Flash Marriage

Chapter 234: She Cares About You

Meng Dixian looked up at Gu Juxi, that face she couldn't remember how many times it appeared in her sleep, but between them, it shouldn't be like this.

They're a partnership, she's always just positioned him as a good friend, partner, never wanted to do anything with him?

No, I never thought I'd have an emotional relationship with any man in my life.

But now, Gu Juxi insists on doing this to her, and she becomes irresistible to him without knowing anything.

Gently bite the tip of her tongue, Monkey Monk Immortal awakens her senses with pain, she wants revenge, there is no revenge yet, these men and women, she should not get involved.

A little condensation in the bottom of his eyes slowly condensed, the monkey dish fairy lifted the quilt, and said faintly, "Didn't you say you were going to eat? ”

Gu Juxi acutely perceived the difference between Mengdi Xian and seemed to start resisting again. He watched her lift the quilt herself, gently pushed him away, put on his shoes, and walked to the table.

Speechless rejection.

Gu Juxi glanced, reached out his hand, grabbed her arm, forced her to sink low and said like an oath, "Disk Immortal, you are destined to be mine, you do not accept me now, but remember, you can only be mine. ”

After that, regardless of the reaction of the Monkey Dish Fairy, she slowly pulled herself to the table and sat down, “These burning pigeons are still hot and eat while they are hot. ”

Pushing her gently into the chair, he sat across from her, gently helping her open the burning pigeon, tearing a piece of meat apart and handing it to her.

The monkey disc fairy stared at the man in front of him, silently taking over to burn the pigeon to eat.

The two men were silent, but Gu Juxi was overwhelmed by the fact that he let her eat the whole two burnt pigeons before stopping.

“You're too skinny to eat more. ”

Slow words, endless care, do not force her to accept immediately, but do not change care for her, hegemony with drowning tenderness.

To be honest, no one in Meng Dish Immortal's past life has been as good to her as Gu Juxi without a purpose.

In her previous life, her efforts to cherish the love of her father and daughter, the affection of her family and the love of her husband and wife were nothing but false intentions.

And finally, push her to hell.

And all her life, she had nothing to worry about, nothing to believe in, and the only relatives of the father and daughter she had ever cared about were revealed in the middle of the left of a single benefit.

Nobody really cares about her, loves her.

Except for the man in front of you.

Mengdi Xian II is a human being. Being alert to calm is her instinct. Therefore, Gu Juxi has no purpose, no purpose, sincerity or not, what she feels is true.

This is also why Mengdi Xian refused to hurt him.

She was greedy for this pure love.

One side of the contradiction refuses to care.

“I've seen Lady Rosemary. ”

Meng Dixian opened his mouth and finally cared about him.

Sir Gu Xiteng's face changed. The smile in the corner of his mouth closed and slowly became indifferent. “How about that? ”

That kind of alienation and mindfulness, Monsieur knows not to her, but to Lady Rosemary.

Gu Juxi had a heart, he should have also identified, or confirmed that Lady Rosemary was his mother, who he thought was already sick.

“She cares about you. ”

Meng Dixian could not say that this was the only result of her test. Although she knew that the care was heavy, it was heavy, but it could not resist the pain of Gu Juxi being abandoned by his mother.

She can only put it so succinctly, without irritating Gu Juxi and expressing the facts.

Gu Juxi couldn't help laughing. “Mind? If you care, you won't abandon me and die in the palace. ”

Meng Dixian sighed, somehow she felt the burn on his heart. She couldn't help but wonder how he grew up and how he killed his mother's father.

“Can you tell me your story? ”

Mondial Immortal looked at him with clear eyes, without a hint of impurities, condensed care asked.

As his body was stiff, Gu Juxi couldn't help but faint. He knew that she was asking him about the rioting of the capital.

The pale yellow palace light shook on his handsome, cold cheek, and the shadow of his eyelashes, “Do you really want to know? ”

Meng Dixian nodded solemnly and then looked at his stiff body, “Can't you tell me now? ”

Gu Juxi smiled, “No, if you want to hear it, I'll tell you. ”

Mengdi Xian thought that his smile looked strange, just obviously still very spiritual, but when she asked about it, his expression was like a sorrow, although he was still laughing, but there was a strange illusion, as if he was about to be drowned in pain, tears in his heart.

“If you can't say it, just...” Mengdi Xian can't wait to hear it.

“There's nothing inconvenient about you. ”

Cold eyes are incredibly honest at this moment, and a kind of total trust is revealed.

As long as she asks, he says everything and doesn't hide anything at all.

This trust warms the mind of the Monkey Disk Immortal, and this honesty makes the Monkey Disk Immortal Heart tremble gently.

“First of all, I want to talk about my father and mother. The story starts here.” When Sir Gu looks calm to the west, it's as if he's talking about something that doesn't matter, more like he's talking about someone else.

“The father and the mother were happy, first they made a private covenant, then they made a marriage, because the mother was a foreign woman, then they made a private life with the father, so after the father insisted on marrying the mother and entering the door, my grandmother was dissatisfied with the mother, always in the absence of the father, deliberately difficult the mother, washing the grandmother's clothes in the snow in the winter, and making clothes for her in the sun in the summer, which is common. ”

“There are countless maids in the palace, they can even let the maids do this, but Grandma would have to let her do it herself and let the maids supervise it. Mother was bullied by a maid into her grandmother's favorite show. In order not to embarrass the father, the mother bites Guan alone and prevents the father from knowing. ”

“It snowed in the middle of the winter, and Grandma did it again. This time, she had to ask her mother to pry open the ice and wash the laundry by the lake in the house. Her mother did it with tears, but it was too cold and too hard. Her mother smashed the ice into a big hole, and she froze her hands and feet and fell into the big hole in the broken lake. Father happened to come back to get it because he forgot to bring something, and happened to see this scene. He jumped into the lake angrily, rescued his mother and had a big fight with Grandma. ”

“Grandma was furious with her mother and tortured her more than ever before. Because of the loss of the lake, which alerted the father, he began to pay attention to his mother's movements, so he always saw some hidden wounds on the mother's body. ”

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