Flash Marriage

Chapter 1740 Justice

Huang Yan broke away from Princess Liyang's hand and said with a slight embarrassment, "No need, thanks to the princess, my carriage will be here soon, Huang Yan will not delay the princess. ”

She was about to leave. She was stopped by the princess on foot. The princess laughed and said, "Miss Huang must have snuck away from home? How come there's a carriage in your house? As for the driver you just hired, I have ordered him to give you five taels of silver and tell her that I will send you back. He will not have to come back after he has sent several of his sons for medical attention. ”

- What? - What?

Yellow cigarette heart is half cold, this western suburb is desolate, few people come, the princess sent out the carriage she hired, it is not the same as she has to walk back, it is not necessarily a day to walk back, especially now that the sky is near dusk, the carriage barely rush back to the city after dark, now is not going to stay outside?

Yellow cigarettes can't laugh anymore. She can't get in the princess's carriage. At this moment, the princess's eyes are horrible. It's just a naked, blushing look. But if she doesn't get in the carriage, what if there are animals in this desert suburb at night?

She's got a lot of nerve, but she can't resist the beast.

Yellow cigarette was anxious, but there was no expression on her face, and she still refused the princess's proposal to go back with her.

Princess Liyang felt that the yellow cigarette was all meat in her bowl. She was anxious to follow the yellow cigarette ink. She grabbed the yellow cigarette straight up. Haha smiled. "Even if you don't get in the carriage, the princess has not tried it in the wilderness...”

The guards and maidens on one side knew what the princess was doing. The guards turned around and became a defense. At the same time, they did not go to see the princess and the yellow cigarette. Yellow cigarette shocked. I didn't expect the princess to be so obvious and brazen, struggling hard to open up, yelling, "Princess, please weigh yourself. ”


Liyang Haha laughed. These two words were really funny in her ear. She waved her hand and grabbed the yellow cigarette in front of several of the maids around her. They were all smiling. At first glance, they followed the princess to do a lot of such things. What kind of master would have a slave?

Look at that smile, but the action of pulling her clothes in the hands, yellow smoke, no more screaming, “Princess, what are you going to do, you are a princess of a country, and the husband, you don't care about your face? Aren't you afraid that when the world finds out about this, they will spit on you and insult your royal face? ”

“How do you know?” Liyang eyebrows provoked high, “no one here, who will tell the story, do you think? Are you sure someone will believe that? Who can testify for you? ”

Liyang was absolutely sure, said obsessively close to the yellow cigarette, touched her delicate face, that is such a face is very handsome, handsome, many times midnight dreams made her itch hard, now she can finally taste it, get her.

Liyang touched the scene while approaching the yellow cigarette, kissed her corner of mouth, yellow cigarette apricot eyes stared, it was difficult to accept the scene, open mouth and bite the princess's face.

Liyang was unprotected, he was bitten, a painful yell, the maiden beside him saw, hurried to squeeze the yellow cigarette chin, forcing the yellow cigarette to loosen its mouth, but even so, the princess's face was bitten with blood.

The blood also stayed in the corner of the yellow cigarette's mouth, looking at the flavor, Liyang injured did not stop, but instead became more and more demonic to get yellow cigarette, didn't want any accident, let the maiden stuck the yellow cigarette's mouth, hands tied to the top of her head, feet tied apart on the palm tree, tore her clothes.

Yellow cigarette was made red-eyed by this humiliation, struggled desperately, but it didn't help. In the end, it was ruthlessly given by Princess Liyang...

By the time Princess Liyang was satisfied to leave the yellow cigarette, the yellow cigarette had hung on the tree like a rag. The eyes were hollow and the bottom of her eyes burned with anger from the shame of the bear. Those eyes were almost flaming at the princess, “You'd better kill me, or I'll let the world know what you did. ”

Liyang snorted coldly, “I was thinking that if you were a good boy, you would stay with me and treat you well. Now, it doesn't seem necessary. You think the world will believe that? My father will let you speak freely and discredit the royal family? You should worry about yourself first. ”

She touched her face bitten by yellow cigarettes. The maid made a look at the maid around her. The maid laughed and went there to find a few guards. Liyang pointed coldly at yellow cigarettes, "If you bite me, I'll make you pay for it, huh? Go on.”

After that, the guards undressed and gathered next to the yellow cigarette. The yellow cigarette suddenly awoke. Liyang not only ruined her, but let the guards ruin her.

She shouted in pain and hatred, "Ah! ”

Waiting for all the winds to calm down, Liyang's people had long gone away. All that remained was yellow smoke like a puppet on the ground. She swore with teardrops that, as long as she did not die, she would surely let everyone know the evil of Liyang and seek justice for herself.

Seeing that the night had come, it was completely dark and she could even hear small animals around her, but the yellow smoke could not sit up, let alone walk, and she felt like she was going to die tonight.

Coincidentally, on that day, the mother of yellow cigarettes had something to discuss with yellow cigarettes. The maids did not hide the absence of yellow cigarettes. Under the strict responsibility of Lady Huang, they informed Lady Huang of the whereabouts of yellow cigarettes. Lady Huang looked at the darkened sky and her daughter had not returned yet. In a hurry, she immediately sent someone from the province to find them.

Finally, the dying yellow cigarette was found on the way to the western suburbs. When Lady Huang saw her daughter's face, she was scared and angry. Anyone could see what the yellow cigarette had been through. Such a thing for a woman would be ruined for the rest of her life.

Lady Huang was furious and severely punished the maid next to Huang Cigarette. After two days of sleeping, Huang Cigarette woke up and told her the truth. She asked her mother and father to take charge of herself.

Mrs. Huang was angry and cared for her daughter. After all, it was her own child who cared carefully for her older child. Even if she was angry, she would still be her own child. Even if she destroyed it, she couldn't help but feel painful. But Master Huang did not want to argue with the royal family for a daughter who had been destroyed, and he could not bear to point fingers at him after everyone had learned about it.

He was reluctant to risk his reputation against the princess for yellow cigarettes, who could no longer help him with his yellow cigarettes.

Even for the sake of the Ning people, and in order to preserve the reputation of Huang Fu, he implied that Huang Yan himself had broken off.

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