Flash Marriage

Chapter 246: Aurora Star

Mao Xinxin didn't understand at all, but the smile on Mondi's fairy face got weirder and weirder. He didn't mean to answer for her, so he couldn't help but be more bored.

With this, the atmosphere of the banquet has become even more enthusiastic. As you can see, the reason why no one can be so honored today is simply because Lord Lin's banquet allowed Nantian bamboo to blossom. For a time, he praised Lord Lin's, and some people wanted to get close to no one, and the test of any guitarist and channel was rejected by no one.

Monsieur Monsieur's careful observation of the ten thousand pieces below, the pride in the corner of his eyebrows, and the hidden joy, all indicate that he is satisfied with the situation, and that nothing else has emerged.

She thought carefully in her heart. Either Wan Zheng became more anxious and deeper, or the arrangement of this event, the Duke of Lin even hid Wan Zheng.

However, at this moment, Zhang Zhaoshan suddenly shouted, "Lord Lin, you have no friends, look? ”

Lord Lin Guo and his superior friends took a look and then retreated from the congratulations of the crowd. The lush Nantian bamboo, just called the divine medicine Nantian bamboo, actually withered flowers and lost its colour, like apoptosis.

I just went up and watched an official from Nantianzhu jump out of shock, "This, what's going on, I was fine before I got down. ”

He just looked up, satisfied his curiosity, saw the magic potion, but he didn't touch it, and came down fine. If he was the last one to see Nantianbamboo, and put the charge of looking at Nantianbamboo to his head, it would not only be unjust and tragic.

A resurrection medicine to be presented to the Emperor. He watched it die. The Emperor did not skin him.

Everyone shouted, Lin's face changed, “Li Qing, just the last time you saw it, who wouldn't you be? ”

The last official I saw was Li Qing, and he said in a panic, “Lord Lin, you can't spray blood like this. I didn't touch it at all. I just took a look at it. How did I cause it? ”

Nantian bamboo withered with a sad look on the face of no superior friend.

Everyone's face is also ugly, especially Lord Lin.

It's a shame that a pill dies and withers, at best, but people just blew him into some auspicious omen, and this auspicious omen was attached to the Emperor.

Weren't the auspicious Nantian bamboo withered? Weren't the auspicious signs withered? No way!

If the auspicious omen withers, something must have happened!

Seeing the dark clouds on Lord Lin's face, he had just been complimenting the people who had said that the magic potion was auspicious. One of them was mute and looked at each other face-to-face. The whole front and back yard was silent. Even the women held their breath and couldn't breathe.

Meng Disk Immortal swept Chen Guiguan and Chen Hongfei from the table, only two of them were also caught by a dramatic scene and all their attention was drawn.

At this moment, no friend looked up and looked at the crowd, sounding like Hong Zhong's way, "This is a sign of a good omen. First Dae Gil, then Big Murder. Lord Lin, your wedding banquet today was a happy event, but it was a sign of disaster. Among all the guests sitting here are disaster stars. This disaster star not only grabs your shipping lane, but also grams the national shipping. ”

All of them looked at their superior friends with great surprise and were shocked by his words.

In a quiet place, Mengdi Xian looked at Chen Hongfei, whose eyes were suddenly unaware, and the fun was coming.

Lord Lin first reacted, he immediately bowed humbly, “No good friend, today you dare to fight, please go out of the mountain divination to find the disaster star of the Guoxian transport. It doesn't matter if it's on the way down. The key is that this country's shipping is a big thing. If you don't have any friends, you must do it. ”

Everyone also sees no superior friends. To be honest, it is a rare thing to see no superior friends divination, but every time it is a pleasure, and no superior friends now say this disaster Xingke National Transport, such a big thing, they have no responsibility.

So the people hugged each other and said, "Please don't have a superior friend divination to find out who is carrying the cargo in China. ”

A week of slow sweeping by no superior friends, half nodded, “That's right, the path is rarely divinating in everyone, but today it is a big matter, I have to try it, the disaster stars are not excluded, and it is difficult to explain to His Majesty, since the path hit this matter, it can not be interrupted and ignored. ”

At the same time, he looked at the woman's seat. The words of Disaster Star were very heavy. These words were heard in the ears of Chen Guiguan sitting at the top of the table. He felt special stinging ears and had a bad feeling.

No superior friend reached out his hand and made a gesture inviting Lord Lin to leave the pavilion temporarily. He said, "I need to do the divination on the high ground here. I will let disaster star prevail later. ”

Lord Lin naturally promised to leave the pavilion immediately and give the pavilion to the unsung friends.

After Lord Lin's descent, his hands waved their arms on the pavilion indiscriminately. However, after looking at it, he realized that each movement was very different and had its own meaning.

At this moment, all the guests in the front and back yards stood up independently, not even the women, one by one raised their chins, staring at the unsung friends on the Gaodai pavilion, and talked.

“Guess who? Who could be a disaster star? ”

“I don't know. But find the catastrophe star today, the catastrophe star will definitely not be shipped in Keguo. ”

“Yeah, the catastrophe star is actually KNP, this time it's found out, it must be dead. ”

“Yes, the Emperor will never let her go. ”


Meng Di Xianxian smiled slightly, listening to the woman's family at the neighboring table in a heated discussion, she stood directly next to Mao Xinxin and whispered, "Something interesting will happen later. ”

She crooked her head and told Mao Xinxin, "Be sure to protect yourself and stay close to me. ”

Mao Xinxin stared at Mengdi Xian with amazement. “Are you saying...”

Her beautiful face was full of surprise. She was not stupid. From the words of Monkey Disk Immortal, but in that strange smile, Mao Xinxin immediately guessed that all the auspicious stars were related to Monkey Disk Immortal, deliberately arranged, and vicious.

Meng Dixian no longer cared about Mao Xinxin's consternation. Li Xinru had returned to the table of the right-hand woman's family before the meeting, so she could not inform her.

However, I am sure that the right ministry is not a straw bag, and there will be no protection at all.

Moreover, this matter has nothing to do with the right ministry. Li Xinru should not be in danger.

The exhibition nurse beside him gave a look at the Monkey Disc Immortal, indicating that all the cousins and others were in place, and when things broke out, they would rush in to protect her first.

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