Flash Marriage

Chapter 2917 Misunderstanding

“Disk fairy, what do you think? You've got a lot of nerve not doing it and risking your life to get married.” It is a miracle that Mao Xinxin is still a little afraid to imagine how ugly and angry the face of the Emperor would be at that time, and didn't kill Meng Disk Immortal directly.

The British Duchess has always been noble, but she couldn't help but make jokes, which made her awe-inspiring atmosphere much more friendly, "How dare you? Or are you deeply in love with Sir Gu?” Meng Dixian laughed but didn't say anything. Let this pair of mothers and daughters make their own jokes. Some things are only good if they understand themselves, they can't talk to people, so it's okay to be misunderstood.

Then, Mengdi Xian is still flashing in his mind the face of the Prince of Witch Creek said in the Emperor that giving himself to Gu Juxi was a huge change.

His expression unexpectedly became extremely shady, but still flashed with the steadfastness necessary.

At that moment, she understood that the Prince of Witch Creek had not given up the idea of marrying him, but rather had to marry him.

“Disk Fairy, you know, it's really funny to recall the look on the face of the Prince of Witch Creek. But the marriage has been rejected. The Emperor has given him other noble women. He refused directly. I watched the marriage thing go away, but the prince did not intend to leave the Witch Creek country. I really don't know what he means?” Mao Xinxin said casually.

Monsieur Monsieur smiled slightly, "Naturally he has a purpose, and soon we will know. ”

She nodded at the view of the garden. The entire garden is filled with pavilion salmon, staircase cabinet, and countless flowers and weeds. There are Taizhou gold pines, forest trees, Zhou Shan Haitang, laurel, Tangcheng thick park, Yang Mei, even Texas water cedar, Jinzhou azaleas, red beans, mountain cherries... can build and own such a hongjiang pool, if it wasn't for the original bottom of the ancient emperor, it really wouldn't have been easy to do.

Mao Xinxin's hand fell on a water cedar, and he couldn't help but sigh: “This water cedar was still given to me by Wan Xin deliberately through the scenery and the princess when I was 20 years old. I must say, Wan Xin did have some skills, even such a sparse water cedar could be found. The key was that I was obsessed with water cedars during that time, so I always had an excellent impression of Wan Xin. If you hadn't made a big scene with Wan later, let me see the true face of Wan Xin a little bit, I would really think he was very good. ”

Mengdi Xian laughed: “The water cedar is really scarce, it will take a lot of effort to find it. ”

In fact, Meng Dish Immortal is too clear, Manchu is very likable, he can find you everything you want if he wants, gives you the feeling of being valued and valued immensely, but as long as he feels you are useless, he can also send you to hell.

To Mao Xinxin, of course, he would have tried to settle it. After all, the Emperor's relationship with the British Duke was unusual, and the British Duke was extremely fond of this daughter. Now, Wan Xin must have become an effective way to please and pull the British prince together because Wan Xin already exists to become the ruler of the world.

And the British Duchess sighed, "Yeah, unfortunately it's gone now, and it's going to be miserable. ”

The three of them walked forward, and the maidens behind them followed respectfully.

Turning around the garden, in front is a natural hill that digs a hole into an arch bridge. This hill says it is small, and after digging a hole, it is several times larger than a normal arch bridge.

The mountain is directly connected to the water. The water under the bridge is very soft. In the sun, it is even more intoxicating. The heart of the lake has also built an artificial island with overlapping landscapes.

At this point, the Monkey Monk Immortal suddenly saw a crowd of beautiful girls coming from not far away, and suddenly she stopped.

Mao Xinxin changed his face and was very uncomfortable. “This is a private garden. How did those people show up here? ”

She only invited Mengdi Xian today. She didn't invite anyone else, and her mother was here. Apparently, she didn't invite anyone. For those who shouldn't be here, Mao Xinxin didn't want to be polite at all. “Kick those people out and let the butler come over. He has hair on his head. He can't even let anybody in. ”

Meng Dish Immortal looked at it, but it didn't feel right, but it didn't have time to stop it. Where did Mao Xinxin already take people? Far from here, only one purple coat girl didn't know what to say. Between the three words, she was dumped by the beautiful girl, and all eyes were stared at.

Meng Disk Immortal frowned, the girl somehow broke into someone else's garden, let it go. It was inconsistent to say that she was in someone else's garden and left the owner of the garden with water. I really don't know whether to say that she didn't understand the world of love, or that she was arrogant and bullied.

She followed the British Duchess and carefully gauged the young girl across the street.

The girl's beautiful eyes were overwhelmed, and the beauty embryo that had escaped alive could not have survived, but what surprised her even more was that the girl was not someone else. It was Chen Hongfei, now renamed Huang Hung, who followed the Prince of Witch Creek Country.

Moreover, her appearance, although there are also traces of the age of previous life, has changed a lot. How can I say that she is a person and can be said to be completely alone, as if her face had been sculpted again, more beautiful, more moving, more three-dimensional.

The beauty of the sculpture, the direct loss of color to the surrounding scenery and people.

However, Mengdi Xian recognized her, but Mao Xinxin and the British Crown Lady did not recognize her. After all, Chen Hongfei had disappeared from everyone's view for too long, and at that time he was quite small, his appearance did not fully open, and he could not connect with what he was now.

Had she not been too familiar with Chen Hongfei, she would have gone deeper into the bone familiarity, and even she would have been difficult to recognize for a while.

Mao Xinxin was completely angry. This is his own territory. How can he allow others to be rash? Immediately, he was angry. "How dare you dare to hit my people in my garden. ”

Chen Hongfei glanced at Mao Xinxin with a smile on his face. “So what? ”

What an arrogant attitude!

Mao Xinxin was choked, silent for a moment, no one would ever respond like this. The guard in the vicinity of Hongjiang Pool came from all sides. Someone went to rescue the maid who had been thrown into the water, and the rest immediately pulled the knife with due diligence. “Dare you to come to the door and bully my master. ”

Who knows that the ten high-ranking guards brought by Chen Hongfei over there also dashed and pulled out the knife without showing any weakness.

Meng Dixian noticed that the cousin next to him looked wrong and asked, "What's going on? ”

Li Zanzheng looked at a man in the other guard with amazement and almost forgot to answer Mondi Xian's words.

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