Flash Marriage

Chapter 2057 Treatment

At this time, Mongolia's scream was still echoing in the hall. Wan Qiao had not spoken yet. Meng Gao shouted and covered his chest. Next to her, the Mongolian sister hurried, "Brother, what is wrong with you? ”

In the talking room, a trace of black blood came out along Mongo's mouth corner. Mongo's sister's face changed dramatically and shouted in panic, "Judge, doctor, show it to my brother. ”

Mongolia was poisoned at first sight. Is this a murder attempt?

Everyone's face changed and they couldn't help but look at Wan Xiao, only Wan Xiao is the most motivated and opportunity.

Meanwhile, Manchu smoked uncontrollably in the corner of his mouth. His face grew more gloomy. He never poisoned Meng Gao. Even if he wanted to die, he would kill him through the hands of the Emperor or others, and he was not required to do so.

After examining the hospital judgment of Mongolia's sister, he heard the shouting and did not move, but looked at the Emperor. His identity was only responsible for the diagnosis of the royal family, and unless the Emperor allowed it, he would be willing to give a civilian diagnosis, which is self-defeating and desecrating the royal family.

His Majesty frowned and looked at the blindfold. In his eyes, Meng Gao was the culprit. He deserved to die. Therefore, he did not say anything. Meng Dish Xian stood up at this time. “Your Majesty, there is a good virtue in heaven. Although Meng Gao took it for his own sake, he knew at first glance that he was going to be murdered. His Majesty has mercy. Please forgive his life and show it to your doctor. Emperor Weiwu, even if Mongolia deserves to die, it should be the Emperor himself, not be killed. ”

Mengdi Xian's words fell into the Emperor's ear, and the Emperor was not good enough to say it. After all, he was right to let Meng Gao die. Instead, he was tired of his sanctity and dignity.

“Go." The Emperor waved at the courtyard.

Immediately before the court ruled, during the examination of Mongolia's sister, a eunuch in the palace had already gone to the Tai Hospital to bring his medicine box. At this moment, before he went up, he took a detoxification pill out of the medicine box and stuffed it into Mongolia's mouth, before carefully checking the pulse.

At this time, Monkey Monk Xian carefully looked at the ten thousand yuan, and saw how angry he hated it when he allowed the hospital to see Meng Gao again.

Didn't Wan Wan want to step on her to death today, so how can she be soft? She must also make her mouth open, honestly add another sin, completely cut off the possibility of him and the Emperor repairing the old good.

This poison is well negotiated with Mongolia's sister. Without attracting attention, if Mongolia eats it, it can instantly trigger toxicity. However, at the time of your medical pulse, the diagnosis will be taken a few hours in advance.

Meng Gao's sister's aim was to save her brother. She knew very well that in this case, if she did not put him to death and live later, after fulfilling the charge of ten thousand years, his brother would definitely be given death, then this is the only way to go. If Meng Disk Fairy promised to save her brother, he would not eat his words.

As Mongolia cried and crawled beside her, Mongolia's sister snuck this pill into Mongolia's hand and said softly, “If you want to live, watch my gesture later, you can eat it if you want, don't let anyone see it. ”

When the Emperor demanded that Meng Gao die, Meng Gao's sister gave him a hint while everyone's realization was on him.

Meng Gao is not stupid, he will not betray his sister, so when he got the pills, he was confused, but he didn't say anything, and when he heard Wan Wan Wan Wan want him to die, he couldn't help but change his face, finally knew what he meant. If he didn't say anything, he couldn't swallow the pills.

And so there was this scene where people were murdered.

There is no need for anyone to say anything in this scene. Anyone present with eyes and ears will think with their toes that it is a massacre, but due to the mutation, time is not well controlled and exposed to the public.

Meng Dixian looked at the little bit of black on his ears, his eyes twinkled slightly, and he drooped low. At this time in the previous life, Wan Dixian enjoyed the Emperor's petition most expensive, and even Gu Juxi could not catch up with the wind, but in this world, he had become a traitor to the Nanda kingdom, the Emperor's eyes nailed, everything changed, and now this Prince of Witchcreek, who should not have appeared in her field of view, also appeared.

Wan Zheng is just the mediator of that technique. What variable does his presence bring when he really kills Mr. Lin's wife is the Prince of Witch Creek, who is not visible in front of him but cannot be ignored?

After a while, Meng Gao's face was obviously controlled, and the black blood stain on the corner of his mouth was not shed. The court ruled that this was the only way to return to him. "Your Majesty, Meng Gao has a broken intestine grass component in his body, only a little crane red was added to the broken intestine grass. Crane Top Red is highly toxic, it will take effect immediately, but due to the small quantity, plus the large amount of broken intestine grass in the clothing, the broken intestine grass has the effect of suppressing crane top red attack time, so Meng Gao suddenly seized after taking it for a few hours. ”

The words of your doctor directly amount to the crime of slaughter and annihilation. The emperor grunted coldly, "This is so disgusting, Prince, look at your people, is that how you disdain my dynasty? The court ruled that if someone wants him dead, I would rather have him alive. I would like to see if this is where I am in charge or if someone else is acting like a director. ”

The two doctors busily called it, treating Mongolia.

Wan Zheng was instantly pale, he knew that the emperor had made a trade-off, especially in the face of such things as the slaughter of the mouth, the trade-off of the emperor would not affect the covenant between the two countries at all. Obviously, the efforts he had just made and the effect he had achieved were instantly erased by such a slaughter scene.

Meng Gao's sister relieved herself so much that her brother's life was saved. The adventure worked well. She smiled quietly at Meng Disk Immortal.

Mengdi Xianxiao meets her gaze, immediately turns her head and looks back at the Prince of Witch Creek, who is already incomparable at this moment.

At this point, there is no point in saying anything. The Prince of Witch Creek has arrived to shoulder the impossible situation.

In the eyes of everyone, the Prince of Witch Creek was not able to cover his ears. He slapped his hands, coldly said, “Son of a bitch, let you be an envoy, in order to promote friendly relations between the two countries, you are here to manipulate the right, falsify the good ministers of the allies, come on, throw down 50 sticks, break one finger, let him have a long memory. ”

Immediately, the followers of the Prince of Witch Creek went up and grabbed the ten thousand pieces and took him down.

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