Flash Marriage

Chapter 148: He Dares Not Bet

The Emperor's heart lit up and his face patted the princess's arm lightly. "Sister, I am afraid that the Emperor will go, and Lord Lin will not speak his mind and tell the story. I don't get it. President Hu is talking about the Left Hand. It has nothing to do with Lord Lin. Why is he going to do it? Even if it's left, how can it be him?

When did Lord Lin and the Left Hand get to the point where the liver and brain are painted? ”

Jing and the princess stayed, she only heard that the Duke of Lin Guo had angered the Emperor and had been sent to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and rushed over quickly. She did not know why.

Now listening to the Emperor, Lord Lin is actually trying to protect the Left Hand and kill people in public?

How is that possible?

“Sister, I advise you not to go. Lord Lin's behavior today is very unlike his. I'm afraid you won't be able to ask anything. ”

The emperor has some words that are centered on him, and these words, although intended by the fierce generals, are also in his heart.

This royal sister was completely obsessed with Lord Lin. She was once willing to marry him for nothing. Today, Lord Lin's actions differ greatly from the stability and fundamentals of a peaceful day. He knew that doing so would make her very worried. If she was even questioned about the crime, she would be alone in her misery.

However, Lord Lin did so, and at that time, he was simply seized without any excuse and begging for forgiveness. He was simply waiting to be questioned about his sins, waiting to die.

Lord Lin Guo, there are trenches in his chest, and he is diligent in his work. There is absolutely no reason to take this step for no reason.

Now that we're gone, that's the worst we can do.

Sister, going may be an opportunity, but the hope of success, to be honest, is too low and too low.

“No, I have to go. I have to ask him. Why?” The sight and the princess's blood red eyes forced their tears to retreat and grabbed the Emperor's plea, “the Emperor, let me go, let her go. ”

The Emperor sighed and waved. “Somebody, take her to comb and see Lord Lin in prison. ”

Jing and the princess were taken down. Gu Juxi whispered to the emperor. The emperor nodded and called for a guard to arrange it.

Zhang Zhaoshan was secretly summoned to the palace by the Emperor. He was never revealed in front of people, so that his identity would not be revealed. Therefore, the Emperor did not let him go to the next operation.

Jing and the princess briefly tidied themselves up and followed the guards to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

This road is not too far away, but for the view and the princess, it is infinite suffering. I think it is a long and long road, making her legs stiff, even her heart is numb.

She had already learned the details of the situation from others, and she still could not believe that the Guild of Lin had somehow done the kind of thing in front of the Emperor, seemingly killing people for the left.

If Chen Hongfei, the daughter of the left minister, wants to marry Wan, it depends on whether she agrees or not. If she wants to contribute, the left minister also contributes to the government of Linguo. How and why, in turn?

These problems are like aquatic grass growing in her head, wrapping her head around the pain, fainting, and everything is so untrue.

It was fine before tomorrow. They used breakfast together. How did it suddenly come to this?

The scenery and the princess were almost unconscious and stepped into the prison of the Ministry.

In the prison, a smell of mold swept up, and the cage was dressed in rugged clothes, and the prisoners with blood stains, with a pair of eyes open, eager to see her in the light.

She stumbled on her feet. Hasn't Lord Lin been sentenced like this? Wouldn't it be all over the body or wounds?

A burning tear tore her apart, forcing her to step up and urge the prison guard, "Take me to him quickly. ”

“The princess, just ahead, will be here soon.” The warden nodded his waist and said softly.

Along the way, the princess couldn't care less, and now she's going to see the Princess Lin with all her heart.

Finally, at a corner, in front of a closed iron door, it stopped, and the warden took the key and opened the door, "Please, Princess. ”

At the moment when the door opened, the scene and the princess looked inside in haste and fear. They did not see the Lord Lin's wounds, and their hearts could not help but relax.

Step in slowly and the iron door closes behind the view and the princess.

Sitting on the bed, leaning on the wall, Lord Lin Guo, was supposed to close his eyes, felt the footsteps approaching, which opened his eyes and saw the reddish eyes, intense worries, faceless face, with a silky face.

“Here you are, worrying you. ”

That kind and alienating doesn't sound like something that couples should have said for years.

The landscape and the princess were filled with questions and fears. They did not think much. They thought that he was also in a difficult mood. They hugged the Duke of Lin towards the past.

Lord Lin Guo's duty fell into his arms by Jing and the princess, smiling lightly, "This place is so dirty, you are a princess, really shouldn't be here, go back. ”

“How can I let you suffer so much when you're here?” Jing and the princess couldn't help but cry, the emotions that had been suppressed could no longer be controlled, and they picked up their fists and punched him in the chest, "Why, why are you? ”

“Well, I have my reasons for doing things, you go back. ”

Lord Lin's tone was a little impatient, urging the scenery and the princess to leave, seemed not to want to stay with the scenery and the princess for a while.

Jing and the princess stood still again, the tears in her eyes were still there, she dared not believe that she was staring at Lord Lin, “I begged the Emperor to come in so easily, you didn't want to see me? You don't think about me at all. Think about Junior? ”

Lord Lin lived in the mouth, his expression was unspeakable and weak, “You are a princess, the prince, you are all fine, no one dares to touch you, don't need me to think so much. But some people can't..."

The last sentence was extremely faint, faint and almost inaccurate. The view and princess were completely inspired by Lord Lin's lack of thought. I didn't pay attention to the last sentence, but in the next room, I saw the emperor and Gu Juxi through the hole and saw the truth and heard the truth.

The two looked at each other and were surprised by the message, then looked down.

“How could you say something like that? You're my husband, you're the father of our son. What do you want us to do besides do something? Don't you even think about it? ”

Jing and the princess were a little hysterical, hammering their fists in Lord Lin's chest.

Lord Lin grabbed the scenery and the princess and quieted her down, "Stop it. Without me, you would have had a good time with the Emperor. Without the Emperor, you would not be bullied. The emperor is a good emperor and your brother. He will protect you as long as you don't mess around and do anything that disrupts the syllabus. ”

“But I want my husband to protect me and stay with me.” The landscape and the princess shouted, with red eyes and tears, "you told me, why did you destroy Hu for the left phase? Why? You tell me, I'll make love to the Emperor. He'll let you go. ”

Lord Lin's eyes fluttered violently, eventually reaching out to wipe the scenery and tears on the princess's face, "Don't be ridiculous, I did not destroy Hu for the left. Hu is not our Nanda, he is a traitor and should be killed. I was temporarily uncontrolled and offended the murder weapon in front of the Emperor. It is my fault that you are not going to plead with the Emperor. If the Emperor does not execute me, he cannot serve the people. ”

“Is that really such a simple reason? It's not like you, you're not so impulsive. And that Hu was about to say some amazing secrets, but you did it. It wasn't impulse at all, it was blocking Hu's mouth and killing him. I've been through a lot of bloody storms in the palace. If I can't see this through, I won't be a princess now, and the royal brother won't sit on the throne. Are you going to lie to me? ”

Both Jing and the princess's voice were a little mute, one hand dead and pinched Grandpa Lin's arm, looked at him, and stared closely at his eyeballs.

Lin Guo removed his gaze, lowered his eyelids, covered his almost hidden heart, and simply stopped talking. He knew that he could not fool the scene and the princess unless he told the truth, but he could not tell the truth. Absolutely not.

“Go on, have a good time. Don't beg for mercy for me, go for the Emperor. ”

Lord Lin pushed open the scenery and the princess, leaning back against the wall, a feeling of rejection a thousand miles away, which deeply stabbed the scenery and the princess.

She came back to life at this moment. From the time she stepped into this cell, Lord Lin did not love her in the past, some were just indifferent.

Totally rejects her proximity to indifference.

“Why are you doing this to me? Why?”

Jing and the princess were completely frightened. This fright frightened her. She jumped into his arms with all her hands and feet again, “You told me if there was any mystery in this, you told me, can we shoulder it together? ”

This statement is very full of grievances. The Emperor on the other side is very painful. Looking at Lord Lin's eyes brings a bit of forest.

People are sensitive, and Lord Lin is no exception. He is also very sorry for the scenery and the princess. Especially after his repeated rejections, his heart also became a little softer. But that sharp gaze made him acutely aware that there was someone next door.

Someone was spying on him.

He doesn't know who they're gonna be?

He doesn't dare to bet.

So he bit his teeth off and pushed the view and the princess away, indifferently saying, “I have nothing to hide, you go. ”

The view and the princess felt cold all over herself. In Lord Lin's indifferent eyes, she felt like a clown.

The royal brother-in-law said she couldn't ask anything. She didn't believe it. Their husband and wife had loved each other for many years. Lord Lin would not do this to her. But what was happening in front of her made her believe.

Next door, Sir Gu shook his head, watching the view and the princess leave the cell in a desolate state, and walked away as well.

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