Flash Marriage

Chapter 307: Earthquake Consequences

And the secret of the Yin Son on her is almost her charm, she can't marry her own son, let alone easily give complete trust in a man, and entrust her life to him.

Because if you make a mistake, it will be just like in previous generations.

For a long time, she restrained the strong palpitation knob of her head and left all those emotions out of her heart. She said, “Sir, I...”

Gu Juxi suddenly smiled and dropped the empty medicine bottle. He stood up and relaxed like a joke: “I hate to say these words, so I'll just say this once. If you've heard it, don't remember it in your heart. Anyway, I just remember it. ”

After that, he walked up to her and knelt down, "It's going to be dark soon, even if they don't find us, we can always go west and find our way back. Let's go.”

Is he going to hug her?

Meng Disk Immortal realizes that this is a good way to do it.

Her feet could not walk, and if she walked slowly along the way, she could not find anyone until dawn.

Without waiting for her to react, Gu Duxi's coarse hands stopped her from holding her back. Her face was right on his chin. She could feel his breath gently. In an instant, the distance between the two people was particularly close.

You can still feel his heartbeat, so loud and hard.

He held her tight and moved forward quickly.

And he could see and he could feel that Monkey Fairy's heart was like surrounded by thick ice, always looking at the people around him with cold eyes, and the world, not letting anyone near her, even if she had accepted him, with him, and when she faced him, the ice just melted a little bit.

Looking at Meng Butterfly Fairy was like seeing himself, and he was always looking at all the people around him with a cold eye.

It was the father who made him know that someone still loved her. Even when the father was like that, he still fought the virus for his sake, just to make him feel better, just to keep him from becoming a fatherless child.

For half an hour, Gu Juxi did not say a word, Mengdi Xian sighed in her heart. She felt that she was too straight, hurting each other's heart or something. Maybe she should speak a little more gently. After all, he was wholeheartedly for her own good.

Gu Juxi did not know that he had been put up with a traumatized brand, but the reason for his silence was the Lan Xin problem mentioned by Mengdi Xian. Lan Xin didn't feel anything for him. He seems to be causing trouble for Mengdi Xian now. He seems to have to solve Lan Xin's problem.

Both thought about the irrelevance of the wind bull and were caught in silence.

So, after a long time, walking a long way, she finally heard someone calling her name, and she hurried: "Put me down. ”

Gu Juxi knew that men and women were different. Even if his relationship with Mengdi Xian was unusual, he could not have any intimate contact with Mengdi Xian in front of outsiders, which damaged the reputation of Mengdi Xian.

So he releases his hand and puts her on the ground, and just puts the man down, he sees a bunch of people with him, and he rushes over worried.

“County lord! You're all right. Great!” My face worried looking at Mengdi Xian, “When the earthquake struck, my horse was shocked, and lifted me to the ground. When I stabilized my figure, the county chief disappeared. I only heard Lan Xin screaming. It took me a long time to find the county chief, but he worried me bad. ”

Meng Di Xian's heart is cold and despicable, what turns upside down, what worries, but when the danger comes, the subconscious protects herself first, where can she take into account her safety, saying that he still plays dead or not admitted, and now dare to say how to worry about him.

However, Mengdi Xian said politely: “I'm fine, worried about Wan Zi. Don't know how Lan Xin is? ”

“Lan Xin is fine, she was overwhelmed and fainted. His Excellency's people have taken her back to the Jazz Palace. ”

Wan Zheng went on to say, "Thanks to Li Zanzheng, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be able to find you so soon.”

Meng Disk Immortal had already seen a lukewarm cousin, seeing that he was not injured and relieved.

“Miss, are you hurt somewhere?” Cousin Li rushed over quickly.

"It doesn't matter, it's the ankle, it's inconvenient to walk. ”

As soon as I heard it, I was in a hurry. "I have good golden creative medicine for the healing of trauma. It was given to me by the Emperor. It works very well. Let me give you a bandage! ”

Speaking of which, he quickly approached, and there was no hidden attempt to lift the foot of the Monkey Skirt.

Gu Juxi's face changed, blocked in front of him, as cold as ice, “Wan Zi, men and women are not intimate, women's feet are even less visible to men, what do you want? Want to ruin the Mon County Master's honor? ”

I was going to break her name, force her to marry me, or marry me in a disgraceful way.

Wan thought hatefully and smiled. "I'm sorry, I was in a hurry. I didn't mean it that way. Please forgive Mon County Master for the rudeness. Let's go back to the doctor to see it, and this earthquake has also affected the capital city. What about all the mansions? Let's hurry back. ”

Meng Disk Immortal nodded, no one said anything more, and the walker hurried back to the city.

On the way back, Mengdi Xian saw and heard a lot of news. For example, there were already refugees all around the city. For example, there were robbers who robbed the city, Mizhuang and Qianzhuang.

Fortunately, Zhang Zhaoshan reacted in a timely manner, and brought Yin's palace in the capital of Jingzhao Prefecture, as well as Emperor Zhang Ming, transferred the Guard Army to temporarily control the situation in the entire capital.

She thought it was just a disaster near Kyoto, but she actually got to the city, and she said, "I heard that this earthquake affected half of Nanda's land, and it's worse."

“Oh, and Witch Creek Country?” Meng Dixian suddenly asked.

Wan shook his head and said: “I don't know, but the Prince of Witch Creek seemed to have been prevented from visiting. Halfway through the earthquake, he seemed to have been injured and returned to the country, temporarily cancelling his trip. ”

“Oh.” Meng Dixie nodded faintly, "What about the people around him? ”

Wan frowned. I don't understand why Mengdi Xian cares so much about the situation of the Prince of Witch Creek, but also so much about the people around the Prince?

He shrugged: "Those around the Prince of Witch Creek are seriously killed and injured. The specific casualty lists are confidential and we cannot detect them. ”

Meng Dixian seemed to get the answer she wanted, never asked any more questions, and she fell into silence.

Returning to Meng's house, Mengdi Xian saw the gate of Meng Mansion, still intact. It appears that the earthquake did not have a significant impact on the Mon province.

“The county chief is injured and needs to get a doctor to heal him as soon as possible. He will not be disturbed today and come back for a visit another day.” Worried with great concern.

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