Flash Marriage

Chapter 1961 Luxury

There must be demons in everything.

Mondial Immortal looked deeply at the Young Master, with the light of inquiry, and stared at him in silence.

After a long time, it took a long time for Mondi Xian to think that the tribal lord would not speak anymore, and he heard him looking with a poisonous look at the direction of the Nanda State's hall, which is responsible for hosting the Witch Creek State at this moment.

“Our tribe has no ties to Wan Qi, but it has a bit of a source to the Prince of Witch Creek. ”

A word with no head and no tail, the Mondi Immortal frowned slightly, and when he looked at the tribal master, the tribal master had restored a calm face, and he could no longer see a slight resentful look.

“The way you want to make a vanilla bag requires a unique witchcraft from my people to hold it, so give me two drops of your blood and I'll give you the vanilla bag you want. ”

The tribal lords seemed to have taken all the dark colors of the past as non-existent, as they had not appeared. The conversation turned and asked Meng Disk Fairy what he had previously scheduled.

Meng Dish Fairy didn't want to hand over blood, wanted to play tricks, just to get the answer from the Young Master, but at this moment, I can't tell why, she doesn't want to cause any unpleasant contradictions with the Young Master. I always felt that there was a lot of interaction with the Young Master in the future, so I drooled my eyelids, and Meng Dish Fairy didn't hesitate to pick up the fruit knife and scratch it on my fingertips.

When the Young Master saw it, he immediately quickly took out a jade, cleverly caught the blood, not much more, so he took two drops, quickly covered it with a lid, and sealed the blood.

Meng Di Xian's heart moved and looked at this young master's gesture. It doesn't seem to be the first time he has done this kind of thing. Does he want blood when he sees people?

The mind flashed doubts, but the Monkey Monster didn't say it, didn't ask it out, but pressed it into her heart, because she knew that the Young Lord would not say such things, and she asked for nothing, just as the Young Lord did not tell her the usefulness of asking for her blood.

I got the answers I wanted, I got the blood I wanted, and for this meeting, both sides seemed very full.

When he returned from this young lord, Li Zansheng's men sent out to investigate Wan Qian also returned.

In the carriage, Mengdi Xian and Gu Juxi are making tea.

“I didn't know the name of this young master, but I forgot to ask him. ”

Meng Dixian drank tea and said angrily.

Gu Juxi smiled softly. “You haven't asked, and you won't get an answer. I still don't know his name. I only know his last name is Hiroshi. When I first met him, he used an alias. ”

“Oh, he's so mysterious on that name? But what's an unknown identity? ”

Meng Disk Immortal felt that something had happened for a reason. Normal people would not do such an article on the name, nor would they hide it so much. Is the identity of the tribal master very mysterious, and has another identity that cannot be known, which is why it is so secret.

“I thought so too, so I tried it, and I sent someone to check it out. Except for his mystery, there's really nothing special about it. ”

Gu Juxi also noticed this, but when he first entered his tribe, the tribe was very hard to understand what he was saying, and he had a hard time communicating with people, so he also knew linguistically that the tribe had died of a long-standing tribe that had survived for at least a few hundred years, even longer than the present Nanda Nation.

So at one time, he didn't know the real name of the Young Master. He asked many times. Every time, he dealt with a gentleman. Why must he know his name? You and I have compassion. It would be nice to acknowledge his person. Such reasons and pretexts were euphemistically rejected.

Knowing that this tribal youth owner is Hiroshi, or listening to people in the tribe by chance, calling him Hiroshi, Gu Juxi just happened to hear the tribal youth owner tell him about the pronunciation of Hiroshi in the tribe.

“Then it's even more mysterious, so that when the mysterious man meets, he wants three drops of my blood, and I'm afraid it's not easy. ”

Mondish Immortal eyes slightly squinted, cold eyes looked at the door, knocked on the carriage door, pushed the door in to the cousin.

Li Zanzheng nodded at the Monkey Disc Fairy, and the Monkey Disc Fairy immediately overflowed with a smile. “Really a media man, Wan Zheng really spared his life and deserved to give his own yangshou. ”

In the meantime, it has been three days since the Prince of Witch Creek arrived in the capital. As an important power, there will surely be a massive court banquet to express the importance and respect for Witch Creek.

It is said that this time the Prince of Witch Creek has also entered into an important alliance with His Majesty the Emperor, becoming a strategic partner, which makes it even more important to hold a large banquet to congratulate him on this event.

Although the Emperor has learned the cause of the death of the old lady of the Principality of Lin from Gu Juxi, he stood still for this important alliance, pretending not to know anything. At the same time, he told Gu Juxi to shut up. No chief minister in Nanda should know about this.

Gu Juxi was surprised by the result, but then realized that the Lady Lin Guo was not related to the Emperor after all, and although the Emperor hated the scene and the princess, after all, he still caused the scene and the princess to suffer greatly. He hated the scene and the princess to be fine, but never let anyone else give in to the scene and the princess.

Therefore, even if the Emperor feels that this matter damages his face, it is not his face that is embarrassed. At least in bright terms, it is the face of Lord Lin. He does not have any substantial loss here. Instead, he took a sigh of relief for the scene and the princess.

Plus, that important alliance, that strategic partnership, made it easier for the contradictory Emperor to make a trade-off.

Just the specific content of that alliance, Gu Juxi did not know, the Emperor did not speak, did not inform the group members, and there was no specific content and statute, just informed him that the two sides had allied.

The sky darkened.

In the early days of the dynasty, the Emperor had made a sacred decree ordering three or more officials, as well as others with titles or seals, to bring their families into the palace and enjoy the prince of the Land of Witch Creek.

At this moment, at the entrance of the palace, all those who had been invited had already stood, and as soon as they entered the palace, people began to attend according to the designated position.

Meng Di Xian was naturally on the list of attendees. She took a look. The palace was full of lights and colors, all over the place.

When Meng Dish Immortal sat down, he heard the drumming, and all kinds of rare and beautiful wine came up like running water.

It's all about luxury and richness and royalty.

Mao Xinxin watched the luxury and liveliness of the palace and couldn't help but mock his lips and whisper in the ear of the Monkey Monk Fairy, "What a song and dance to level up, Your Majesty, this battle is ready for next year but the day. ”

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