed towards Gu Jiaxi's chest. He was almost unstable and unable to escape. His hands were still resisting attack.

“Pfft”, the sound of the knife into the flesh, to shield Gu Duxi from the sword, another person fell.


Gu Juxi is in complete despair.

He still ignored, had no intention of surrendering at all, his cold eyes, the smell of killing, even if he was tired, the knife was accurate, and he wounded a man without dying.

Whoever killed him in the front was a little chilly, and his legs were a little soft.

Another man fell down.

The ten men beside Gu Juxi were defeated at this moment, and he was the only one left.

The black man revealed the necessary smile, all pressed against Gu Juxi.

Just when Gu Juxi felt he was dying, a crisp voice sounded, “Kill. ”

The sound almost made him think he was hallucinating.

The people who had attacked him in black, apart from the innermost layers, a few laps of people outside turned to fight and kill.

Gu Juxi looked at the past.

Only a group of tough men were seen walking in clusters with a young girl.

The beautiful five officials of the young girl hung a frozen smile and watched the crowd slaughter calmly.

Meng Disk Immortal.

Why is she here?

Didn't she run into a fire, too? The crisis was so great, how could she be here and save him?

Gu Juxi tackled several black men in front of him with several knives, looking at his Monkey Monk Immortal.

Looking at him, he saw it in the eyes of Monkey Fairy... worried and relieved.

She's worried about him!

Gu Juxi's eyes lit up and his heart had never leapt like this.

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