Flash Marriage

Chapter 205 Decisions

Sister Blue of Lady Meng went out immediately to greet Lady San, “I'm sorry, old lady can't see guests at this time, please return to Lady San. ”

Not seeing her?

Don't mess with her like that.

The Third Lady also did not peel with the nurse, but there was no sign of her leaving. She stood still and said faintly, "The old lady is not available at this moment, then she is gone, and I will wait. When did I meet the old lady, when did I say goodbye? When did I go back to my old house? ”

Isn't she threatening the old lady? Isn't she leaving without her?

Not only did she leave the old lady's yard, but she did not return to her old estate.

The old lady of Meng Tang, when she heard this, her face suddenly turned dark as water, and this woman dared to be so arrogant at this time, it is unjustifiable.

She coldly told the red beads behind her, "Go get me the nursing home and punch her out. Tell her I'm not visiting and she's on her way. ”

Hongzhu followed Lady Meng for many years, faithful, heard such arrogant threats by the Third Lady, was also heartbroken, commanded to go out and call someone.

The nursing homes are all those kept in the Meng Dynasty, naturally listening to Lady Meng and Meng Yanqing.

Surrounded by the Third Lady.

“Madam San, please come back, the old lady is not here today, you are still on your way. ”

Wan Xin, the head of the nursing home, spoke in silence.

If you don't listen, don't blame them for being rude and rude.

The guards grabbed the wooden stick in one hand and, at the request of the old lady, beat it out if they did not go out.

The Third Lady looked cold and shouted, "It doesn't matter if you don't see me. I know you're in the hall. I'm going to tell you, I accept your arrangement, it's a request to suspend a letter, leave the Mon Mansion, and have nothing to do with your Mon Mansion. ”

This shocked the nurse Wan Xin.

What, after yesterday's hard work, the young lady Meng came out and begged for mercy. Lady Meng agreed that she would continue to be the Third Lady. Is she amused today?

I'd rather not be the Third Lady, my son's daughter, just suspend the book and be an orphan.

Here, all bereaved wives are orphans, either active or passive, and in short, bereaved.

An orphan can no longer marry, and she can only be alone for the rest of her life unless her former husband agrees to take her back.

The other layer of the orphan girl means that the child cannot be recognized, as long as he/she is an orphan daughter, there will be no more children and children, thus breaking up the mother-child relationship.

Though Chen Haoxiang is Hugh, Chen Haoxiang is a concubine. Thus, the concubine who is Hugh can only be a concubine if she marries again. She has no place to speak of. Her sons and daughters are also common sons and daughters. She will only be an accessory in the family business. Therefore, Chen Haoxiang is not an orphan daughter, and it is not necessary to continuously terminate the mother-child relationship.

The Third Lady was different. She was a full wife, and her two children and daughters were born to inherit the family business.

If the Third Lady were to marry again, she would also be someone else's full wife. The children born again sometimes have children and can inherit the family business. In this way, the blood will be lost, and the family will be disrupted.

Therefore, you will be doubled in captivity after the rest of your wife's life, how honorable you are before the rest, how enviable her rights are.

Therefore, this is also why Meng Jinghong and Meng Jingnan are desperately begging not to take a break from the Third Lady.

But now, the Third Lady wants to be an orphan.

Stepping into the old lady's yard followed by Meng Yanchi and Hongsan Meng Jing were stunned, incredibly stunned at the door, dying waiting for the back of the Third Lady.

Old Lady Meng heard this, almost upside down.

Did she think she wouldn't dare?

She thinks she's begging her to be the Third Lady?

I don't know what to call it.

Then she happens to be all she has.

Old Lady Meng calmed a face, coldly led by red beads out of the hermitage, stood on the stairs and looked down at the Third Lady.

The Third Lady looked at Lady Meng with no fear. At this moment, she no longer had the old Volkswagen, even more arrogant than Lady Meng. The flashing look on her face said, “Old people, aren't you a visitor? ”

Old Lady Meng's breath stagnated, her breath held in her chest, her old and strong eyes stared at the Third Lady. This time, even if the Da Luo Immortal came, she could not stop her from resting.

With her eyes raised, Lady Meng locked her gaze on Meng Yancheng, "Do you hear me? She asked for a recess herself, and you didn't finish her off? ”

Meng Yanchi was also a shady face. From the beginning, she returned to God from the consternation she had heard. There was no temperature to look at the Third Lady, but the words were directed at Meng Jinghong and others around her and said, "She wants to adjourn the book and not you. If anyone is courting, he is not the son of Meng Yanchi. ”

As soon as he brushed his hand, Red Pearl immediately put the prepared ink paper in front of Meng Yan Pool.

Meng Yanchi did not hesitate to write.

Meng Jinghong and Meng Jingnan on one side looked at the Third Lady unbelievably and didn't dare to ask for mercy, but they couldn't figure it out and couldn't help but ask, "Why? Why are you here?"

Meng Menglan wept like rain and passed out.

The Third Lady trembled without turning back, her eyes were slightly wet, she blinked hard and blinked off that layer of wetness and said, "Remember what I just said to you in the room. ”

- What? - What?

In the room, my mother decided to ask herself for a recess?

Meng Jinghong's face changed and Meng Jingnan suddenly understood something.

No wonder my mother woke up, didn't cry, didn't let them ask for help, and insisted on visiting Grandma Bye. It was a long time ago that she had made a decision, preferring to be suspended and not go back to the estate to suffer.

Mother, what a harsh heart.

A girl as young as Mengdi Xian can live in the field for seven years. No one can take pictures of her, and she can survive being bullied.

Why can't you kiss someone this big?

Would you rather abandon them than go back to the estate?

Doesn't Mother know they all take good care of their mothers? No one dares to bully her, no one can bully her.

It was just a little bitter to follow the old house, but seven years, seven years later, their brothers and sisters would bring all the mountain treasure and sea flavor, Linglong jewellery to her.

And Mother doesn't know she made a mistake? Wrong atonement should also be made.

Why avoid your mistakes and sacrifice love in such a fractured way?

How much Meng Jinghong loved the Third Lady before, how disappointed and resentful she was at this moment.

Such a mother, don't do it.

Meng Jinghong's disappointment with the Third Lady reached its pinnacle. He retracted his gaze and never looked at the Third Lady again. There was no glare in his eyes. He grabbed Meng Jingnan coldly, "Come on, she doesn't deserve to be our mother. You can let your father rest. ”

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