Flash Marriage

Chapter 198: Love Kills

“Okay, back off. ”

By the royal decree, he stood up, and the chief eunuch, Lord Zhang, set out to accompany him around.

Chen Gui walked behind the emperor and rushed to catch up with the emperor, trying to recover something.

Chen Hongfei and Chen Yingying were two people, neither crying nor laughing, Nana left together.

Wan Zheng was simply a lot, he coldly walked to the Monkey Disc Immortal and lowered his voice and said, “You designed all this. No matter what you want, neither of those women will get any favors from me, and they will never help you to do anything, you die of this heart. ”

Meng Di Xian's eyebrows picked high and his mouth flattened slightly, "Prince, what are you talking about? You sneak into the Mon Mansion with the intent to be detrimental to me. I defensively resisted and stunned you. As a result, you accidentally got into the design of someone else's plan. It's none of my business. Who designed you? It's better if you think about it. ”

After that, Monkey Monk smiled sarcastically, his gaze went away, and he returned to hold the wrist of the British Duchess, his other hand held up Mao Xinxin, sweet smile, "Will you go back with Madame and stepmother? ”

“Absolutely.” The British Duchess patted Monkey Fairy's hand lightly, like her own daughter, smiled and dragged Monkey Fairy out of the palace.

Mao Xinxin was also laughing and pulling the Meng Dish Immortal.

The British Duke naturally walked with Meng Yanqing, and all the dynasty ministers left behind only to stand in the palace.

He keeps thinking back in his head about the Meng Disk Immortal saying, who designed you, you'd better think about it.

Shit, he was designed by those bitches.

The deal was, he went after Monkey Fairy, broke Monkey Fairy and ruined her.

Chen Haoxiang sent someone to take Mao Xinxin away. She came to be a bride, to make Meng Mansion into a pot of porridge, and to take the opportunity to destroy the marriage between Meng Mansion and the British government.

As a result, they left a hand behind, and they did the same to him.

When I think of Chen Hongfei, I see him and he makes a foolish face. The more Wan Zheng feels this guess is correct.

What a mantis cicada, a lark behind.

He squeezed his fist and waved it hard in the air. He would surely let those two women who ate the ambition leopard dare to design him suffer and know the consequences of daring to design him.

Out of the palace wall, we rode in the carriage together, and the British government lady climbed up to Meng Dixian, and she asked, "Dixian, Xin Xin Xin, did you plan this play on purpose? ”

The British government wife remembered the day she learned what Chen Haoxiang had done, and when Qi was looking for Meng Yanqing to settle the bill, Bizhu rushed to hand her the small note.

The note clearly stated that they would force Chen Haoxiang or Meng Yanqing to write an instrument that would never allow Chen Haoxiang to step into the Mansion.

They didn't have time to ask. They broke into the study and settled the matter first.

Afterwards, because Mao Xinxin was the new daughter-in-law, she could not meet with her parents' family, only Bizhu communicated, reassuring them that everything was in accordance with the plan of Mengdi Xian.

It was not until today that the matter was completely closed and summoned by the Emperor that their mothers and daughters met and spoke carefully about it.

Mao Xin smiled, “Mother, we're just going to do whatever it takes. We don't hurt people if they don't come, but if they come, they're upset, they're going to hurt us, of course we're going to fight back. ”

That was a positive response. They arranged it, but they didn't mean to hurt anyone.

The British government lady is the wife of the inner house. This kind of thing is very common. See Mao Xinxin put it this way. Instead, she made fun of her naive appearance.

“Remember, you have no intention of hurting a tiger. A tiger hurts a man's heart. If you are certain that a person poses a great threat to you, even to your lives, even if he has not taken the initiative to strike the wounded, you must create an opportunity to eliminate him. ”

Meng Dixian looked deeply at the British government lady, no wonder Mao Xinxin appeared very good, but the bones were not soft, turns out there was such a good mother to teach.

It has to be said that this is truly a treasure for the survival of the inner home.

No one can really wait for a tiger to hurt you before you think of it, or prepare to fight back.

That way, it's often too late, and the tiger bites you in the neck, leaving you with no chance to fight back.

Isn't that what happened to her last life?

Died without a chance to fight back.

In this life, as the British Duchess says, before the tiger is ready to hurt, she creates the conditions to kill the tiger.

Looking back at the look of Wan Dixian when she was leaving, Meng Dixian was in agony again. The look of Wan Dixian changed at that moment. She took a look at the bottom of her eyes and was clearly shaken by her words. She easily thought of Chen Hongfei's insane heart, so she put her mind on him.

Wan Xian was arrogant, Mengdi Xian knew him very well, and, in a few words, led the matter to that side.

In fact, Chen Hongfei and Chen Yingying really didn't have the guts to design Wan, but she did it deliberately.

But she wanted to deliberately lead Wan to the wrong place to speculate that he had been cheated by Chen Hongfei. Then, it is conceivable that Chen Hongfei will wait for her after marrying into the government of Lin.

Love kills each other!

Ha ha ha ha, how painful it is for her two enemies to kill each other.

Back at Mon Mansion, it was already sunset.

With the new mother-in-law, the possibility of Chen Haoxiang entering the Mon Mansion was also eliminated. Mao Xinxin, the goalkeeper, helped her watch Chen Haoxiang. Meng Disk Xianle threw the right to give back to Mao Xinxin.

Mao Xinxin had planned to take over in a month. She didn't expect Mengdi Xian to give it to her in just three days.

When mothers tell each other again and again, mothers need to grasp the feedback and have the power to truly hold the position of mothers.

Moreover, once Zhongfu is in charge, no one will willingly hand it over. Meng Dish Fairy is a maiden, Ben Zhengshun. Make sure she doesn't have to worry, slow down for a month and talk about it again.

Who knows, she's not in a hurry, she didn't mention it, Mengdi Xian gave it to her.

Suddenly, Mao Xinxin made a better impression of Mondi Immortal and was more kind.

Mao Xinxin regained the right to give back, which would be tantamount to rescheduling everything at home.

The first thing Mao Xinxin did was arrange for his family to eat together.

She felt that it was more conducive to family cohesion and that it was easier for a new woman like her to know every family member as quickly as possible.

And that's what Mother told her, on the table, who's in good shape, who's in good relationship, who's eating two meals a meal, right away.

It's also the quickest way to get into character and take control of the family.

Mao Xinxin agreed deeply, so he set this rule, and every evening he had to eat together, so as to improve his emotions.

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