Flash Marriage

Chapter 2628 Waiting

Yellow cigarette did not know the preference of Princess Liyang. The maid of the princess in the room deliberately arranged to sprinkle tea, dirty the clothes of yellow cigarette, smoothly led yellow cigarette into an interior to change clothes, and met the waiting princess alone.

The princess looked closely at the yellow cigarette, the more heartbeat she became, a little uncovered her mind. Yellow cigarette was detected by yellow cigarette. Yet yellow cigarette was also a smart woman. She did not directly show her disgust, but returned to the banquet with the princess and the serpent. She disguised herself as uncomfortable and left the banquet early to return home.

Upon returning home, Huang Yan was vigilant and told his mother that if she had another invitation from Princess Liyang, she would refuse.

Yellow cigarette's mother is a woman, not knowing the danger in the middle, only thought that her daughter was unhappy with Princess Liyang, unwilling to be close to her, she refused to use yellow cigarette every time the princess invited her.

Princess Liyang traveled in character, never in sight could not get it, therefore, the yellow cigarette must be obtained, although repeatedly refused, still not dead heart, but rather more frustrated and courageous, on the grounds of visiting the disease, to come to the door personally.

Yellow cigarette's mother couldn't resist the enthusiastic princess, so she let the princess into the courtyard where yellow cigarette lived. Who knew that yellow cigarette was not at home on that day, but snuck out, dressed as a man and a group of teenagers on the mountain to trample the green.

Without seeing the yellow cigarette, Princess Liyang was a little angry. Seeing the mother of yellow cigarette also looked quite astonished, she immediately knew that the absence of yellow cigarette was not a blatant hiding from her, but was really not at home. Her eyes turned and she left with a smile.

She immediately ordered her heart to buy the maiden next to the yellow cigarette, and learned from the maiden what had happened to the yellow cigarette.

So I knew that every month and a half, I would go to the mountains with a group of teenagers.

Princess Yiyang waited at the foot of the mountain early in the next month pretending to be a man. Yellow cigarettes did not come soon. Yellow cigarettes were surprised to see Princess Yiyang dressed as a man. She wanted to turn around now, but the people didn't know the reason, they were reluctant to leave yellow cigarettes. Yellow cigarettes were reluctant to reveal the identity of their women, and they didn't want to lose the opportunity to travel with these partners in the future, so they were somewhat disturbed and left behind.

Huang Yan thought of so many men here. Even if Princess Liyang wanted to do something, she should not disregard her identity and fame. All she had to do was wait down the mountain to find a reason for these little partners to send her home.

So I went up a little bit.

People do not know the identity of Princess Luoyang, and those around Princess Luoyang have long suggested that yellow cigarettes should not reveal her identity. Even though yellow cigarettes do not want to have anything to do with the princess, as a princess, yellow cigarettes cannot be built.

Naturally, the princess does what she says.

Of course, she is also selfish, the princess's identity is not revealed, then her identity is an ordinary teenager, so that there are not so many taboos, there is no need to put up with identity problems, she can be far away from her, and since she is an ordinary person, if the princess has transgressed behavior, there is no need for her to say anything, these teenagers will not be able to watch, speak for her, so that she will be safer.

Although the minds are different, Princess Liyang is also proud of her personality. She is also enjoying herself with many people on the road, and she is not annoying. Although she is sticky with yellow cigarettes, she has not acted excessively. At best, in the eyes of the boys, the princess appreciates yellow cigarettes, and wants to make friends with them.

Yellow smoke, however, knew what Princess Liyang wanted to do. She responded very carefully. Until she went down the mountain, she was quite safe. She didn't make any mess, so she put a little refreshment on it. She was ready to go back to the city with several teenagers who had made an appointment on the mountain in order to avoid Princess Liyang.

Yellow smoke thought the princess would ask to go with her, who knew that Princess Liyang had nothing to say, but gave a few people a little hungry delicious pastry to get in their carriage and leave alone.

I am also a little tired of treading on a green day. Although they each bring food, they are still slightly worse in terms of flavor than the delicious pastries carefully prepared by Princess Liyang.

Several teenagers smelled the scent, and after the princess left, they couldn't help but eat a few pieces. The yellow cigarette stopped when she saw the princess go, but she refused to eat these delicious pastries, even if she was hungry, because she rejected the princess.

Who knows that when he walked halfway, the accompanying teenagers suddenly had unbearable abdominal pain, they could not sit steadily, and fell directly on the carriage. Yellow cigarettes, although dressed as men, are still women. At this moment, these teenagers are so unhappy, there is no care at all, they lie casually, and even squeeze on yellow cigarettes.

Yellow cigarettes really can't stay, she has to keep her identity leaked, even accidentally taken advantage of by a few teenagers, but Yellow cigarettes can't bear to watch them suffer so hard, harshly chase who of them out of the car to free up space. Then he got off the wagon himself. On the grounds that one person was less than one point in weight and the wagon could drive faster, so as to send them to medical attention in a timely manner, one person got off the wagon in the western suburbs and said to the wagon operator, after sending them to medical practitioners, he immediately hurried back to pick her up.

This western suburb is a bit desolate, it doesn't have much view, and the yellow cigarette is really tired and thirsty, and I don't want to take a step and simply go to a small slope nearby to rest.

There is a big tree on this small slope that can lean against the tree. Coincidentally, it is still a date tree. Some of the dates on the tree are already ripe. It is good for hungry and thirsty yellow cigarettes.

She was about to find some rocks and smash down some dates, when Princess Liyang slowly appeared in front of her with a smile.

Huang Yan suddenly felt bad and wanted to leave. Who knew, as if she had been prepared beforehand, she turned around and saw that there was a guard not far behind her. When she thought about it, she thought it was all arranged.

The princess deliberately left in an extremely tired position to go back to rest, relaxed her guard, moved her hands and feet in advance in the delicious pastry for the teenagers, deliberately caused the teenagers abdominal pain, forced her to leave the carriage ticket, and she herself had already arranged personnel to prevent her from running away.

With all this in mind, Yellow Cigarette regrets the blue intestines, knew she wasn't so smart to walk with those teenagers. No, I should have seen Princess Liyang's moment and left regardless of any dissuasion.

However, no matter how sorry she was, Huang Yang knew that Princess Liyang was fully prepared and would not let go easily, whether she walked or not.

She smiled bitterly and turned to Princess Liyang. "I've seen the princess. ”

Liyang couldn't hide his excitement and grabbed her by the hand. "The princess gave it to you. ”

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