Flash Marriage

Chapter 267: Then Go to Mu Fu

Because it concerns her, Mao Xinxin is unable to express her opinion. After all, it concerns her right as the head of the household.

Meng Disk Immortal didn't even have a wrinkle on his eyebrow. His tone was blunt. "I was entrusted by Aunt Xiu to take care of Meng Haotian. Then I will handle his personal safety, and I will guarantee his restraint. But his stepmother is the master mother of Meng Mansion, and the restraint should be again.

But it's just one. I want Meng Hao to live in peace. Nobody moves his life. ”

She promised Aunt Xiu to protect Meng Haotian, but that doesn't mean she has to take responsibility for parenting and teaching. It's the father's business.

It's also Mao Xinxin's business today.

Meng Haotian is a common man, without a mother and father, there is no threat to Mao Xinxin at all, so she is not at all relieved to give it to Mao Xinxin.

Meng Haotian's face changed slightly. He looked at the Dreambutterfly Fairy's eyes and was somewhat disappointed. However, he dared not say anything more and accepted this reality silently with his eyelids down.

After all, Mengdi Xian also made it clear that no one was allowed to touch his life, which was already worth the task of his mother's death.

Mao Xinxin listened to Mengdi Xianxian without any intention of arguing with her. She had to have a little sweat in her heart.

She thought Meng Butterfly Xian would be somewhat unhappy, but she didn't expect to be able to shed so much.

She had no hesitation in handing over all the accounts of the Mon province, all the internal affairs, and had no reservations whatsoever, and now even the management of the common man had no opinions.

You know, in the inner house, the common man is sometimes a more powerful force, and by harnessing the common man, the position and heart of the inner house can be more stable.

Although Mao Xinxin had a good relationship with Mengdi Xian, after all, they had a conflict of interest. To be honest, she was surprised that Mengdi Xian had exhibited spill-over and discontent since she entered the Mansion.

“Father, Disk Fairy said goodbye first. ”

Meng Dixian bowed politely, then turned around and left, and nobody dared to stop her.

I don't know why, everyone feels that Monkey Spirit has changed today, like a sharp sword that has been hidden inside the sword, out of the sword to show in front of the world.

Nearby, immortal and wounded!

Meng Dish Immortal came out of the study and went back to Beautiful Land to change clothes.

In the Garden, Mama Zhang sadly washed Mama Li's face, wiped her body, and changed Mama Li's favorite clothes for the weekday.

It was a coarse cloth old cloth, even a little misfit. It was a little uncomfortable to wear on Mama Li. Mengdi Xian saw it and couldn't help but wrinkle her eyebrows. “How can I wear this to Mama Li? Go find the most famous tailor in Beijing and make the best suits for Mama Li. ”

Mama Zhang stopped to hear the order and went to do something. She choked, "Miss, Mama Li has told me. If she walks in front of me one day, put this suit on her as a birthday suit.

She said that the dress was the day she left the estate with the lady, and the dress the lady had asked her to wear, let her know that the lady had grown up and did not need her protection, but could protect her instead.

Like all mothers looking at their daughters, she had the pride of having a daughter in her family when she grew up, and she had to remember this moment forever, and be proud to bless the lady underground, happy and well. ”

Moondisc Immortal instantly reddened her orbit. Mommy Li hungry with her in the estate and had long had deep feelings.

He's a servant, but he's like a mother and daughter.

Her heart has never hurt so much since she was reborn.

It's all her fault. It's all her fault.

If she hadn't insisted on Chen Huixiang dying in a much more tragic way, but getting rid of her earlier, Mama Li wouldn't have left her like this.

She should never make such mistakes again, her enemies, and she would never want them to live in peace and give them the opportunity to harm those around her again.

Meng Dixian reached out his hand and held Mama Li's hand, swearing in the dark, "Don't worry, I know that your greatest wish in life is to avenge my mother's death. I'll do it for you. My enemies, my mother's enemies, I won't let any of them go. ”

A little wetness flowed around the corner of Monkey Monk Fairy's eyes. She raised her head and tried to push that wetness back. Instead of having people prepare life vests for Mommy Li, she asked people to put all the precious jewelry in her room as a burial companion in Mommy Li's coffin.

Hold Mama Li's hand, which is already stiff and has no temperature, for a long time to let go.

She took a deep breath before turning around and taking Li Zanzheng and others to Mu Fu again.

After such a change, by the time of the arrival in Mu 'a, it was already sunset and the Mu 'a people were preparing dinner.

“Oops, your nose is really spirited. Your grandfather went up the mountain today and played wild. He still says he made half of it. Leave half for you to take tomorrow. You can come now. ”

Qiu Zhejiao pulled the monkey dish fairy to the dining table and couldn't help but urge people to serve quickly.

Mu Fu actually had a simple meal on weekdays. Today, because of the wild taste, a few dishes were added to make it look much richer.

Meng Dixian smiled, looked at Grandpa's smile, charitable eyebrows, nothing inappropriate, nothing on the face, and laughed back, "Is it not good for you to eat like this? Tomorrow? Should have sent it to me overnight today. ”

That delicate bullish tone made the Qiu family more happy. That's what the family should do. Qiu clamped the little nose of Mengdi Xian, “Look at your little mouth, eat it. ”

The maid has been carrying everything up.

At first glance, it turned out to be a wild boar.

“Cousin, eat, if you don't eat, we won't dare to touch the chopsticks. ”

Mu Qiaobai was playing funny, holding chopsticks in his hand and making a pitiful rush to eat.

Meng Dish Fairy's heart was just warm for a moment. Every time, she felt the warmth of this family at her grandmother's house. The warmth in her heart was hot.

Mu Xinbei also didn't know how it was with Li Xinru. The last time he had a wedding feast in Linguo, Li Xinru wore that thing, but it resembled Mu Fu's heirloom.

She returned quietly, “My cousin is so big, she still talks. Excuse me? ”

The joy on the table, the laughter, the family merged.

After the meal, Mengdi Xian pulled Grandpa and said, “Grandpa, Grandma must be tired. Let Grandma rest first. How about you teach me how to play chess? ”

“Cousin, if you want to play chess, I can teach you, why bother with Grandpa? ”

Mu Qibei was grabbing at the side of the conversation. In fact, he wanted to talk to Mengdi Xian about something. He didn't want Mr. and Mrs. Qiu to know. He deliberately said it in such a detour.

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