Flash Marriage

Chapter 1421 Cold Hum

In Meng Fu Bi Fall Garden, Yu Bowl was arranging this lunch. Xie Hao panicked and walked in. He went straight to Meng Dish Immortal's study. Yu Bowl looked at Xie Hao's face and asked him unconsciously, "What's wrong with you? ”

“Something happened. ”

Xie Hao left these three words and quickly flew to the study of Mondi Xian.

Mengdi Xian in the study was about to get up for dinner and saw Li Zanzheng send Xie Hao in. He looked anxious.

Meng Dish Immortal couldn't help but ask, “What's the matter, so panicky? ”

Xie Hao gasped and couldn't even take a sip of the tea delivered by Yulin. "Something happened to the rain butterfly, just now. The lady ordered me to pay more attention to the situation of the rainbow butterfly in the British government in the last few days. Just now, the rainbow butterfly tried to think, and was saved, but it has gone half way. ”

“Looking for death? Why? Tell me more about what happened.” Meng Dixian was surprised. She was worried that Chen Hongfei would not spare her life, but did not think that Yu Butterfly would commit suicide himself.

Xie Hao took a breath and said, "Just in the morning, the British lady walked in the garden and suddenly heard a scream from the maid next to her. The British lady quickly turned around and looked behind her. She saw the false mountain in the garden, where the rain butterfly stood and swayed.

The British Duchess hastily ordered a man to go up to the false mountain and grab the rain butterfly, and the rain butterfly had fallen from the mountain and fell heavily on the grass next to the false mountain.

So everyone was frightened, the British Duchess was also unsettled. After a brief retrospect, she rushed over with people and tried to lift the rain butterfly, but found that the wrist, waist and ankle of the rain butterfly were tied with stones, such a fall, the accompanying stones also smashed into these tied parts, for a moment these parts were all blurred, looking terrible. ”

“Is she alive?” Meng Dixian asked.

“Alive, but seemingly dead, and the British Duchess seemingly frightened.” Xie Hao said on the side, the jade bowl beside him couldn't help but say, “Okay, why can't Miss Rain Butterfly think about dying? ”

She was very confused. She was the one who accompanied Mengdi Xian to Hongjiang Pool, so she knew about Yang Liu and Rain Butterfly. In her view, Rain Butterfly should cherish life, live well, why should she seek death?

Meng Dixian couldn't help laughing, “How could it be that you were looking for death yourself? ”

How many stones would you tie to your body if you wanted to die? Not to mention the fact that Rain Butterfly is a weak woman who can only dance. Such a person would not do such rough work as moving stones, and would not be so troubled to take stones down a false mountain and tie them to himself.

If you really want to die, there are many methods. Hanging, slitting wrists, throwing lakes are all very elegant and easy ways to die. Why should a rain butterfly not be able to live with itself? Use this method to torture yourself to seek death.

This can only be a conclusion that someone deliberately did this to the rain butterfly.

“Get ready for the carriage, I'll check it out.” Anyway, the rainbow butterfly in her past life was kind of a courtship for her. She wanted to save her son. At this point, she should go and see if she could help.

The carriage was ready soon. With the jade bowl Jade Forest and Li Zanzheng Xie Hao, Mengdi Xian walked to the British government.

Just as I was driving out of this street in Mon Fu and coming to the corner to get into another road, suddenly five horses rushed up ahead and quickly surrounded the carriage.

This corner enters the other road, going to the British government is closer, relatively quiet, few pedestrians in the past, suddenly appeared so five horses became lively and crowded again.

One of the horseback riders said in a shady manner, "I hear it is Mon County owners of the prestigious capital who are sitting here to see the scenery. ”

Meng Dixian had some accidents, indicating that the jade bowl lifted the corner of the car curtain. After a glance, he found that Xie Hao had fallen to the ground. He seemed to have passed out. Li Zanzhen was surrounded by four people and completely suppressed. That technique was simply a way to go with Li Zanzhen.

Copper man, copper man of Witch Creek Country.

Mondisk Fairy's pupil contracted violently and before he could speak, Li Zanzhen was severely stabbed in the back by one person. Li Zanzhen's shoulder was injured in a previous battle with no eyebrows. At this moment, as he fought, the wound seemed to have cracked again, only to see that his back and shoulder were all bleeding.

“Stop.” The Monkey Monk Immortal immediately shouted, raising his eyes to the man in front of him who spoke in a shady manner.

When the man attacked the gorgeous robe, the momentum was compelling. At first glance, it was like the momentum of a person who had been in high positions for many years. His face showed the marks of the years. The pleats on his face showed how rich his experience was, but such pleats did not diminish his charm at all.

This face, Monkey Monk Immortal doesn't know, but the eyes and the sound of speech, Monkey Monk Immortal is remembered in the heart, never forgotten.

This man, no one else, is just Chen Haotian.

Even if he looked easy and turned into something else, he couldn't fool anyone without a concealed voice and eyes.

He thinks he's covered his face. He hasn't returned to Nanda for years. She won't deny his voice?

Meng Dixian smiled coldly in his heart, staring at Chen Haotian without turning a blind eye.

Chen Haotian didn't move at all. “Why should I listen to you? ”

Meng Dish Immortal asked Yu Bowl to lift all the curtains of the carriage, revealing his whole person, not slowly said, "I am the person you are looking for, people are already here, don't stop. ”

Chen Haotian raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, he snorted from his nose. "So what? The guard stood up and fought without a word. My men killed him first and then took you to the house as a guest. ”

“Pfft.” Once again, the sword cut into the leg of the consecration, he knelt on one knee, seemed unable to stand, but still held the sword, madly resisted, and did not let the four men get away to move the Monsieur.

Meng Dixian stared coldly, the whole person is not like a person, but her voice is more cruel and cold than ever: “Chen Haotian, I have a wound on my guard, I want one of your people to die, if he is dead, I want all of you to bury him, even you, can you believe it?! ”

Chen Haotian listened to her and was shocked. How did she recognize him? However, her words were not taken as a matter of heart, and she laughed coldly. In the current situation, the Monkey Monkey Monster is a fish meat, he is a knife, and it is not the Monkey Monkey Monster's turn to say such harsh words.

He laughed a few times and said to the Monkey Monk Fairy, "You--" He was going to say, "You're a good talker, but when he touched those cold eyes, he was dumb.

This look made him feel like she was telling the truth, not threatening him.

She simply told him that if Li Zanzheng was injured and one of his guards died, she would avenge the death of the guard and bury him, as well as all his men who appeared here today.

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