Flash Marriage

Chapter 2295: Rescue

The last thing she wanted was for those who watched her father and Mu Fu to be implicated because of her relationship, and then they were convicted of a crime of bullying and all were cut off.

The fake Li Fei was in the palace for a day, and she was also worried about hanging her balls for a day. She was scared that I would tear her apart.

Nowadays, all this arrangement of Mondi Xian has made the matter a perfect ending. She should never worry again, fake Li Xin Ru Lu filling, or being seen through by the Emperor, and a whole lot of trouble arises.

Meng Dixian told Li Xinru the truth, not very complete and thorough.

In fact, pretending to be Li Xinru's woman, she wanted to live the life of pretending to be Li Fei in the palace. She was trying to figure out a way to remove this flesh god from her belly.

I don't really want to cooperate with Meng Dish Immortal, take the risk to perform such a play. After all, she is helpless out of the palace, so I'd rather be in the palace for a mixed day.

But at this moment, Meng Dixian brought the news that the woman who faked Li Xinru had lost her brother, she could no longer sit down. She wanted to take care of her brother. Where else would she want to live in the palace with the guts of war and involve her only brother?

Therefore, the fake Li Xinru had already planned with Meng Dish Immortal, accepted the persuasion of Lady Rosemary, the light car flew out, and left the Emperor with her escort in half, leaving the palace.

Li Xinru had already secretly swallowed the pills that Mengdi Xian had given her that would lead to miscarriage. Inside the pills, there was the musk that Mengdi Xian had deliberately added to her, and the hardship of the march, fake Li Xinru miscarriage became the inevitable result.

Then Li Xinru took fake death pills again, he did not breathe, became stiff and cold, and fooled Wan Xinru. At this time, Gu Juxi appeared, and with the Emperor's dead soldiers, he snuck into Wan Xinru's military camp quietly, rescuing the right-hand man and the dead Li Xinru.

Gu Juxi deliberately pointed the clue at the queen, letting Wan Zheng lock the target on the queen, and then he put Li Xinru in the witness of the Emperor's death and approached him to find a Feng Shui treasure site to bury.

After all, the dead corpse should not be left untreated, so the corpse will rot and stink, so Gu Jiaxi buried the fake Li Xinru.

This matter has been witnessed by the Emperor's dead soldiers. It is a witness, so there is nothing to say about this matter, and there is no need for him to explain it.

After the fake Li Xinru was buried, Gu Juxi quietly fed Li Xinru the medicine according to the original plan, woke her up, gave her a soft bag, and secretly arranged to escort her out of the place to find her brother.

This scene is first a double impersonation, then a snake leads out of the hole, then a golden cicada shell removal, so perfectly over. As long as this woman who impersonates Li Xinru never mentions the past, she can live in peace forever.

And Li Xinru, whose face was ruined by hidden names, will not be exposed as long as it is not maliciously investigated.

As for the real Sheilan, she had sent her to the Lan Garden, renamed Xu Mei, from her mother's name, to grow flowers with Sheilan in the Lan Garden.

Nominally married to Sheilan as a heterosexual sister, a lot of people in the Lan Garden know that, but nobody knows that Xu Mei is Sheilan.

And some irrelevant people who often come into contact with Shamei in Bi Fall Garden were also found by Meng Dish Immortal to marry foreigners for various reasons, giving a large dowry, far away from the capital.

The rest were close to her, people like Mama Zhang, and Jade Bowl and Jade Forest, which were her hearts and minds and would never betray her.

As for the others in Meng Mansion, Meng Dish Immortal did not have to be cleaned up deliberately, because Mao Xinxin was the head mother of Meng Mansion, and in order to better do his rights, there was a long time ago a group of people slowly replaced in secret.

The original people were cultivated by Chen Haoxiang. Although Chen Haoxiang is gone, they are also old oil strips. Mao Xinxin used his own defects, and almost all of them should be replaced with a poop.

This was also a matter of reason. One day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day

The fighting on the frontier lasted two months, and during those two months, various messages were sent back from the front line.

Tens of thousands became prisoners of enemy forces and became a matter of national shock.

At last, the right-hand man returned to the capital. Upon his return, he took Pima Dai Xiao and arranged a funeral for his daughter. He also entered the palace to sue Wan Qian, abducted his daughter, caused her to have an abortion and died twice.

Although the right phase is very clear that the daughter is fake, the real daughter stays in Mu Fu, and loves Mu Zhenbai and his wife, but he should also do the trick.

Therefore, the anger of the Emperor, the heart that was still speculating, was also fulfilled. It turned out to be the ambition of the Wolverine, taking away his loving dragon and his right-hand minister, trying to threaten his throne, but he was desperately taken prisoner.

Under such circumstances, how could the Emperor order the full rescue of the Prince, just as he did not die in the hands of the enemy, as if it were a matter of captivity.

This is a desperate scene and the princess. She goes into the palace every day and begs the Emperor to give orders to the Protector Prince and Gu Juxi, or save Wan at all costs.

The sight and princess of the Emperor at this moment is also a cloud fog, no longer has the previous thrust, there is trust, so the answer is not actually given to Gu Juxi and the Patron to rescue Wan.

And at this moment, the dying lay in the great prison of Witch Creek Country.

There was a mouse running around him, he could even feel the mouse climbing on his back, his face jumped inexorably, and his face appeared gloomy.

His eyes were filled with tremendous hatred and his mouth was mumbling with the name of the Monkey Monk Fairy.

By this time, he had reached such a tragic point, he had figured everything out, and he had figured it out, that he had fallen from the beginning into the game set by Monkey Fairy, waiting for him to jump in on his own initiative.

When Meng Yanqing appeared at the border with Gu Juxi and ordered the massacre of the 100 good dark piles himself, he understood everything. The reason Meng Yanqing easily handed over the military power to him was only to use him as bait, leading the 100 secret piles to appear themselves.

He was stupid. He thought Meng Yanqing was really cowardly and afraid to come with the Patron.

How could he be so naive, so young, so cowardly?

Military power has never been in the hands of a coward or a coward.

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