Flash Marriage

Chapter 1756: Worries

Meng Dixian looked back, but Chen Hongfei stood behind her and looked at her. Meng Di Xian raised her eyebrows: “How did the goddess get out without accompanying the prince at the banquet? ”

Tonight is a feast belonging to the Princess of the Witch Creek Guoying Cold. Of course, it is also a feast of the true master of the Prince of Witch Creek Guoying. Chen Hongfei cares so much about the Prince of Witch Creek Guoying, he can't help but show up here to call her, but it is not like what she will do now.

Meng Di Xianxin had a slight calculation in his heart, but he said coldly without moving his voice.

Chen Hongfei's face was hidden in a shadow. Although her lips were outlined, she looked a little unwieldy. Her voice could not speak cold, "I just wanted to say something to you. ”

She stood out of the shadow and revealed the face of the leaning township of China. The Monkey Monkey Monkey Monster was very close, and the Monkey Monkey Monkey Monster didn't move. Instead of backing away from it, she looked at each other with the same cold face. She just listened to Chen Hongfei and said, “Do you want to know why Ying Ching must be your friend? ”

Despite her cold face, Meng Dixian was very strange in her heart. Why did Chen Hongfei talk to her like this? They were enemies. Even if she lost her memory, she had not long ago spoken to her without false words. Her attitude was poor, and now she has spontaneously spoken to her like this. It is really not reasonable. Their relationship cannot be such a confusing place.

Though he thought so in his heart, Mengdi Xian said, "I'd like to hear more about it. ”

I knew she would be interested. Chen Hongfei smiled. That smile was not very friendly. He said, "Sir Gu had been to Witch Creek Country a few years ago. He had met with Princess Jing by chance. The two people were still quite friendly. However, then Sir Gu suddenly disappeared. This made Princess Jing very anxious. She had been searching in secret. She heard that the person she missed was in Nan Dai Country. She promised her brother-in-law and married him to Nan Dai Country. You said that Princess Jing Ching was obsessed with Grandpa Gu. Why didn't you pay attention to his fiancée wife? ”

Oh? There was a story like this, she didn't listen to Dressy mention it. Remember when he came back, he just said that he was in trouble, saved by a tribal lord, became friends with that tribal lord, that tribal lord she had seen not long ago, but during this period never heard of any relationship with any princess or woman. Besides, shouldn't he marry Dressy Gu if he was obsessed? Why did you promise to marry Taiko Yangtze?

That's kind of funny.

“Ying Ching is a princess soon. She can't bear to have another crush on Sir Gu Xi. This will only bring her death after marriage.” Meng Dixian said not lightly. The meaning of the conversation was unclear. Chen Hongfei could not see the slightest dissatisfaction or anxiety. Instead, it was a calm reflection of the calm of the dictum.

Chen Hongfei stunned, a strange anger flashed on his face, but quickly raised his chin, cold air, “Do you think it would be that simple? You'll find out later. ”

Mengdi Xian couldn't resist, there was no change in her expression. Chen Hongfei was very agitated. She watched Mengdi Xian stop talking for half a day, her nose exhaled heavily and said, “I don't believe you'll be so calm and careless until later. ”

She doesn't care? If you don't mind, where does this uncomfortable feeling come from? Mengdi Xianxin's heart is also somewhat astringent, but how could this be revealed in front of Chen Hongfei?

However, even if it is like Chen Hongfei said, it has nothing to do with Chen Hongfei. Why is she so anxious? Seeing as she seemed restless, it was as if the client was her.

Meng Dixian slowly guessed in his heart that Chen Hongfei stood in such a difficult position, that is, what does this matter have to do with the Prince of Witch Creek, or what directly affects Chen Hongfei's interests? And what would that be?

Princess Ying Ching came to marry, the person who married was Song Yang Fei, said that nothing could ever be married to Gu Juxi again, and the Emperor would not agree there. This matter is simply a nail on the board, and no one can change it. Even if it changed, Princess Ying Ching remarried to Gu Juxi. Even if she took away her marriage, Chen Hongfei didn't have to be so agitated, because she had nothing to do with it from the beginning. They were enemies, not friends. How could Chen Hongfei worry for her if she only clapped her hands quickly?

But at this moment, Chen Hongfei's slightly wrinkled eyebrows, although her anger has not disappeared and her patience for flying and trekking is still repressive, she can still see clearly, Chen Hongfei is indeed worried.

But this worry is intriguing.

Ultimately, then, there is only one possibility. The variable that emerges in the middle probably affects her as well as Chen Hongfei. What affects her is Chen Hongfei, who thinks she attaches great importance to her marriage to Gu Juxi. At the same time, what affects Chen Hongfei is the Prince of Witch Creek, whom she cares so much about.

Yes, in the eyes of ordinary women, the Emperor's gift of marriage is sacred. Even if he does not like it, it is an honor that no one can take away unless he does not want it.

Therefore, Chen Hongfei felt that it was impossible for her to watch her monkey dish Xianwan be taken away from her marriage, so she left such a bait and hooked her up to achieve her purpose.

Meng Disk Xian's face was still faint, but Chen Hongfei found her a little uneasy. She couldn't help but say, "If you promise me one thing, I can help you solve this matter and keep your marriage from being taken away from you. ”

This tone is as Chen Hongfei said to Mengdi Xian countless times in her previous life. Every time she properly followed her words, on the one hand, she believed in her, and on the other hand, she was deeply afraid that her man would be taken away from her and lost his love. Therefore, every time in the previous life, Chen Hongfei was very blessed with which new concubine, he would incite her with this tone and persuade her. And she did it again and again.

But now, I'm sorry, Chen Hongfei let the smallpox crash, she won't believe a word, even if her man is taken away, if she wants to, she can take it back by herself, never use the hands of others to complete other people's beautiful things, and made a wedding dress for her.

It's like every time in her previous life she pulled Wan Xin back from her new pet, she was snatched a jealous hat. Finally, Wan entered Chen Hongfei's room. She was standing outside punishing her, and after all the night, Chen Hongfei begged for mercy on her behalf, avoiding punishment, persuading Wan to move more to her, so as not to make her angry.

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