Flash Marriage

Chapter 292: The Truth 1

She suddenly felt that the Queen suddenly had a distress. In the scene of Li Xinrubu, she did not just want to have something with Li Xinru, but to target Zhang Fuquan, and seemed to want to drop the downhole stone to move to him.

How can the Queen have such a heavy killing machine for Zhang Fuquan? Since when did Zhang Fuquan offend the Queen so much? Chen Gui, under the patronage of the Queen, could not help but argue, "This is just a slave, can you accuse me of slander with just one slave's words? She's talking to herself. Can she testify? Is that what the Penitentiary Department asks? ”

The nurse bit her teeth and then took out a porcelain bottle from her sleeve and said, "Your Majesty, the queen, the slave did not speak to herself, this thing was stolen by the slave who snuck into Zhang Fuquan's house. The slave did not want to be sent to Zhang Fuquan where he tortured him to death, let alone the Emperor by the poisonous hands of Chen Gui, and knowing that he had nothing to say, he risked his life to steal it.

This is exactly the poison in the liquor that day. The Emperor can prove the truth of what the slaves say by giving it a try.

This intestinal grass slave has never even heard of it before. It can be seen that it is very rare and precious. Such a thing must be worth even the city. If it is not given by the masters, the slave or sold, it cannot be broken off. Please check with the Emperor. ”

Indeed, intestinal grass is rare, even in the palace is rare, definitely not an old slave can have it, the words of the nurse convinced the emperor, his eyebrows congealed together, the light in his eyes is beating.

“Very good, Chan Gui. You're so good. I miss your service to me. The Chen clan has made a great mistake and been exterminated. I have not involved you, saved your life, and let you continue to be noble and enjoy the glory and riches. You are such a snake and scorpion heart. Dare to murder Princess Li and murder me instead. ”

Li Xinru's face was white, she grabbed the Emperor's sleeve, and she couldn't help but cry: “Your Majesty, Chen Gui murdered her concubine, she felt that her concubine had taken away her favor, the concubine would not say, but she could understand her. However, she actually had a more vicious mind about the Emperor. Her vengeance, Her Majesty, Chen Gui's heart is so vicious, it is just plausible. ”

The muscles on the Emperor's face twitched unconsciously, and his eyes were endlessly angry and indifferent when he looked at Chen Guiguan.

The silent right side suddenly added: “The heart of the Lady of the Queen's Palace is too vicious, Your Majesty, if you do not punish severely, just fear that there will never be a day of peace! The ministers were terrified. ”

Meng Dixian watched this scene indifferently, whether it was Li Xinru and Queen Lipu's Bureau or Li Xinru's self-directed Bureau, the queen pushed a little in it, but now it looks like the right phase has spoken, this is to force Chen Danlian's rhythm to die.

Meng Dixian looked at Li Xinru, she was inevitably surprised, Li Xinru's heart is so deep? She had always known that Li Xinru was not a simple big girlfriend show, but had always been arrogant and sophisticated, making her feel that Li Xinru was a Gao Jie who did not hesitate to do this.

But now it seems that the palace is truly a man-eating palace. Li Xinru just walked in, and it has turned harsh for the first time.

No, her eyes were on Li Xinru, and she saw a glimmer of resentment under Li Xinru's eyes with anxiety.

That resentment is not about the continuation of Chen Gui's emotions, but about her.

Yes, to her!

Li Xinru resents her!

Mengdi Xian paused for a while, Li Xinru this is...

Chen Gui fell on his knees before the Emperor, saying word for word, “Your Majesty, please believe in your concubine, your concubine is honored by the Emperor. When you enter the palace, you will serve the King with honor, prosperity and richness. You will not worry about your food. You will never be thankful in your heart. Later, the Chen clan made mistakes. The Emperor tolerated your concubine. In his heart, the concubine is truly grateful to the Emperor. I swear to serve the Emperor with all my heart and in return for his grace.

Don't say that the concubine is absolutely unwilling to harm the emperor. Even if he gives the concubine a hundred courage, the concubine won't dare. The concubine did not know anything about the severed gut grass, and did not work with Zhang Fuquan to harm the emperor. Please make sure the emperor believes in the concubine. The concubine definitely did not do anything to harm the emperor. ”

Chen Guizhen did give Xiangxiang to Zhang Fuquan, but her intention was simple: to cover Zhang Fuquan, the big red man who could talk to the Emperor in front of the Emperor, and wait for the matter of the left palace to pass for a while. When the Emperor almost forgot, let Zhang Fuquan follow in the Emperor and say a few good words for her.

After all, the life in the Deep Palace is terrible, and it is her long-lasting plan that will allow the Emperor to return to her heart and regain her love.

Once the Chen clan dies, she must regain her sacred heart if she is to survive. The enemy of the Chen clan is Meng Dish Xian, the Protector of the Kingdom. Chen Guizhen does not have that heart on the Emperor's head.

She sought revenge from the Emperor, even if revenge was his favorite.

Of course, there is absolutely no poison for intestinal grass. Even if she is dumb enough, she will not do this kind of thing in such a public event, in such a grand banquet. Whether it is against Li Xinru or the Emperor, it is impossible to do it.

Now she's so stigmatized, it goes without saying she knows who's hurting her.

Apart from these days, Li Xinru has been everywhere against her. She doesn't want to do it. As for the queen, hum, hurting their whole family, now she wants to take advantage of the opportunity to eradicate herbs, one wolf eating human beings, so vicious.

The emperor suddenly laughed and counted, then kicked Chen Gui's foot on him, and kicked Chen Gui's foot directly down the stairs. "Everyone listened, and the voice made me believe you. Then why did you let Xiang Xiang serve Zhang Fuquan? Was it the incense that willed? Is it incense that admires him? It's not like you have other thoughts. Hard is the life of a woman in exchange for her own purpose. That's exactly what the nurse stabbed you for today, so you don't have anything to lose. Otherwise, aren't we going to do it on the spot today? ”

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty...” Chen Guiguan rolled down the stairs, his face was scratched, his steps on his head swayed continuously, almost fell from his hair, looking very raw.

But nothing else could be said. I was completely frightened by the violence of the Emperor. I stayed on the spot and shut my mouth.

“Somebody.” The Emperor roared, and several guards immediately came in from outside the palace, "and put Chen Guiguan in jail and chopped him off. ”

Several guards immediately went forward and dragged Chen Gui out of the main hall. Everyone watched this scene. No one dared to speak up and no one sympathized with Chen Gui. After all, her heart caused Xiang Xiang to die tragically, which was truly unsympathetic.

Although it is up to the master to decide the life of the next person, you can't resist the death of the master, but the death method of Xiang Xiang is so tragic that these ladies and ladies have no sympathy at all.

There was a moment of silence in the palace.

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