Flash Marriage

Chapter 297: Left Direction

Gu Juxi looked up at her, "Father? What do you mean?”

Mengdi Xian smiled deeply, “Your father's situation may also be related to missing your mother, poison torture, and mental loneliness. If it wasn't for your involvement, maybe your father would have died long ago. The reason for hanging breath is hard. I believe your father must have been fighting the poison of torturing people because he didn't want you to be a fatherless child.

If you find your mother, maybe your father's spirit is comforting, under your mother's care, but slowly?

I'm having that shrink develop your father's poison, and maybe it'll be good news. ”

Gu Juxi's eyes lit up, "Are you saying my father's poison could be solved? Getting my mother back would give my father more certainty about detoxification? ”

Meng Dixian smiled, "Of course, your father's poison, half from the dead poison, half from the spirit, so it's important to make him happy and the key to detoxification. ”

Gu Juxi breathed heavily and his suddenly unacceptable face disappeared. He began to wonder how he could find the left face and then find his mother.

Meng Dixian saw this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the left phase, the knot of all the problems eventually returned to this person.

“Can your intelligence system have traces of the left side? I'm afraid he's hiding in another country now, and he can't find it unless he comes out on his own. ”

Gu Juxi smiled intoxicatingly: “Don't underestimate my connections between the other two countries...”

“So, what do you know?” Mengdi Xian knew that Gu Juxi Shentong was vast, but did not expect that he also had such connections in the three countries. To think about this, it would be equivalent to his probes in the other two countries.

It's not surprising that countries have been working with each other, lurking for decades. Where did Gu Juxi come from? Networks like this, without decades of operation, can't be reached.

“From the Emperor.” Gu Juxi seemed to know what Mengdi Xian was thinking, and said inappropriately, "It was given by the emperor at first, and then I followed the line and arranged it myself for a few years. It should be quite sizeable now.

Mengdi Xianpu laughed, “I'm afraid the Emperor would be disgusted if he knew you took his resources and developed your own power. Tell me, what do you know? ”

“I know that Left Side secretly colluded with the Prince of Witch Creek and tried to roll back. The first person to deal with is you, to put you to death.

The envoy sent by the Witch Creek Nation to China is about to arrive. The envoy's representative is Li Chong-chun, the prince of the Witch Creek Nation, with whom there is a left minister. ”

Turned out to be the prince of Witch Creek.

As far as she knows, Witch Creek is a country that attaches great importance to inheritance. The emperor is immortal, and the prince cannot be called emperor for one day, without Zen position.

The Emperor of the Land of Witch Creek has been lying ill in bed for many years. The state affairs have long been handled by the Prince, who is solely responsible, nominally the Prince, who is in fact the king of a country.

In terms of size and territory, the Witch Creek Nation is a great power, far greater than its own, and in terms of military strength, the Witch Creek Nation is also a slight winner.

The former princess of return can be so praised in the capital, leading her husband, the son of General Weiwu, to travel like that, all because of the strength of Witchbrook, and because he feels that his backstage is hard.

However, since the return of the former princess to the country of Witch Creek, the two countries began to fight evil. If not for the sickness of the Emperor of Witch Creek Country, the Prince may have fought directly to take power from several princes and establish his absolute voice and imperial power.

But this situation is also within the emperor's calculations, otherwise the emperor would not have sent the return without fear.

It turns out that Gu Juxi knew the whereabouts of the Left Phase for a long time. Now Meng Dish Fairy can't help but mock herself. "I thought my news was sensible, but even the cousin didn't know anything, but you already knew, and now it's all over your chest. ”

Gu Juxi stared at her and softened her voice: “You have been spinning around in the capital. Li Zheng's connections are limited to China, especially the palace. The Emperor of the Palace had long thought that the Left Hand had been annihilated by the Patron. Where will news come from? Li Zheng doesn't know, you naturally don't know. ”

Monsieur Monsieur smiled and one pair of eyes was like crystals of clarity, beneath the crystal, sparse flowers blooming quietly. She thought, compared to Gu Jiaxi, that her eyes were too small. If he hadn't collapsed the Blue Collar, she would have had to work hard to get rid of the Prince's proposal for marriage and avoid the pits laid from it.

The eyes and layout of men are indeed much wider than that of women.

“Well, when Left Phase comes back, your life won't be fine. Let's go out and relax while we have a chance.” Gu Juxi went forward and took down the embroidery in her hand.

Bad people.

Lee Chong-chun came with the Left Phase, it really wouldn't be a good thing.

Meng Dixian smiled, “Okay, Yulin, pack up and let's take a walk down the street. ”

The jade bowl and the jade forest listened, knowing that they could go out, they were happy for a moment, and went to prepare the carriage in a hurry. Less than half an hour, everything was ready.

Meng Dixian sat on the carriage, looking at the plate of fruit on the table of the carriage, Gu Zhuoxi still put it out like a trick. He couldn't help but laugh: “What's wrong with you, treat me like a child? You never took my kid. ”

Those fruits are tempting, but most importantly, they're cute, they're all lit up in pink colors, and at first glance, they're a little girl's dream rhythm.

Her heart was not the pink of a teenage girl's emotions, but the steadiness of a mature woman, who did not usually eat these fruits very often, and did not eat anything but a meal.

Gu Juxi knew her habit. Why did she make such a table today?

“Although you are mature and calm, unlike this age, which I love, you can't really deprive this little girl of her nature. You should be childish or childish so you can have more fun. Come on, eat. ”

Gu Juxi said with a smile. As he spoke, his eyes were slightly amber, causing palpitations.

Mengdi Xian's mood became a little warm: “Thank you, it's just me...”

“Well, don't say anything. You really don't look like this little girl. Try it later. ”

“What if after trying, I still don't like it? What if I wasn't a little girl at all?” Meng Dixian suddenly said so.

For a long time, no one knew her secret. He also thought she had only a premature mind, but otherwise, her mind was simply stuck in her twenties. It was a woman's attitude. Technically, she was bigger than Sir Xi.

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