Flash Marriage

Chapter 168: Spit It Out

This question opens the door to the mountain, there are no fancy whistles, in fact, I also know. Chen Haoxiang, as an aunt, temporarily runs the back house of Meng Mansion. This is almost a laugh in the circle of noble women in Beijing City. As Yin of Beijing Zhaofu, his wife naturally told him this laugh.

Chen Haoxiang's eyes turned, “Master Yin, the wife of Master Meng left early. The concubine was entrusted by Master Meng in the Meng Mansion. She managed the inner house of the Meng Mansion for some time. As for the daughter-in-law's companionship, the concubine is unclear. ”

The answer is no leakage, you can't find anything wrong, but it's also like saying nothing.

Master Yoon stared coldly at Chen Haoxiang, obviously not satisfied with her smooth answer, “Manage the inner house? That specifically governs the financials? And you don't know the daughter-in-law's daughter-in-law's daughter-in-law's daughter-in-law's daughter-in-law's daughter-in-law's daughter-in-law. ”

This question was very straightforward. Lord Yoon didn't even let Chen Haoxiang blur the meaning of the past. He stared at her closely.

Chen Haoxiang chewed her lips herself and glanced at Lord Yoon in her heart. Unfortunately, she is now alone and helpless. There is no way to do this. She can only be interrogated by Lord Yoon in his office, and no one around her can help herself.

“The management of the inner house is to take care of the concubine and the children for the master, to ensure that the master returns to have a happy and welcoming home. As for finance, it is all the Master's account, give it to him, and the concubine takes care of whatever it is. Monsignor Meng entrusted to concubine management, it should be Monsignor Meng, concubine thinks so, what kind of marriage, concubine really don't know. ”

Push clean, give no handle to each other, even if there is a problem, it is Meng Yanqing's problem, this is Chen Haoxiang's strategy.

Yet Yin Qi of Jing Zhao Fu became colder and colder. “The property under management was stored in the dark gate inside the fake mountain. Did you privately sweep all the property inside? And took half a million taels of silver? Twenty-nine estates and shops to pick up half a year's surplus? ”

Chen Haoxiang was surprised. She didn't think that Meng Dish Fairy would sue all of this, and she wouldn't be afraid that Meng Yanqing would be dismissed for corruption and bribery?

Besides, what makes her think she'll admit it if she publishes it? Talk to me?

At the same time, Chen Haoxiang calmed down quickly and said faintly, "Master Fu Yin, are you kidding me? Lord Meng is a soldier minister, how can there be so many salaries in the court. ”

“So you totally denied it? ”

Jing Zhao Fu Yin pursued the question, asking Meng Dish Xian for a positive answer, or attitude.

Chen Haoxiang hesitated slightly and nodded.

“Speak.” Master Yoon had a cold drink and was dissatisfied with Chen Haoxiang's lack of cooperation.

“Yes, I did not sweep any Mon property.” Chen Haoxiang echoed, quite certain, but intangibly and skillfully dug a pit. She was talking about the property of the Mon Mansion, not the bride of the first lady.

Lord Yoon nodded and asked Meng Dish Xian, "Mon County Master, what can you prove that Chen Haoxiang stole the property you displayed? ”

“Yes.” Meng Dixian stepped forward and reached out. Xie Hao next to him immediately handed a letter of engagement to Meng Dixian.

Meng Dixian grabbed this employment letter and handed it to Lord Yoon, "It has Chen Haoxiang's signature on it and my father's personal seal. Chen Haoxiang simply denied it and did not know that there was so much property, so please explain to Chen Haoxiang what happened to these letters of engagement? ”

As soon as I saw the letter of employment, Chen Haoxiang looked silly. Why did all these things come out? Those in charge...

Chen Haoxiang immediately realized that the master cabinet must have been taken down by Mondi Xian. She had a bad cry in her heart. Her face was a little ugly. She was very proud of it. I just had to think about what to say.

“I am only acting on Lord Meng's behalf to hire these people. As for these shops and estates, I know they are not specific, so I did not specify them. After all, Lord Meng is the father of my child, a husband and wife, Baijin. Although I can no longer be married to him, I have the heart to defend him, so this is what happens. ”

Chen Haoxiang's euphemism and beauty, even if she had hidden it, it was also the original conjugal friendship with Meng Yanqing, intentionally hiding it before doing so.

Meng Dixian snorted cold, his smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes, the air around him was a little cold, “So you won't say it or for my father's sake? ”

“Of course.” Chen Haoxiang immediately interfaces.

Meng Dixian laughed once again, “So tell me, for the sake of my father, you took away half a million taels of silver tickets he had saved in Qian Zhuang, how can you say that? ”

Well, that can't be said.

Chen Hao Xiangxue, she changed her angle and said, "Mon Dixian, does your father have so many silver tickets as a soldier? Are you mistaken? I'm sure Lord Meng is definitely not the kind of corrupt, bribed official. ”

This is clearly saying that Meng Dixian is caught in the wave of corruption and bribery in Meng Yanqing, ready to divert people's attention, blur people's attention from rolling away so much money to whether Meng Yanqing has that much money.

Wouldn't Monkey Fairy let her touch the fish's food with all this water?

That's impossible.

Meng Dixian waved contemptuously. Xie Hao took out all the deeds in the other box and handed them to her.

She swayed a thick list of deeds in her hand and handed it to Lord Yoon, saying, "This is the deed of the twenty-nine Tianzhuang shops. It clearly says my mother's name, and the adult can read it one by one. These are my mother's brides, not my father's property. My mother died early, and I was sent to the country estate very early, so my father and Lady Meng managed the finances on her behalf.

The deed was in the hands of Lady Meng, and now it is all returned to me. At the time, the store management and management was taken over by the father, but the father was busy with the affairs, so he handed it over, together with the management of the inner house, to Chen Haoxiang, who was still his aunt.

Mrs. Chan, don't you know if I'm right or not? ”

The speech was clear, Chen Haoxiang was silent and his face greyed out.

There was a terrible wave in her heart, when old Lady Meng said nothing to give her the deed, no matter how she tortured it, how she designed it, how soft and hard it was, the mother and son refused to give the deed to her.

Don't mention how angry she was. If these deeds were in her hands, why sue her now?

But didn't Lady Meng swear not to take out these deeds? Why did you count these deeds so easily to Monkey Spirit?

Did Lady Meng keep it for Monkey Fairy?

No, she doesn't believe that there are people in the world who don't want to be financially active. With so much money in front of them, she can reach out and take the money into her own hands. But why did Lady Meng hand it over?

Chen Haoxiang didn't understand, but also knew that things had reached the worst point. This matter had locked her out, and she could not rely on Lai.

Lord Yoon looked over and nodded definitively, "This is indeed Mrs. Meng's property deed. ”

Master Yoon was actually somewhat influenced by Chen Haoxiang just now. The psychology is somewhat speculative. Is it true that Meng Yanqing was corrupted and bribed, so much silver and shops.

Now, it doesn't seem that way at all. He wants to make a difference. These are Mrs. Meng's dowries.

At that time, Lady Meng was also a famous and noble girl in Beijing. She was a rich dowry when she married. He also heard a little about these, but didn't see them with his own eyes, so he didn't pay much attention to them.

Now that he has all these deeds, what is unclear?

Meng Yanqing doesn't have that much wealth, but Lady Meng does.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Biting his teeth, Chen Huixiang said ambiguously, "Oh, it turns out these are Lady Meng's dowries. ”

“Yes.” Mengdi Xian took two steps forward, approaching Chen Huixiang, "Now Mrs. Chen, how do you explain that you don't know anything? Why don't you just spit out the money you swallowed? ”

The cold face of the monkey dish fairy, almost meandering, this woman, seized her mother's love and position, also seized her mother's property for so many years, let her daughter occupy her daughter for so many years, now is the time for her to pay the price.

In her previous life, she pushed her for Chen Hongfei, for her own position, to Wan Zheng's skinned wolf, and now it is time for her to taste the sourness.

Throw up. Throw up what?

She counted all the property to her father. He doesn't know where he went now. How can he pay it back? How do you throw up?

Meng Disk Immortal swallowed a sip of vomit and revealed a bitter smile, "I also managed so many things on my behalf, how can I say that I rolled away, blank words, can't talk like this. ”

If you don't see the coffin, you don't cry. It's about people like Chen Haoxiang.

Meng Di Xianzhang clapped his hands, a man came in at the door, Heran is the owner of Qianzhuang, he walked in, took a receipt, and handed it to Lord Yoon respectfully, “This was a while ago, this Chen Haoxiang collected 500,000 taels of silver ticket receipts from my Qianzhuang, with Chen Haoxiang's autograph on it, and Lord Meng's stamp of withdrawal. ”

Lord Yoon received the receipt, looked at it in detail, nodded, “Yes, this receipt indicates that Chen Haoxiang personally picked up the 500,000 taels of silver ticket. The Mon County Master said that there was really no false accusation against you. You have not come forward, take out the money and return it to Mon County Master. ”

So far, Master Yoon clearly knows that Chen Haoxiang is indeed in trouble, and Meng Dixian did not lie at all.

Therefore, the case was settled directly, and Chen Huixiang was allowed to return the money.

Chen Haoxiang's face is ugly. What did she take back?

But now she has to deny it.

“Not only are there 500,000 taels of silver tickets, but the balance you took today from 29 shops and estates totaling 50,000 taels of silver tickets, as well as a handful of items rolled away from my fake mountain warehouse in Mon Prefecture, are to be returned. ”

Mengdi Xian is unambiguous, the light won't let Chen Haoxiang take over, ask her to spit it out every single needle.

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