Flash Marriage

Chapter 2093 Replenishment

Therefore, Lady Meng must be cautious of the three people. In fact, the real meaning is that the three people must pay attention to preserving the strength of the Meng Mansion. Do not hesitate to do anything, leading to the disintegration of the Meng Mansion.

Prudence always wanted, Meng Disk Immortal smiled, she could not, watching Meng Province easily disintegrate, eventually nothing, after all, she is still the daughter of Meng Province.

Meng Disk Immortal smiled, no more words, and just after the people made such a decision, the doorman sent an invitation, the invitation said that the old lady of the government of Linguo made a 60-year-old birthday and invited the master of Meng Mansion up and down.

At first glance, it was known that Lord Lin was going to use his mother's birth, and then officially introduce his relatives and his wife and children to officials and family.

This is not so much the 60-year-old birthday of Lady Meng, but rather the reception of the Principality of Lin.

The party is scheduled to take place in half a month.

By the same token, the whole city had a large number of people on the table, all of whom received such invitations.

People don't know what to do with invitations like this, they're in a watchful state.

At this time, the Emperor sent a pair to the old lady of the Principality of Lin. May the old lady live happily ever after.

Such a birthday ceremony would be tantamount to informing people that he allowed and supported Lord Lin to host such a feast.

With such grace from the Emperor, Kyoto officials immediately began to actively prepare to participate in the 60-year-old birthday of the Lady of Linguo.

For a while, the banquet was the biggest recent event in the capital.

Jing and the princess became madmen. The Emperor gave birth to the old lady of the Principality of Lin, and the Emperor ordered the Princess of Lin to take back her wife and children. This series of changes in the Principality of Lin almost blinded people's eyes, and at the same time made people patiently taste.

Many people don't understand that there are reasons for this, so they increasingly want to go to the scene and see what's going on.

So a lot of people started actively preparing for the Linguo government banquet.

On the one hand, I want to see how Lord Lin hosted such a banquet in front of the already crazy scenery and princess. The Princess Lin's real young lady has now changed, I don't know what the scenery will be.

It is also due to the grace of the Emperor that they have to attend.

And just at this point, there was another shocking message coming over the chapel.

The Prince of Witch Creek will be visiting Nanda in half a month, almost on the same day as the Banquet of the Prince of Lin.

In a moment, the news blew up the pot throughout the capital and suddenly dashed the importance of the Linguo Banquet in everyone's mind.

You know, the relationship between Witch Creek and Nanda is complicated.

Before the earthquake, the Prince of Witch Creek State had come to visit the Emperor in Nanda, but because he happened to be injured by the earthquake, he turned back to the country, followed closely by the Prince of Witch Creek State changed his face, abandoned friendship, showed hostility, and took the opportunity to attack Nanda.

However, after two months of confrontation, the Witch Creek State once again signed a peace treaty with the Nandu State. Now, several years later, the Prince of Wuxi suddenly came to visit the Emperor in Nandu State. All of this makes one wonder what the Prince of Witch Creek meant to the Nandu State.

No one would simply think that the visit of the Prince of Witch Creek was purely friendly and had nothing to do with it.

And it's the same thing that gives the emperor a headache.

At this moment in the palace, the Emperor called Gu Juxi, Meng Yanqing and the right minister, Lord Lin, all of whom are currently his most trusted and able forces.

Lin Guo was silent and pinched the blame. The day when the Prince of Witch Creek arrived was almost the day that his banquet was about to begin. On that day, the most important day for him, he preferred to stay with his mother in the residence that day to celebrate Zhang Luo Birth and not to greet the Prince of Witch Creek.

After all, for the first time in so many years, his parents were beside him. He could be bright and respectful to his parents. No, it was his mother.

With this in mind, Lin Guo has deep regrets and guilt and almost wants to shoot himself.

Father was sick last year, I really wanted to see him for the last time, he didn't dare to go to see him. When I received the news, I didn't think Father was sick, I thought Father was as sick as before, Mother missed him too much, so to make Mother happy, so I lied to him and lied to him to go back.

At that time, the princess was insane. She was in the royal palace all day. She was in no mood to make him nervous. At the same time, she was worried about the emperor. She was afraid of irreparable harm to her parents and wife and children, and was ordered to be killed by the emperor, so she forced herself to ignore that message.

Now I know that at that time, my father was really sick, not lying to him.

He could not forgive himself. When his father was alive, he could not be filial and died without sending him the last ride. So now, in the face of the birth of his mother, Lin Guo's extraordinary heart is as if he was going to replenish his father's share.

So he desperately wanted to throw this banquet for his mother on that day and accompany her elderly.

But as a chaplain, the Emperor sent such a great favour to him, and he dared not to have any reluctance. He could only do as the Emperor ordered. He silently knelt on his knees.

The right phase is just frowning at this moment, and thinking about it, “Now my Nanda country, prosperous and prosperous, the power of the country is improved every day, not that the Witchbrook country can move if it wants, under this situation, the prince of the Witchbrook country comes to make good, it is also normal. ”

The Emperor frowned and said, “I think so too. It's just something that happened before the Prince of the Witch Creek State. Once again, the second time, my heart is always unrealistic. ”

At this point, Sir Gu Xi Lenbu said, “According to the information gathered, the Prince of Witch Creek received a member of the general a few years ago named Hao Chen Tian.

And this man, General Tian Haochen, was just like Chen Haocheng, the former leftist of our country, who had already been copied. ”

“Really, Sir Gu, do you mean that the Left Phase did not die in the roaming fire, but instead turned to the Prince of Witch Creek and became the general of Witch Creek? ”

The right phase looked up in surprise and asked, if he had guessed correctly in his heart, Gu Juxi's words clearly meant so.

Tian Hao Chen?

Chen Haotian.

That's the opposite of the name.

Meng Yan's full face was stunned. Even Lord Lin's face was incredible. At the same time, the two names were echoed in his mind. The shock on his face was even more intense. Obviously, Gu Juxi's statement had been acquiesced in.

The Emperor was also shocked and looked at Gu Juxi with dismay.

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