Flash Marriage

Chapter 160: Face to Face

An unprecedented anger, the constant fermentation in the immortal heart of Meng Disk, made her no longer able to face Meng Yanqing calmly to deal with the matter.

She'd rather fight with her father than take this humiliation back and give her justice.

She shall protect the good things of her mother to comfort her in the Spirit of Heaven.

Meng Yanqing was annoyed by the cold and questioning tone of Meng Dish Fairy. At the same time, he was also a little angry. Meng Dish Fairy so disgraced him. In front of so many people, he spoke to him with this tone.

It also made him angry that, if he had publicly admitted that the industries were the property of the daughter-in-law of Fairy Monk, so much property would no longer have anything to do with him.

It is a question of whether the Mon Mansion of Noda will be able to sustain the scenery of the past.

So Meng Yanqing's face sank, reluctant to admit, subconsciously took out the father's dignity, “Disk Immortal, these things are our housework, we talk privately. ”

“In private?” Monkey Monk Fairy's voice got sharp, "how do you say? So many master cabinets here, without clarifying this matter, is Father going to let your aunt Chen Haoxiang, who has already been suspended by you, go on to collect the money? ”

Meng Dish Immortal is almost out of anger, she thinks the father has a responsibility, but today, in the face of so much wealth without endangering his life, his blame comes out again.

Meng Dish Fairy couldn't help but discover that her father, who had been frozen in the past few days, was still so despicable.

Meng Yanqing was not questioned to come down to Taiwan. He yelled angrily. "Disk fairy, how dare you talk to your father like this? ”

How dare you?

Why wouldn't she dare?

What's wrong with a father like that?

Meng Dixian took a deep breath, ridiculously said, "Monsieur Meng, we are now discussing the issue of ownership of the shop on the dowry list, please answer clearly. There are no fathers and daughters here, only Lord Meng and Lord Meng. ”

The people in charge are amazed. Look at me. I look at you. I'm a little confused.

Let's go, it's obviously inappropriate right now. This ownership issue really needs to be clarified today, otherwise who will be given the proceeds later? Failure to pay will be a havoc.

Chen Haoxiang, the daughter of the left, Meng Yanqing, the soldier ministry, Meng Dish Xian, the county master, they can't blame any of them, any of them can make them not eat and walk.

Instead of falling victim to their struggle for power later, it would be better to watch the two fathers and daughters face each other with a hard scalp now, who can win and become in power, lest they become cannon dust.

However, the eyes of the crowd were more attached to the Monkey Disc Fairy. Such a little girl, the momentum did not lose to Meng Yanqing, a decades-old man.

In one sentence, Master Meng and Meng Yanqing have clearly distinguished their relationship.

The identity of the county chief is no different from that of Meng Yanqing's army ministry.

Meng Yanqing had no idea that he had always had more respect for him. He was a very close Meng Dish Immortal. He would change his face so much.

This is all about abandoning paternity and daughters and doing business.

Meng Yanqing hesitated, inside he really didn't want to tear his face off with this daughter, but he also didn't want to give up so much wealth.

The movement in the Garden quickly reached the ears of the Second and Third Ladies, who together went to find Lady Meng.

Old Lady Meng was reading Buddha. She listened casually to two sentences. She immediately realized that this matter seemed big and small. The situation was very delicate. One of the things that could not be handled was the ugliness of the house. Therefore, the Buddha also stopped reading. She took the maid beside her and rushed to Bi Yuan.

The Second Lady and Third Lady saw each other, and naturally immediately turned their eyes and followed.

Naturally, such a big move is not only known by the women, but also by the men who have just returned to the house. Master Er, Master San, as well as HongMeng Jing and Meng Jingnan rushed over immediately.

Bee landed in the garden all the more lively at once.

With the arrival of Lady Meng and others, the master cabinets are a little overwhelmed. Seeing as this is going to become a domestic struggle, should they wait for the results, obtain a personal commitment, or leave first?

For a while they all looked at each other.

Lady Meng loved her face, but also wanted to defend her son's face. She immediately laughed and said, “Disk fairy, look at you, what can't you sit down and tell your father, so that so many of the master cabinets don't know how to take care of themselves. Why don't you all go first and then ask everyone to come to the capital? ”

When the old lady spoke, the master cabinet stood obediently and wanted to say goodbye. Monkey's cold eyes swept over. “Grandma, before you can clarify this, please sit at the master cabinet. After all, my mother's property could not stand the repeated destruction of Chen Haoxiang by her father.

So much gold and silver, half a million taels of silver, so much money for my mother, it's not like this to let an aunt who is competing with her lose. ”

What half a million taels of silver?

Everyone was stunned. Those in charge were fine. The jaws of the Second Lady, Third Lady, Second Master and Third Master were all about to fall.

Old Lady Meng's eyes were also beaten hard, and she looked at her son with a bit of hatred for steel.

But the worse son is also the treasure in mother's hands.

Old Lady Meng knew that her son Meng Yanqing had made a terrible mistake, but she still didn't want to embarrass her son in such a large public, and she still loved her granddaughter.

Besides, Mengdi Xian's mother is their daughter-in-law, and her husband uses his daughter-in-law's money. Isn't that normal?

It is also normal for his daughter-in-law to take care of Chen Haoxiang when she dies, and let her son take care of Chen Haoxiang when he compares his heart. It is only Chen Haoxiang who is bad, and Chen Haoxiang who is bad in character, has little to do with his son.

Lady Meng pulled the responsibility out of her heart for three or two moments. She looked at Meng Dish Immortal with a little dissatisfaction. “Anyway, this is a domestic matter in Meng province, and people should not be allowed to see jokes in front of outsiders. Disk Fairy, are you going against Grandma's will? ”

The question is, are you ready to be unfaithful?

Women do not have a family, the most taboo being said to be unfaithful or guilty of being unfaithful.

Old Lady Meng is using this to force Meng Dish Immortal to step back and protect her son.

However, Lady Meng made a mistake in her calculations. She was reborn. She didn't care about anything. Even less, she didn't have the heart to marry. Fame is a floating cloud for her.

She cares only about revenge and pays the price for those who slaughtered her in previous lives.

Her mother, the only one who loved her, was the one she swore to protect.

No one can usurp anything that belongs to a mother, whoever it is. It's all gonna spit on her.

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