Flash Marriage

Chapter 2437 Evasion

Meng Dixian glanced slightly, then added, "According to reason, Prince Wan should have been thankful for automatically leading the battle for his father. If it hadn't been for Prince Wan, it would have been his father who could have been a prisoner by now, but after all, this kind of thing, Wan Zi wanted to beat one by one, and Wan Wan Wan Wan wanted to have the military power and build a meritorious cause, which hurts him himself and humiliates him to death as a prisoner in the prison of Witch Creek, causing the scene and the princess to go mad.

The government of Lin Guo has now undergone such a dramatic change. It cannot be removed from the original military power obtained from the father, but it has no direct relationship with the father. All of this is the result of his choice, and it is his own fault. Therefore, Wan Zi will not die, Jing and the princess will not go mad, and none of this has anything to do with the father.

And what the father is going to do now, instead, is to have a good bus with Lin Guo, intersect well with the right, the three of them form a resilient force to resist the defensive master's plan to destroy one by one, credit cannot be monopolized by one, but if the father works well, he can be the most trusted and most grateful one in the emperor, leading the Mon province to cast glory, what does the father think? ”

Meng Yanqing looked at Mengdi Xian and opened his mouth. He did not speak. On the face of it, it was true, but he knew that the person who fuelled this middle was the good daughter in front of him who seemed weak and harmless. If Mengdi Xian did not push from it, Wan Xuan would never have made this step.

He Meng Yanqing could not sit in the left phase position. All of this came from the hands of her daughter, Meng Dish Immortal. It can even be said that Wan Jiao died in a foreign country. No, it was her daughter who caused the death in prison in another country by being discredited.

And now Mengdi Xian said this so frankly, he actually had no right for a moment, and he also clearly knew that his daughter, referring to the mysterious hatred at the moment, even he was shocked, suddenly thought of Wan Xian in order to get Mengdi Xian, and when he used Shelan to give Mengdi Xian cloth that drunken flower negative, almost destroyed the famous festival of Mengdi Xian, risking his life, which is really hateful.

He had no doubt that, even if he had not agreed to Mengdi Xian's request and cooperated with her in giving her military power, Mengdi Xian would surely have used other methods to put Wan Xian on this path of no return and died beside her.

This can be clearly felt from the resentment of Monsieur Monsieur.

On that day Wan Wan Wan Wan Wan Wan Wan Dish Immortal Fame Split. Now Meng Dish Immortal Wan Wan Wan Fame Split. Although there were some wrongs to report, he understood and couldn't stop it.

And if he doesn't cooperate, it's impossible to reap the benefits of the left phase now.

It was all because he listened to Monkey Fairy's advice and cooperated with her actions that he had today.

He knew that now Monkey Monk had shown him another way.

This road is as risky as the original choice to hand over the military power to Wan, which may be lost and completely taken away, but there are also great opportunities, such as clearing up the insiders of the Jinjing team, firmly mastering the command of the Jinjing army, and sitting on the left hand side.

Now, as before, if he decides to unite the Right Minister and Lord Lin to assist His Majesty in dismantling the forces of His Majesty the Protector, in the process, he is likely to become cannon ash, likely to be fought by the Protector and lose all of his present life, even his life.

But it is also possible that the battle won the Patron, became the emperor's absolute heart and soul minister, and stood in a higher position, leading the Meng Mansion to achieve a new glory, becoming the number one and two real people in the capital.

Now it's up to him to make his own choices.

Having heard so much about Meng Disk Immortal, it is also clear enough that the meaning of this is not only Meng Yanqing, including Meng Penis and Meng Lao San, as well as old Lady Meng.

Slowly, the three faces began to change a bit.

People are actually gamblers. When they have good cards, they want to bet big and earn a full pot.

Now the Meng family's penis and the third, that's the heart, such a gambler psychology, both think that Meng Yanqing will take the Meng Mansion to stand taller and more brilliant.

Although the Meng family's penis could not shine brightly on the Asahino, the position of the Meng Mansion in the capital today, and the position of Meng Yanqing now on the left side, the two people also received endless benefits in their respective fields. The treatment of both of them by all roadmen and horses was also higher than that of the water rising boat, not knowing how many times better.

So they are also extremely eager to take the Mon Mansion one step further to shape the greater glory.

So it's as if they've also taken a step, and in front of people, in their own field, that status is going to make another extraordinary leap.

So, the Meng family's penis and third cousin both looked at Meng Yanqing with some excitement. His eyes were clearly saying, "Brother, according to Meng Dish Immortal, there is nothing to be afraid of against the Patron. ”

Meng Yanqing received the eyes of the third dick and was still hesitating. At this moment, the corner of his mouth slowly emerged with a certain determination.

He is already on his left, and he has stood in opposition to the Patron, even if he does not fight the Patron and takes refuge everywhere.

Nor will the Patron receive mercy unless he turns away from the Emperor and follows the Patron, but then he believes that he will die faster and that an imperial decree will kill him.

So for his own life, then he could not turn away from the Emperor, so fighting with the Patronage is simply inevitable. He takes the avoidance posture, and the Patronage will also find a way to fight him down from the position of the left face, maybe, and fight him directly.

In fact, he chose not to choose, all the same result, eventually fighting our protectorate, only one is passive fighting, one is active fighting.

In that case, why should he shrink his head and make himself ashamed? Maybe he can win even more by confronting a positive response.

Lady Meng, after a glance at her three sons, knew what they meant. She sighed and said, “Just do what you want, just be cautious and reckless about everything. ”

When Meng Yanqing was left, she became the old lady of the left palace, and her status was naturally elevated by the water.

At the banquet between the Ladies of Beijing City, it was also highly respected, the attention and respect, it was impossible to compare before. Therefore, Lady Meng also had greed in her heart. She also wanted to make Meng Fu go higher and farther, and wanted to make herself a more prominent old lady. After all, she was old and unwilling to take too big a risk.

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