Flash Marriage

Chapter 1436 Mindfulness

Even Mengdi Xian's mother and Gu Juxi's mother were not her opponents. They were broken in her hands. Today, Mengdi Xian is no exception.

She would have stomped the Monkey Monster under her feet, making her worse than her mother's death.

The Emperor frowned. He is almost disgusted with Manchu now, but obstructed the Prince of Witch Creek, he said: “What can I do for you? ”

The corner of his mouth curled, looking at Meng Yanqing: “Yesterday, suddenly a beggar stopped him from getting off the carriage, saying that he knew the secret of an adult, was hunted down, and prayed for shelter. ”

The emperor's eyebrows are even more wrinkled. This is so annoying. Is it possible to publicly claim grievances on such occasions? Besides, the so-called secret book is something that cannot be said in public, and stands in the palace of Nanda. It is natural to say that it is one of the adults of his Nanda kingdom. It is not possible to use his toes to say that it is not Witch Creek kingdom.

He is the emperor of the Nanda kingdom. If there are any problems or unknown secrets of his dynasty, it cannot be said on such occasions. Otherwise, wouldn't it still be his face?

The emperor was impatient and couldn't help but say: “This kind of thing is naturally left to Jing Zhao Yin to solve. You are an envoy of the Witch Creek Country, just deal with the matter of the Witch Creek Country. You don't have to worry about my Nanda Country. ”

The emperor's words are very unsolicited. Anyone can hear them. The emperor's aversion to all things, especially when he says the words "envoy of the Witch Creek State".

The people at the bottom look at the enemy of the Emperor on the other hand. Whoever it is, will not be willing to reveal any secrets at this time. Although they do not know who that person is, the crisis consciousness still leaves these people to choose to resist the Emperor.

“Yes, Your Majesty, no matter what the secrets, no matter what the grievances, just go to the appropriate judicial mechanisms to find a solution. Besides, Wan Xi is the envoy of the Witch Creek Country, something that should not be cared for is better. ”

Meng Yanqing, although he understood, did not know that Wan Xiao was against him, but his revenge with Wan Xiao was true, he subconsciously wanted to sing against Wan Xiao.

Everyone also proposed, but the corner of Wan's mouth revealed a funny smile. He snapped his lips and looked at the Protector of the Nation. His eyes again fell on Meng Yanqing.

“Meng Sang Shu, oh no, now Meng Zuo Feng, so eager to object, but the heart is weak? ”

Wan directly ignored the emperor's attitude, as if he had not heard the emperor's first opposition, and spoke directly against Meng Yanqing.

“Lack of heart? Huh, joke. I am bright and faithful to His Majesty. I have never had any unseen secrets, let alone pursued anyone, and the envoys have spoken with caution. ”

Meng Yanqing argued once and said that cutting off the nails would not make people feel that there would be any ingredients in it.

Meng Dish Immortal, however, was heavily in his heart. From this move, he felt that Manchu seemed to have mastered something very bad for Meng Yanqing.

What Wan Xian's attitude was towards her and her father, Mengdi Xian could not have been clearer. It was fast after killing, and at the same time, Wan Xian would never collide with his father for any reason.

This is the Nanda kingdom. Even if Wan Wan wants to find his father uncomfortable, he has to weigh it, so that if he wants to talk about the benefits, it is simply impossible.

Unless you have any certainty, you can give your father a hard blow.

In Meng Yanqing, the Protector said, "Mr. Meng, what are you so excited about, as if you really had something, makes me curious about the so-called adult's secret. ”

Meng Yanqing's face was tight. The Protector spoke on behalf of Wan Qiu. He knew what occasion it was. How could he fight in front of another country?

It's not right. It's too light.

Everyone's face was slightly ugly, staring at the Patron, even the Emperor's face was unhappy, and he swept the Patron's eyes uncovered.

The right minister knew the meaning of the emperor, and said directly, "The Protector, above the palace, His Majesty has already said, any grievances and secrets can naturally be handed over to Yin of the capital of Jing Zhao, or enjoy the song and dance in peace. ”

In one sentence, the right hand ended the attack on Meng Yanqing by Wan and the Patron. The Emperor nodded satisfactorily. The deep emotion on his face had just relaxed. He listened to the Prince of Witch Creek, whose voice was not low, and said, "Prince, although this secret belonged to the Nancheng dynasty, we should not have intervened, but now the Prince has offered such a courtesy to establish a covenant with Nancheng. Our two countries are close friends. As close friends, tell us this secret, why not? Didn't the Nanda nation sincerely establish a covenant with us? Don't treat the prince like a close friend, so you're so excluded? ”

Though the voice is depressed, it is only a gesture. The voice can still be heard clearly by the people in the palace. Therefore, although this is for the Prince of Witch Creek, it is actually heard by everyone.

Especially His Majesty the Emperor.

His Majesty's face changed slightly when he heard about it. The distinction between the two countries was to create a gap between the Prince and his relationship.

What the two men were talking about, if there was a gap, would be difficult to do, and the Prince of Witch Creek had reservations about him, and he could not achieve his purpose.

But Wan Zheng's posture was biased to suggest that this was a private discussion with the two princes, unless they raised it positively, and he explained that if he took the conversation directly to refute it, he would have fallen into the wrong hands.

But if you think of it like that, you can't hear it.

The Emperor looked at his own belly minister under his eyes, it seemed that the ministers were having difficulty. They all thought like the Emperor. Ask the other party to say it again, and it becomes the Witch Creek State to question the Nanda State, find themselves unhappy for no reason, and throw dirty water on themselves.

It was silent for a while.

Just momentarily, the atmosphere in the main hall solidified, to see whether the Nandu kingdom was coming or not, or to be held by the nose, Gu Duxi stepped forward and stood in front of the Emperor, as if he had not heard the words of the Prince of the Witchcreek kingdom at all, his voice was also not low and high, “The Emperor, Weishen Su smelled the exchange of gentlemen as fresh water, ancient saints were proud of this, even if they were allies, they became allies, and would take this as a model, for example, the Witchcreek kingdom and the Nandu kingdom now establish a covenant, Weisheng thought, the Emperor should also aspire to establish a kind of kingship with the Prince? ”

Gu Jiaxi's words came out, and everyone's eyes lit up. That's a beautiful statement. Even the Emperor showed a smile, praised the smile hehe said, “Not bad, still Jazzy understands my heart. I greatly admire the Confucianism of the world, and I greatly admire it. ”

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