Flash Marriage

Chapter 2558: Sadness

If Gu Juxi hadn't stopped you, you would have been considered an accomplice to Li Fei's assassin. At this moment, either the corpse was on the spot or you were imprisoned.

If you hadn't insisted on hijacking me, Gu Juxi stopped you and didn't stop you, you wouldn't be in this small courtyard right now. If you hadn't shown up today, even if I had let Gu Juxi stop you, I would have written off what happened today. If you hadn't felt so vicious about me, I wouldn't have solved your true face in front of Gu Juxi.

However, it was too late, you went out and abducted me by hand. Although for some reason, I was summoned by Lady Rosemary to temporarily ask Lady Meng to replace me, we know exactly who you abducted.

If it weren't for Gu Juxi's face, you think I'd be talking so much crap to you right now, I would have given you to the Da Lisi Temple for trial, so that you could live or die. ”

Meng Dixian's face condensed, looking at Lan Xin, he couldn't help but feel sorry for Gu Juxi.

If she didn't want Lan Xin to end badly and involve Gu Juxi, she wouldn't have warned Gu Juxi to stop Lan Xin and keep Lan Xin out of the house.

Unfortunately, Lan Xin was too deeply obsessed and poisonous. He tried to do everything he could to escape. Finally, he set off a war between them. He faced the side Gu Jiaxi didn't want to face.

Anyway, just to say to Gu Juxi, you are the most important, she will return to Gu Juxi once, this time she let Lan Xin go.

Meng Dixian looked cold and covered his face with surprise and resentment and Lan Xin said, "Today, I see in the face of Gu Jiaxi, I give you one last chance, I hope you cherish yourself. If I do this again, I will never give up again, I will definitely make you live like this. No one can live well unless I die. ”

I was surprised that Meng Dish Fairy actually dared to hit her Lan Xin. It was with unusual anger that I heard Meng Dish Fairy say this seat. It was like a vengeance goddess from hell. It was filled with cold swordsmanship, making Lan Xin cold and chestnut. The whole person shook directly.

After Mengdi Xian finished his speech, he did not take another look at Lan Xin, turned around and left the small courtyard, got in the carriage, left only two guards, and threw Lan Xin back to Yongning Hou Mansion.

On the wagon, on the way back to the house, Meng Dish Xian gave Mao Xin a comfort, briefly explained the reason, but did not really rob Li Fei, and she knew the reason for the evolution of this, and it was all motivated by her push, etc., did not tell Mao Xinxin, just to reassure her, while letting her not talk nonsense, after all, the person who took Li Fei by hand was the queen, it was just her guess, did not do precisely, nonsense, but will find trouble.

Mao Xinxin naturally knew how powerful it was, and promised to say, "Don't worry, Disk Immortal, I won't say anything. ”

When the two men took the carriage back to Meng Mansion, Meng Dish Immortal ordered Mao Xinxin to escort them back. Instead of going back, they took people to Mu Mansion.

At this moment, Mu Fu was quiet. Xiao Shi at the door saw that Meng Dish Immortal had some accident. He rushed to report it, but was stopped by Meng Dish Immortal. He didn't need them to report it. The two elderly people were still tired of walking back and forth.

Xiao Shi immediately took orders. Open the gate and ask Meng Disk Immortal to come in.

Because of her sudden arrival, Mu Fu was quiet inside, and the two elderly people seemed to have rested. Instead of disturbing her, Mengdi Xian went directly to Mu Zhenbai's yard.

The courtyard was peaceful, and a pair of perfect people were turning their backs on her, watching the ink, a deep look.

“Cousin, sister-in-law. ”

Meng Dixian laughed and slowly walked towards the two of them.

A pair of bitches heard voices and looked back immediately.

Mu Qibei saw Mengdi Xian and hurried to greet him. “Cousin is here. Why didn't you say something? These little sisters are so brazen. ”

Mondi Xian smiled and explained, “Don't blame Xiao Xiao, I want to come in quietly, I don't want everyone to run back and forth, I just came straight over. Why is this upsetting me to bother you and your wife? ”

Meng Dish Immortal said, a rare joke, whispering.

Mu turned pale and blushed. “Look what you haven't said to the club for a few days. ”

The person known as his sister-in-law smiled at this moment, but there was a deeper scar on the left side of his face.

Removing that scar, the rest of the place looks exactly like Li Xinru's.

She grabbed Monkey Fairy's hand and smiled and said, "Monkey Fairy, look at you, cancel us. ”

Meng Dixian grabbed her hand, which put away the smiling look on her face, solemnly concerned, “Is Sister Li all right here? ”

This person is actually Li Xinru.

Li Xinru smiled softly and said, "Thanks for the dish fairy arrangement, everything is fine. ”

Meng Dixian looked at Li Xinru at the moment, the light scar on her face, couldn't help but think back to the past, that time when the queen revealed Li Xinru and her cousin's selfishness.

In order to save her cousin's life and that of her grandmother's family, she did not hesitate to reject her cousin's affection for Li Xinru, and pushed Xie Mei out to her cousin's side.

After an eloquent argument, he finally saved his cousin's life and Mu Fu's peace, but he was misunderstood by Li Xinru. Cousin was not in love with her and was the wrong person.

Wrong to love her as Shamey.

Li Xinru was completely obsessed with Mu Xinbai, so he was devastated. After returning to his hometown, he lost his energy to live. After only one day, he fell ill in bed and couldn't sleep.

The right side immediately blocked the news. In any case, he could not allow Li Xinru to be so seriously ill as to be struck, and spread it to the Emperor's ears. Otherwise, the calming event would immediately start another sharp wave. Li Xinru, who had been easily removed, would most likely be discredited.

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, the right-hand party blocked the news and kept everyone quiet, whilst quietly invited a famous doctor to treat Li Xinru.

Several well-known doctors have no desire to survive and cannot cure them at all.

In just a few days, Li Xinru's illness grew worse and worse, almost to the point of life and death.

The right phase could not, he knew where his daughter's heart was knotted, so, under helplessness, he told Li Xinru that Mu Zhenbai was actually lying to her.

All the defenses and arguments, including Shem Mei's, were just to exonerate him. The ultimate purpose was to take Li Xinru out, save Li Xinru's life and then save himself and Mu Fu's life.

The right phase is the person who came here, and he is also a person in the center of the rights of the Koryo. What kind of person he has not met, he saw Mu Zhenbai's reaction at the beginning. He was so keen to preserve Li Xinru's intentions, he knew that Mu Zhenbai could never love the wrong person.

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