Flash Marriage

Chapter 222: Meet the Queen

“What's going on? ”

Meng Disk Immortal swept away the people around Li Zheng, these are the Dauchi guards, according to the logic should be very familiar with Li Zheng.

But the facial expression was unfamiliar and hostile.

“Lady, this is the queen's escort. On the order of the queen, she asked me to go over and ask her questions. My subordinates said that the lady was here. After returning to Miss Tian, they would go to see the queen. They forbade her, so they almost fought. ”

The queen wants to see the cousin?

No wonder these guards don't buy cousins' bills.

“Since it is the Queen's summons, go. The county lord should also go to the palace to see the queen. You and my master and servants should come with us. Guards, lead the way ahead. ”

Meng Dixian quietly said goodbye to Lord He and Lady Rosemary, and took Li Zanzhen and others to the Queen's Palace.

The guards saw Mengdi Xian go too. They immediately dispatched two people back to report. The rest of them led the way ahead and walked to the Queen's Palace.

Lady Rosemary looked at the back of the Mondial Immortal and said coldly to He Gong, "Come on, let's go find the Emperor. ”

He Gong aimed at the Monkey Monk Immortal and the group of guards. He frowned and took Lady Rosemary to the Emperor's study.

He had a good impression of the Monkey Monk Fairy. With his years of experience in the palace, he was not a traitor. Besides, he went into Madame Rosemary's eyes, and he didn't want anything to happen to her.

But the escorts, who were very handsome, looked like they had just taken office, more like they had been transferred in from the army, because the momentum they were spreading was not the kind of Royal Guard sommel, but a kind of killing from the battlefield.

The Royal Guard is not incomparable with the soldiers of the army, but is itself in two different patterns, with the Royal Guard's focus and duty being to protect the security of the palace, while the soldiers of the army's focus and duty is to fight their enemies.

One is to protect your life, the other is to kill your opponent.

The consequences of such diverse groups performing the same duties will inevitably be different.

There seems to be something wrong with the Queen bringing such a group of people into the palace for duty.

He noticed a slight difference and had to look at the guards a few more times.

What also makes him uncomfortable is why does the Queen ask Li Zanzhen questions?

Looking at what the regiment had just surrounded, the period of rigidity was not short, but there was no fight. The hard thing was to wait for the Monkey Monkey Monster to disembark and wait for the Monkey Monkey Monster to talk to the Queen. These guards didn't even say an explanation or anything else, they immediately led the way ahead.

If Mengdi Xian's county owner identity is so easy to eat in front of these guards, he really can't believe it. The county owner's identity is more honorable than that of the queen.

Those who do things to the Queen, how can they be afraid of Monkey Fairy as a county master?

So, there's only one reason these guards really want to invite to the queen, not to the rejoice, but to the rejoice of the current master, the Monkey Monk Immortal.

But if the queen wants to see the Monkey Monk Fairy, just give her a message. Why go around such a big circle or such a detour?

There must be something wrong with that.

Meng Dixian walked behind the guards and made a few gestures to Li Zanzhen. Li Zanzhen nodded, and the crowd followed without a sound.

She laughed coldly in her heart, and she didn't know which one the queen was going to sing, but it was definitely not a good thing.

Coming to the Queen's Nakamiya, Sister Ray has stood at the door waiting for her.

Apparently, she had been informed of her arrival from the guards who had returned early to report the letter.

“County master, please. ”

Sister Rui lifted the door curtain herself and invited Monkey Disk Fairy in. Monkey Disk Fairy smiled slightly, "There's Sister Laurie. ”

Inside, the central queen of the main hall has sat tall on the main throne, wearing a luxurious phoenix robe and gorgeous jewellery, making the whole queen look exceptionally cold surrounded by cold jewellery.

She stood beside Chen Huixiang, dressed like a palace princess, and did not have to sit in the next seat at all.

Those who do not know still think that Chen Haoxiang is a princess, far above Chen Guizheng.

This outfit, this is really...

Meng Dixian took all this into his eyes and bowed down to courtesy. “See the Queen's Lady, see Chen Gui. ”

“Okay, get up. ”

The queen waved her hand, a tall touch, and the words were very arrogant.

Meng Dish Immortal did not feel comfortable, and stood up and sat opposite Chen Guiguan.

“I wonder what the Queen is looking for with Disk Fairy's escort? He's right here. The queen can ask you anything she wants. ”

Li Zanzheng stepped forward, kneeling respectfully on the floor and waiting for the Queen to ask.

The queen glanced, laughed, “Nothing serious, the last time the imperial guard of the palace assassinated the emperor, the emperor graciously allowed you to participate. The palace wants to know how the case is proceeding. After all, this is related to the palace. Although it is not done by the palace, it is already clear, but the person impersonating the palace is the person of the palace, the palace is not comfortable, even concerned about the progress of the case. ”

“The county chief was busy and heard that the county chief's guardian salute was here. He specifically called to ask. Now that the county chief is here, he should go down and ask the county chief. ”

On the merits, it is only right to ask the officer hearing the case. You can ask her father, you can ask Zhang Zhaoshan, or you can ask her, but it is not your turn to ask Li Zanzhen.

Li Zanzhen is just a guardian chief. How could he possibly know about the progress of the case?

That seemed plausible, but it blossomed.

Meng Dixian did not poke, but smiled coldly in his heart. He said to Yan Yue, "Well, that gift praises you for retreating. What does the Queen want to know, please? ”

Who knows, but the queen stopped asking, and brought up the tea in front of her, "County master tasted it, this is the new this year's gong tea, fresh and pleasant, Sister Rui deliberately went to get the dew beads on the morning lotus leaves to cook, making the tea smell more aromatic and infinite. ”

Tea tasting?

Meng Di Xian glanced at the teacup that the maid had placed in her hand and did not reach for it.

The palace doesn't have anything to eat or drink.

Meng Dixian looked up and said calmly with a smile. “Thank the queen for her beauty. Recently, the dish fairy has been feeling a little uncomfortable. The doctor said, it is not appropriate to eat and drink more water. Please also ask the Queen for her understanding. ”

Tell her all about eating and drinking water at once, save her some snacks later to make her taste. She won't get a bite of anything in the Queen's Palace.

“Oh?” The queen shook her head in disappointment, "too bad. Are you feeling any better? Otherwise, the palace will send you the doctor to see if the ordinary doctors are handy enough to delay the county master's illness. Somebody, call Dr. Zhang. ”

“Thank the Queen for her beauty. No need.” Mondish Immortal Channel.

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