Flash Marriage

Chapter 203: Dark Night Ask

Mengdi Xian walked in front of him without lighting, and the familiar gate road traveled in the courtyard of Mengfu, Tiger Qiu explored the road.

Meng Zhengnan couldn't help but follow the two people, falling far behind, walking, he was astonished.

This road leads to his mother's place.

Monkey Monk Fairy, is this a secret search for his mother?

A bad idea rose rapidly in Meng Jingnan's mind. Did Meng Di Xian deliberately give Meng Meng Lan a face during the day, let go of her mother, and come to another dark warehouse at night, killing her mother?

With a cold sweat, Meng Zhengnan couldn't help but grip his palms tightly. He slowed down and moved forward with both of them.

Meng Dixian came to the outer wall of the courtyard, Tiger Cull pulled out Mon Dixian's arm, a jump, over the wall.

Meng Zhengnan immediately ran to the courtyard door and pushed the door in.

Fortunately, he was afraid of something urgent when he left at night. He told the lady guarding the door not to come to the door, and now he is just following suit.

The lady guarding the door looked at Meng Jingnan quietly and was about to speak. Meng Jingnan extended her fingers to compare to a silent motion.

The lady guarding the door would like to look around vigilantly and find nothing.

Meng Jingnan suggested that she should do what she had to do. Don't tell him to come, but she quietly went to her mother's bedroom.

As soon as he went outside the bedroom door, Meng Jingnan's eyes tightened for a moment. He saw a window open and looked inside. The maid guarding the outdoor night fainted on the ground, unconscious. Meng Dish Xian and Tiger Qiu were standing in front of their mother's bed.

His voice reached his voice and tried to make a noise to stop Meng Dish Fairy from kissing his mother. At this moment, he suddenly heard Meng Dish Fairy say softly, "Don't move, don't say a word, I won't hurt your mother's life, I just need to ask the truth about something. ”

Uh, is this talking to him?

Meng Zhengnan's voice stopped suddenly in his voice. He saw Meng Dish Fairy turn his head, pull the black hat on his face and reveal the face familiar with Qingxiu.

His lips twitched gently, looking into his eyes with a clear view of his actions long ago, and a slight warning not to move.

She knew he was following her?

Meng Zhengnan was stiff for a moment and wanted to happen to ask her what she was doing?

Meng Disk Immortal reached out his hand to his lips, told him not to open his mouth, Tiger Hill around him, fingers a few points, Meng Zhengnan immobilized and set it in place.

He was dotted by Tiger Hill.

Shocked by Meng Jingnan's eyes, what exactly are they doing? He also allowed Tiger Hill to light his cave, making him speechless and immobile.

In fact, after coming out of Bee Fall Park, just a short walk away, Tiger Qiu had discovered that Meng Zhengnan was following them. The reason she didn't make noise was because she knew that Meng Jingnan had no malice towards her.

Meng Dixian no longer looked at Meng Jingnan, turning to look at the three ladies who were asleep in bed.

The Third Lady seemed to be asleep, but her eyebrows were wrinkled. She seemed to sleep very uneasy, and the whole person was fighting someone in her dreams.

Meng Dixian said faintly, "Do it. ”

Tiger Qiu nodded, took out a pill and stuffed it in the mouth of the Third Lady, Mondi Xian looked at the Third Lady's eyebrows more intense, and then suddenly woke up like something, brushed her eyes open.

Meng Dixian bent down and revealed his face, but his mouth was gloomy and he said, “You have caused me so much pain, you have wasted our sister's life, and you have given me my life. ”

The Monkey Monk Immortal opened her eyes so wide that her hands made the appearance of a five-finger claw, she was going to strangle Lady San's neck.

The Third Lady's voice screamed, but the sound was weak, just the sound of normal talking indoors.

She was like being pinched by something and getting weaker, which made her even more afraid. Her eyes looked at Monkey Monkey Fairy's face, but her head reflected the face of a woman who had been in violation for a long time.

Her face began to get excited, and she reached out her finger to Mengdi Xian's face, “You bitch, if you can find the queen, it is the queen who asked me to throw Jade Pei in the garden, it is the queen who asked me to incite you to take over the crime, it is the queen who tortured you after you entered the palace to sin. Threaten with the lives of your daughter and Mu Fu Mansion, you will swallow everything and remain silent.

It was the queen who let Chen Haoxiang finish you off when you were ill. It was the queen who asked Chen Haoxiang and Meng Yanqing to blow the wind beside her pillow and let your daughter Meng Dish Xian go to her old estate to destroy herself. It was the queen who asked Chen Haoxiang to devour your mother's bride, leaving you helpless.

What do you want from me? Find the queen if you can. ”

Sounds almost hysterical in the end. The whole person became slutty, even reaching out and trying to strangle the Monkey Plate Fairy's neck, "you bitch, that's what happened to you robbing me of my marriage, I just want you to die hard. ”

Monsieur Monsieur took a step back and flashed away Lady San's hand. Her pupils contracted intensely. She was the queen.

And Meng Zhengnan in the window was staring at her. What was her mother saying?

Meng Di's face looked cold, and the shady voice continued, “Why did the queen hurt me? ”

“Why? ”

Hahaha, the Third Lady looked up and laughed. She couldn't say anything strange about it. She clasped her teeth and said, "If you don't know, I don't know. Anyway, you must know something about the queen. ”

The mockery reverberated indoors, and the Third Lady fell into an illusory imagination. In that illusory imagination, Meng Disk Immortal became the woman she hated so much that she had no idea of her true situation at this moment.

Mengdi Xian waved cold, Tiger Qiu took out a pill and stuffed it into the mouth of the Third Lady, who slowly fell asleep and recovered to the way Mengdi Xian had just arrived.

Meng Zhengnan watched Meng Dish Fairy walk across the bed, came to him and said, “Your mother will wake up tomorrow morning and nothing will happen. If you don't want to get in trouble tonight, just pretend you don't know anything, you don't hear a word. ”

Say it, the head didn't go back. Tiger Hill shot several times on Meng Zhengnan's body. Meng Zhengnan shook his body and returned to normal. He wanted to catch up with Meng Dish Fairy.

Tiger Hill reached out to stop him and glanced at him. That means clearly. Don't go after him, he will expose his whereabouts.

Yeah, it's dark in the middle of the night, not easy to get tangled up.

Meng Zhengnan sighed and did not move again. A man stood still like a statue.

Returning to the Garden of Beauty, the Monkey Monk Fairy faded in black and looked in the direction of the palace.

Queen, why are you doing this to my mother?

Why did the handkerchief turn into a knife fuck?

Secrets? What a secret you have to let the queen do something like that to silence you.

Dark eyes are like the stars of the night. Dark is not the bottom, and the light shines through the hearts.

A cold figure suddenly pops up in my head.

Meng Di Xian's heart trembled, Gu Juxi, for six months, you haven't heard a word, what's wrong?

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