Flash Marriage

Chapter 1732 Repression

Meng Dixian smiled, his deeply calm eyes ridiculed him with no change, "Here, is the important secret base of the Prince of Witch Creek in Nanda. The reason he dared to stay in Kyoto for so long was because of his secret stronghold and the power he had nurtured in the dark. ”

At this moment, Wan and Chen Hongfei's face changed, the smile on both faces was all torn, turned very pale, even through a little panic, how did she know?

Clearly this place is very secret, outside is private school costume, the sound of reading has not been cut off, why can she think of going up there, and the blood pointing out that this is a place to train coppers, it is the secret stronghold and real power of the prince of the Witch Creek.

“How much do you know? What do you know?”

Meng Disk Immortal swayed his arm, held by two strong men, said, "Let go of me first, I'll tell you carefully, I can't run anyway, it's not just a dozen guards out there. ”

Without waiting for Wan Zheng to say anything, Chen Hongfei has waved, letting go of her, staring at her directly, “he said. ”

Meng Disk Immortal rubbed his kneaded arm, carelessly said, “Since Chen Haotian can lurk in Nanda for many years, then the power of Witch Creek is definitely not that little in Nanda. Before, Jersey and the Emperor spent a lot of time thinking, see how many officials Chen Haotian bought, what other stronghold of power in Kyoto, nothing has been gained. There are also a number of times in this, almost death, which can only indicate that there are forces in the dark that we do not know, but closely follow our tracks, but where is this hidden power?

The brothel was the first direction we looked for, where fish eyes mixed with beads, there were so many people coming and going, it was the best place to get news and hide power, but after a long search, we didn't find a clue. Yeah, well, the average person who would have thought that a private school with the power of unbound chickens like this, all private schools for needy children, or so remote, would be your real stronghold and power. ”

Chen Haotian designed several murders against her, even on the lake, almost killed her grandmother. From that time on, she actively sent someone to find out what other forces were in Chen Haotian's dark. Later, Chen Haotian arrived in the Witch Creek Country, Meng Disk Xian understood that Chen Haotian was just a dark pile of the Witch Creek Country. Then, if the Witch Creek Country could put in a Chen Haotian, it could arrange another hidden force. To be honest, the original power of Chen Haotian might be the power of the Prince of the Witch Creek Country.

In case she did anything in her mind, she would never be beaten passively, so she sent people to closely inquire about such power strongholds, green buildings, restaurants, gambling houses, martial arts halls, all of whom she had checked, had nothing to gain, only did not care about such a place where children and books gathered angrily.

Today she realizes that this private school looks like reading and writing, but actually learning the art of killing.

The Prince of Witch Creek is really good at hiding, using the psychology of poor people's children, picking materials locally, and practicing coppers.

Looking at the lips of the Monkey Monk Immortal open and open, my heart is in a state of chaos, “How the hell do you know? ”

Meng Dixian smiled, the face was as white as a jade, the eyes were bright and clear, but she looked at Chen Hongfei's heart. She smiled coldly, "This place is so secret, it came with me in a cloth bag, and you can see that this is no ordinary place, and Wanzi, a useless man with no hands and feet, is so frightened. You can see that this is your land, and the children who are reading outside, a young age, have no naive and simple eyes at all, some are just indifferent, look at the cocoon on the little hand, I have also worked in the countryside farm, the cocoon that is very different from their cocoon, their cocoon that is the result of long sword training, they are not ordinary children at all. If you look at that teacher again, there is no elegance, but some brazenness that is suppressed as much as possible.

You deliberately made them look like they were studying and teaching, and, well, not really, but you have a private school here, but the identity has long changed, and these children are not mere schoolchildren, they are semi-finished coppers that you have indoctrinated. ”

Chen Hongfei stared at her and smiled, “Mondi Xian, you are really smart, good, this is really a private school, recruit the children of poor people to learn, then slowly dive into silence, pick the best qualified people to become the trainers of coppers, those stupid children, long have been wiped out, or do something outside to cover up, the children are the simplest, the poor are also the best to cheat, we can cheat them to send the children here in just a few words, we don't have to worry about training the source of coppers. ”

Today she realizes that this private school looks like reading and writing, but actually learning the art of killing.

The Prince of Witch Creek is really good at hiding, using the psychology of poor people's children, picking materials locally, and practicing coppers.

Looking at the lips of the Monkey Monk Immortal open and open, my heart is in a state of chaos, “How the hell do you know? ”

Meng Dixian smiled, the face was as white as a jade, the eyes were bright and clear, but she looked at Chen Hongfei's heart. She smiled coldly, "This place is so secret, it came with me in a cloth bag, and you can see that this is no ordinary place, and Wanzi, a useless man with no hands and feet, is so frightened. You can see that this is your land, and the children who are reading outside, a young age, have no naive and simple eyes at all, some are just indifferent, look at the cocoon on the little hand, I have also worked in the countryside farm, the cocoon that is very different from their cocoon, their cocoon that is the result of long sword training, they are not ordinary children at all. If you look at that teacher again, there is no elegance, but some brazenness that is suppressed as much as possible.

You deliberately made them look like they were studying and teaching, and, well, not really, but you have a private school here, but the identity has long changed, and these children are not mere schoolchildren, they are semi-finished coppers that you have indoctrinated. ”

Mengdi Xian said that, in fact, he also admired those who came up with this solution. Such local material collection, eliminated the trouble of finding children by himself, and eliminated the hidden dangers that had attracted the official attention and pursuit of the Nanda Kingdom due to the loss of children, is simply a matter of numbers.

Chen Hongfei stared at her and smiled viciously. There was also a hidden pride in the vice.

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