Flash Marriage

Chapter 2013

Meng Yanqing, like the right face, also got the royal message, immediately attached to the peace, “Yes! Today, Wan envoys are no longer the prince of Lord Lin. If you want to be a son again, you must also agree that being an envoy of the Witch Creek State is not the right place to discuss the family and private affairs of the Lin Government. Guest seats are also invited to attend birthday banquets. ”

Both the left and right ministers said this, those dynasties, naturally also follow the direction of the wind, Wan Yanqing did not ignore Meng Yanqing, let alone Meng Dish Immortal, he cold swept the faces of the two, the meaning in his eyes, instantly poured out.

They also received the gaze of Wan Xiao, and it was immediately understood that Wan Xiao was looking at them as nails in the eyes and stabbing them in the flesh to avenge them.

Meng Yanqing had anticipated this scenario when he knew Wan was back alive.

With the wisdom of Wan, he will definitely recall. This is not just a plot. It is a plot that he and Meng Dish Fairy colluded in. Ignoring him, he will definitely hate their father and daughter. If not, when he sees Wan's eyes, Meng Yanqing already knows that their father and daughter have become the dead enemy.

At this moment, she was frightened. The old lady of the Linguo government, scared to death, slowly returned to God. She gasped heavily. She looked at Wanguo and seemed to have heard what the Lord Linguo had said before. She was still charitable and said, "Yes, Sun, what good is the Witch Creek country? Come back. You are my grandson. You will always be my grandson. The Linguo government will always be your home. If you are uncomfortable in your heart, I will move out of the Linguo government with your brother and sister and find a home outside. ”

The loving old man, completely ignoring what was just frightened by the gift of Wan, persuaded him to be so full of compassion, but he didn't appreciate it at all, snorted coldly, and turned around and sat in the guest seat.

It's just that while he was sitting in that seat, his cold voice came again, "If the Princess Lin said that Jing and the princess were the eternal true wives, and the residence was respected by her, then why didn't she see the view and the princess in attendance at a party like this? ”

Wan and such questions put Lord Lin's question on the spot, not that he did not want the scene and the princess to come out, but that the scene and the princess are now completely insane, when there is no mental sobriety, there is no way to deal with it, there is no way to see people at all, if the scene and the princess show up at such a party, the whole banquet will become a mess.

On such occasions today, the scene and the princess must not be allowed to come out, then the whole banquet will be ruined, he cleared his voice and said, “Today's banquet, because of the princess's condition, is not very good, so the Emperor has a special order, this banquet princess may not participate, if Wan Wan wants to see the princess, after the banquet, I can order Wan envoy to take a look at the princess. ”

Lord Lin said this more gently. On the one hand, he also wanted to see the scenery and the princess, and on the other hand, he disguised himself as rejecting the idea of the scenery and the princess to come out and meet the people. By an order of the Emperor, he immediately made it impossible for Wan to find a reason to refute it. This also prevented any excuse for the presence of the scenery and the princess.

Sure enough, he stared at Lord Lin in a cold and hidden way. As he drowned his eyelids, a negative light flashed in his brain, no one noticed, but he never shifted his gaze to focus on the Mondi Immortal, clearly saw that the flashing of his eyes, the flashing color of success, seemed to be something he had done, and it was already in effect.

What would it be? The Monkey Monk Immortal immediately spins her brain, and suddenly she looks at the python gift made of gold to the old lady who is the host of today's banquet. Is that a problem?

That gift is indeed problematic. No one gives a gift to an elderly person to send a python. Such a gift may be given to a warlord or a warlord, but it is absolutely inappropriate to give such a gift to an elderly person.

This has no auspicious connotations other than frightening people.

Everyone knows that this gift is very inappropriate, but because of the special relationship between Wan Zheng and the Linguo government, everyone also knows that Wan Zheng has a bad breath in his heart. He deliberately uses such gifts to scare people and find them unpleasant.

Therefore, this behavior is within the normal understanding and permissibility of people, so people don't pay attention to it anymore, and Monsieur Sensitive feels something.

However, while she was thinking about what the problem was, all of a sudden, the old lady of Lin Guo began to spit foam, her whole body trembled violently, her whole body began to shrink to the ground, constantly twitching.

Lord Lin was greatly dismayed at first sight. His original wife and son, at this moment, shouted in panic, "Mother, Grandmother. ”

The right-hand side immediately stood up and swept a glance at his cold face at this moment, shouting, "Pass on the doctor."

The right honest feeling was that this matter had something to do with Wan, but although the old lady was fast, she didn't see what Wan Xiao was doing in the process, and when she was sick, Wan Xiao was still sitting in the guest seat, and there was no action in front of everyone.

Lady Meng's state of morbidity, soon, has appeared a general convulsion, the whole face is as white as paper, blue muscles are prominent, eyes big stare, head twisted, the breath breaks.

The doctor arrived quickly, but the time was still delayed. By the time he got here, he was just in time to see the old lady lose her breath, the breath of foam, the stare, the look was even scary.

Lord Lin's wife and son were all frightened, more afraid than they had just seen the golden python, and the whole person was petrified.

The doctor rushed forward to snort and sighed. “Late, Mrs. Lin Guo Lao, passed away. ”

Everyone looked at the scene with amazement and had no idea that the feast had just begun, or even officially begun, and had turned directly into a funeral, which was incredible.

How did that happen?

Lord Lin held the old lady in his arms and cried in pain. I can't believe it at all. My old mother died in front of herself before she could enjoy Qingfu.

Meng Disk Immortal also looked at the scene with dismay, but when I thought of the look of Wan, I couldn't help but think that this seemed to be within Wan's expectations.

She immediately targeted the golden python.

When she clearly saw the poisonous smile in her eyes, Mondi Immortal immediately knew that the death of the old lady was irrelevant, and could even be said to have been caused by one hand. The Golden Python had absolutely no problem.

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