Flash Marriage

Chapter 211: I Don't Know

“Happy too soon. The Emperor is wounded!” Mengdi Xianxian shrunk his eyebrows and looked in the direction of the palace. The anxiety in his heart did not diminish with the crushing of this matter.

Instead, it was more disturbing, as if an unprecedented crisis were ahead of her, yet she did not know how to avoid it.

All of a sudden, she was so cold, she thought of a possibility.

“Come on, get in the palace.” Monkey's face has changed dramatically.

Palace, go to the study.

The wound on the Emperor's arm was wrapped in the pulse of your doctor's office. It was only a small mouth. It was not a major obstacle to the body. This let go of the heart grabbed by the crowd members.

In particular, Meng Yanqing and Zhang Zhaoshan exhaled heavily.

After being stabbed from the emperor, the two men were scared and worried about what was going on in the emperor. Now that they heard it was okay, they finally let go of their hearts.

It was supposed to be a rescue, but under the protection of about 10,000 people, people seriously injured the Emperor. Isn't that saying that they are both strawberries?

His Majesty's spirit was no major obstacle, and his body was even better. He watched the doctor wrap himself up, waved his hand immediately, asked the doctor to step down, summoned the crowd members to the palace, and deliberately asked the queen to come.

The ministers had heard that the Emperor had been slightly injured back in the early morning. At first glance, the Emperor was unable to go to the morning. He went to the study to discuss the matter. He immediately realized that the injury was true and that something important was expected to happen again.

“Your Majesty, Mon County Lord wants to see you. ”

She's here, she's here. He's just about to ask someone to come. Tell her what's going on.

After a while in the study, the queen gathered together again. The queen, who had not appeared for a long time, came with a magnificent face. She was surrounded by Chen Huixiang, and the queen's heart, Sister Rui, stood slightly further away.

The Emperor didn't say much, and Zhang Zhaoshan threw all the bodies of the people in green clothes at the door of the study.

“Queen, look behind you. Those are your men? ”

In a calm and gloomy tone, the emperor is like a flaming dragon, staring viciously at the queen.

The queen blessed herself and smiled on her face, highlighting her luxury and her face. She slowly turned around, looked at the door, saw the body flying from far away, and took a breath of air.

“Your Majesty, what are you... putting the body here to do? ”

The Emperor stared at her faintly discolored face, “What are you talking about? Go see their faces and tell me again. I'm still waiting for you to say, what do you want to do? ”

His Majesty's face was almost as cold as the Yin test. Iron was blue. Although he was not angry and arrogant, this anger was obviously hot, and even more so, he was afraid to breathe.

Everyone's eyes were stunned by the smell of gunpowder that seemed so heavy at first glance. It was not...

Everyone had the same look. Those people were the queen's escort, and they would follow the protection during the weekdays. How come all of a sudden now they are corpses, lying on the doorstep of the study, and one of them looks like a tragic death, and they have been brutally slaughtered before.

What happened in the capital this day that needed to be used by these people?

Why don't they know anything?

Among these officials, only Jing Zhao Fu Yin's face became slightly clearer. In addition to the shock, looking at Zhang Zhaoshan and the Emperor and the Queen's face became much deeper.

He looked at his nose and nose, silenced his side, and adhered to the routine of not talking much.

The queen looked at those people, first super shocked, like she couldn't believe it, and rubbed her eyes exaggerated, then looked at the emperor in an ugly way, “This, why? ”

It was very surprising and unexpected to see that some of these people were just walking across the door, and she looked incredibly at the bodies outside.

“Why? I still want you to say that these men stabbed me, but by your command? ”

The emperor rose from the dragon chair and walked to the queen step by step. He slapped the queen in the face. The queen was beaten to the ground. Chen Haoxiang and Sister Rui hurried to help the queen. The queen struggled to help Chen Haoxiang and Sister Rui to stand still.

The Emperor reached out a hand to pinch the queen's chin, his eyes pressed tightly against her, “Your people, in Jinjing to protect me, actually assassinated me, nearly killed me, now you ask me why? What a joke. You son of a bitch, dare to murder me, his sins will be borne. ”

“Your Majesty.” The Patron never spoke, but watched developments in silence, even if the Queen was overthrown, and did not move at all, only that the Patron could not stand when the phrase was murdered and when it came out.

Do you know that if this murder is committed by the Queen, the death penalty will be imposed on the entire government?

The mother of the Queen State assassinated the Queen. How could the Guardian Government, as Queen's mother's family, live unharmed, afraid to go to jail, and the whole family was copied up.

Patron's thighs were all a little soft, a pair of deep eyes stared angrily at the queen, that look really condemned the queen, what a jerk did?

But it is very frightening to say, “Your Majesty, the Queen is a woman who is already your mother. You are her God. How can she go and stab herself in the sky? There is no motive to assassinate the Emperor at all. Ask the Emperor to observe. ”

“Ask His Majesty to observe. ”

At the suggestion of the Patron, the ministers of the Patron Prince knelt down and asked the Emperor to observe the matter. At this moment, he knelt down more than half blackly.

This scene made the anger of the Emperor, his eyes flashed cold, and he continued without a voice, “Ming Zhi? Why don't you tell me how to see it? People are not queens, look for yourselves. When it happened, my Royal Guard was there, and Lord Zhang was there. Can I still wronge them? ”

Lord Zhang, the Royal Guard are all the Emperor's people. The Emperor told them to say whatever they want. Don't they still have the same mouth as the Emperor?

The Patron and his colleagues looked at each other and saw the meaning in their eyes, but who dares to say this to the Emperor?

That's not waiting to die.

The queen was slapped in the head a little blinded. For a moment, her hatred for the emperor sprayed out, almost trying to really kill her.

She took great control and calmly kept herself in a state of submission, turning her head to the body outside and saying, "Your Majesty, those are not concubines. ”

No, it's not!

Everyone stared.

Your Majesty, if you don't want to confess guilt or evade it, you can't open your eyes to bullshit.

Those men knew all too well that they were the guards beside her, and the Emperor could not mistake them.

Everyone stared at the queen and shook their heads.

The Emperor laughed furiously, "No? How dare you. You're lying with your eyes open. Do you think anyone would believe you? ”

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