Flash Marriage

Chapter 2346: Open Up

Wan Jianxi smiled, determined that Mengdi Xian was behind the suspicion, deliberately pretending to be very calm chest with the appearance of bamboo, sneered and said, “There are more than a dozen of my guards out there, you can't escape in any case, and this time I am fully prepared, Gu Jiaxi will definitely not follow here, the more Gu Xi loves you, the more miserable I will make you, I just want you to taste the pain under my feet, don't say that my heart is spicy, I just give you back 100 times the pain you put on me. ”

Monkey Monster laughs, who is it who's betting the pain on who? Without the pain he had inflicted on her in the previous life, his heart would have been heartless, but her heart would have been hard in this life. Who was born hard?

In this world, too many kindnesses have been deceived and can only defend herself if her heart is harsh, so she must use her heart as her motto in her life. And the most deserving part of this heartbeat is to target these two people, Wan Yi and Chen Hongfei.

Meng Dish Immortal said not slowly: “You are not a kind person, why do you have to crown yourself so crowned as a crown, make you look like a suffering owner, I don't want to hear it, you don't have to say it. Everyone has a reason to do what they do. Harsh hands have cause and effect. You can make me crawl under your feet. That's what you can do, that's what you win. Instead, you're the loser, and you can only take this pain yourself. ”

Meng Disk Immortal said something, but he didn't understand, couldn't understand, not wrinkled gently by his eyebrows.

Chen Hongfei on one side obviously lost patience and looked at the two people with one finger, "Do it. ”

With the two strong men of Mengdi Xian listening, he couldn't help but look at Wanzhi and push Mengdi Xian to front of Wanzhi. There was an unusual smile on his face that could not be said, and the servant beside him extended his hand to help him in his wide clothes.

It's about someone pressing her against him to help him take possession of her!

Manchu is really obsessed with the Monkey Monk Immortal.

But then again, Wan Zhixian is just like those men of high power, who have committed common illness. These men are the proud sons of Heaven. They never have anything they want. There are no people or things they can't get. Therefore, for Wan Zhixian, although he hates to get into the bones, he very much wants to satisfy himself to get her psyche. Even if he gets it at this moment, he will destroy it at the next moment. The means of destruction will even be very harsh and unspeakable, but it does not prevent him from getting her mind first.

At this moment, the outside reading sounds more and more neat, as if intentionally to cover the appearance, Mondi Xian looked out the window, those children not far from her, those children's childish faces, but a face of indifference, there are some cocoons in the hand holding the book, these cocoons are thick, very disproportionate to the fine white silk shirt on their body.

And Mr. Teaching Teacher sitting in front of the children, the clothes on the body is very simple and vain, but the face is even more insensitive, the eyes are sharp, the dressing of Mr. Teaching can not erase the taste of the martial arts.

Meng Dixian has never attended private school, but she has seen Meng Zhengnan go to college. In Kyoto's premier college, Mr. Teaching is also a elegant temperament. Even with physical fitness and martial arts, it adds a dusty literary character. Even the most ruthless gentleman will never have such a ruthless face.

Suddenly, like sensing someone looking at him, the teacher looked sharply at the Monkey Monster, and the sharp, indifferent gaze, like a sharp blade, with a strong temper.

Seeing this place, Monsieur Monsieur smiled slightly. If she didn't know where this place was yet, she would be foolish.

There are five kinds of houses in the Nanda kingdom. The first is a brothel where women and men earn their living by selling laughter. These brothels are all sent to earn the meat business, and they do what you want and invest in the good business. This type of brothel is open to men. These men have different identities and different hobbies. They like to listen to small songs. Girls drink with them to relieve boredom. They also have food and colour. They want girls to unbelt their clothes. They also have some special preferences. For example, men who like red and white lips. In short, this kind of treatment is based on hue and skin.

The second type is ordinary businessmen, all over the streets and alleys of the capital city, specializing in the sale of goods and household goods, doing a serious business, providing the people or the powerful people with the need to live, earning silver and silver, just by the size and breadth of the business, such people are clean and eat by labor.

The third type is martial arts museums. This type of museum generally requires certain conditions in order to open it. While apprenticing students to teach some basic martial arts skills, while working as bodyguards and bodyguards, it earns the cost of living. There are no more than three martial arts museums like this in Beijing City, and the number is limited.

The fourth type is casinos and underground money houses, specializing in gambling, illegally earning money, or lending money to people in the form of high-interest loans, then making profits, and finally making high profits. Often this is the easiest kind of murder, and it is usually a secret establishment, and there are government forces behind it.

The fifth type is private school, that is, a place to provide learning for people or civilian children who are slightly more affluent in life. This place is generally simple, and they are all isolated. Normally, people do not come often. The powerful people of Nanda usually have dedicated gentlemen in their homes to teach the children of their families. Therefore, such private school means that they are generally learned, and the powerful people do not look like them, but they also have a little bit of knowledge, so they can eat books with mixed meals.

When Mengdi Xian was in the countryside, he had seen the servants of the estate. He sent his children to such places to study. It was very simple, and he could not learn any really useful knowledge. However, he only knew a few words. He thought that such places would only be available in remote rural areas. I didn't expect that there would be such places in Kyoto, where flowers and flowers seemed to flourish.

She grinned and stood steadily in front of Wan Xiao, ignoring his wide strip of clothes at this moment, even more ignoring the two dogs who had been restless. She swept her eyes with some contempt at this moment relying solely on the servant to take care of her incompetent appearance, cold way, “Turns out this is a private school, but actually a place to train coppers, or the dead of Witch Creek. ”

The sound was close to my eyes, not too loud, but it was like a drum on the tip of my heart, my pupils contracted instantly.

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